Demand Plan Client

[To Demand Planning]


The Demand Plan Client MDI window consists of a menu bar, toolbar area, detail view, and a workspace.

Menu bar

The menu items are constant, regardless of which windows are displayed in the workspace. Commands in the menu bar enable you to navigate among parts and groups, as well as to indicate the toolbars and forecast windows that should be open in the toolbar and workspace areas. The different commands and choices are described below under Activities/Menu Choices.

Toolbar area

This area contains toolbars according to the server setup, user requirements, and work situation. Available toolbars are: Select Part, Select Flow, Select Unit, Select Sort Order, Select Season Profile, Select Classification Group, Select Timeline, Select Campaign, Select Status, Select Groups1-6, Trolley toolbar, and Query toolbar. These toolbars are dockable, meaning they can be dragged to another location within or outside the MDI window.


The workspace provides standard windows functionality in which the available system windows (Forecast Graph, Collaborate Partner Graph, Forecast Table, Aggregation Table, Explanation Variable Graph/Table, Period Profile Graph, Period Profile Table, Season Profile Graph, and Season Profile Table) can be arranged according to your needs.

Forecast comment

Field for adding a comment for the current forecast part/group selection. The added comment will be viewed in this field when the same forecast part/group selection is viewed in the future.

Status line

This is the line at the bottom of the screen. The first part (to the left) is used to write messages or non important error messages (such as divide by zero, form the forecast models). The next field is used to display the date/time and the result of the latest executed job. The next 3 fields show the state of the scroll, caps, and num lock buttons.

Activity Diagrams



Menu Choices


Forecast Setup Initiates the Forecast Setup dialog box, which enables you to enter the basic setup parameters for running the client.
Send to Makes it possible to send graphical user interface (GUI) objects, such as tables, graphs, and Info View, to others. For example, you might send an object to a mail recipient. You can set up the file types to use when sending objects in the Forecast Setup dialog box.
Change Password Opens the change password dialog that allowes to change password when Demand Plan Server is in non oracle autorization mode.
Backup Performs a backup of the Demand Plan server.
Exit Enables you to log off and terminates the client.


Previous Part (F5) Advances to the previous part in the selected flow and in accordance with the selected Sort Order. This also may be done by clicking the Previous button in the Select Part toolbar.
Next Part (F6) Advances to the next part in the selected flow and in accordance with the selected Sort Order. This also may be done by clicking the Next button in the Select Part toolbar.
First Part (Ctrl+F5) Presents the first part in the selected flow in accordance with the selected Sort Order.
Last Part (Ctrl+F6) Presents the last part in the selected flow in accordance with the selected Sort Order.
Group (F4) Switches the system over to group level. This may also be done by clicking the All button in the Select Part toolbar.
Refresh (F2) Recalculates the forecast when changes are made to the Adjusted Demand data. You can also do this by clicking the Refresh button in the Select Part toolbar.
Confidence Interval on/off) Displays the confidence intervals for the historical data. The dark gray area represents 1 standard deviation, while the lighter gray area represents 2 standard deviations.
Campaign Opens the Campaings dialog here you can make new and add parts to existing campaings.
Recurring Campaign Opens the Recurring Campaign dialog here you can make a new campaign based on another older campaign, can be used to handle movable holidays.
Copy Campaign Opens the Copy Campaign dialog here you can make a new campaing as a copy from an old campaing. Note that all the reciving parts of a campaing copy session will be approved.
Set Part Fixed/Unfixed Sets the part/group to have either a fixed or not fixed market share. All parts/group will receive a not fixed market share after the create forecast job runs.
Remove Leading Zeros When selected it will remove the parts leading zero periods in historical demand
Add Explanation Variable Opens adding a new explanation variable dialog box, where you can add a new explanation variable. The explanation variables can be connected to only one part or group of parts, to one or more flows, or to all (global).  
Edit Explanation Variable Opens  editing a existing explanation variable dialog box, where you can edit an existing explanation variable. Using this option will allow you to only edit the connections of the variable. The selection of which variable to edit is done in the Explanation Variable Graph/Table.
Refresh Explanation Variable Refreshes loads the data from the forecast part that the explanation variable is connected to. (The variable selection is done in the Explanation Variable Graph/Table.) 
Remove Explanation Variable Deletes the selected variable. (The variable selection is done in the Explanation Variable Graph/Table.) 
Undo To undo the last action you performed, click Undo. If you click Undo again, you will undo the action you performed before that, and so on down the list.
Redo To redo the last action you undid, click Redo.
Approve To approve the chage made to the forecast, only approved forecasts will be used for IPR calculations. If you do approve on a group or combined flow level all the base flow part members will be aproved. A group or combiend flow level is only considered approved when all its base flow member parts are approved. You can turn on auto approve in the demand plan server setup dialog by duing this the parts will automaticaly be approved when you move to the next.
Check Checks this part / group. Used to mark a part / group that has been taken a forecasting action on. This function can be used to filter out parts that are unchecked, or to only look at parts that has been checked after a certain number of periods. Can be useful during analysis of forecast accuracy etc. Selecting sets the checked date of the part.
Publish Opens the the dialog to publish the current part / group to users.


Create New Scenario Creates a new forecast scenario, the new scenario will be a copy of the main (0) scenario, but you can change the forecast model and the parameters will change the adjusted forecast and events individually for each scenario. All scenarios will be deleted after the next create forecast cycle. The historical forecast and events will be stored form the main scenario.
Copy Scenario Copies forecast model, parameters, and adjusted forecast periods from a scenario to another scenario See Copy Scenario.
System to Adjusted (Shift+F4) Copies the values in the System Forecast to the Adjusted Forecast. This also may be done by clicking the Copy System to Adjusted button in the Select Part toolbar.
Collaborate to Adjusted Copies the values in the Collaborate Forecast to the Adjusted Forecast. This function is available only from the menu.
Adjusted to Budget Copies the values in the Adjusted Forecast to the Budget line. This function is available only from the menu.
Adjusted to Target sales plan Copies the values in the Adjusted Forecast to the Target Sales Plan line. This function is available only from the menu.
Target Sales Plan to Adjusted Copies the values in the Target Sales Plan to the Adjusted forecast. This function is available only from the menu.
Budget to Adjusted Copies the values in the Budget to the Adjusted forecast. This function is available only from the menu.
Best fit forecast parameters Finds the best forecast parameters for the selected forecast model the parameter result is placed in the fields so it is used only for the current period forecast. For details on the parameter search, see the information about best fit in the Forecast Models help file.
Recalculate historical forecast Recalculates the historical forecast on the current part only, using the current selected forecast parameters (model, parameters and season profile). This updates the MAE, Value MAE, MAPE, ME, PVE ,and Tracking signal forecast error parameters for the part with the system forecast performance. This resets all previous user adjustments and uses the system forecast suggestions instead. 

Season Profile...

New Season Profile Creates a new Season Profile. The default index value is 1 for all periods.
Save Saves the active Season Profile. This is used either to save a new profile or to update an existing one. See profile save dialog.
Delete Season Profile Deletes the season profile.
Normalize Season Profile The figures you have entered or pasted into the Season Profile Table (or whatever profile has been drawn in Season Profile Graph) are used by the system when this is selected. This adjusts the current Season Profile so that the sum of the seasonal indexes matches the number of periods defined for the year (Shortcut key: Ctrl+F4).
Copy System Profile to Season Profile Copies the system season profile to the adjusted season profile, just like system and adjusted forecast in the forecast graph.
Find best Season Profile Finds the best season profile match (from the profile library) for the current part/group. The best profile match is placed in the season profile field so it is used only for the current period forecast. (it is not set in the std season profile field). For details on the matching see Season indexes (matching profiles)

Period Profile..

New Period Profile Creates a new period profile
Save Period Profile Saves the period profile (automatic normalize's it first). See profile save dialog.
Delete Period Profile Deletes the current period profile.
Normalize Period Profile Normalize's the period profile, so you can examine the real day weights.

Weekly Profile..

New Weekly Profile Creates a new weekly profile
Save Weekly Profile Saves the weekly profile (automatic normalize's it first). See profile save dialog.
Delete Weekly Profile Deletes the current weekly profile.
Normalize Weekly Profile Normalize's the weekly profile, so you can examine the real day weights.


Clear Part In Group Clears the blue list in the Select Part list combo after a group selection has been displayed
Copy Down Displays the Copy Down dialog. This also may be done by clicking the Copy Down button in the Select Part toolbar.
Distribute adjustment Displays the Distribute Adjustment dialog. This also may be done by clicking the Distribute Adjustment button in the Select Part toolbar.
Forecast Wizard Starts the forecast wizard which helps you to find the right forecast model and parameters for the part. Forecast Wizard.


New trolley Creates a new empty trolley.
Open trolley Opens the trolley combo box.
Save trolley Saves the current trolley.
Delete trolley Deletes the current trolley.
Add part to trolley Adds the current part to the trolley.
Remove from trolley Removes the current part from the trolley.
Send Trolley Sends the open trolley to mail recipients.


This turns on/off the Status Bar and these eight available Demand Plan Client windows: Forecast Table, Forecast Graph, Season Profile Table, Season Profile Graph, Period Profile, Explanation Variable Graph/Table, Collaborate Partners Graph and Aggregate Table.


Toggles available toolbars on/off. Toolbar options include: Select Part, Select Flow, Select Season Profile, Select TimeLine, Select Unit, Select Sort Order, Select Classification Group, Select Campaign, Select Status and Select Group1-6.

Turns on/off the Detail View.

Turns on/off the Forecast Comment field.


Provides options for arranging all open windows in the workspace by cascade, tile horizontal, or tile vertical. A list of all open windows is presented at the bottom of the menu with a check mark indicating the active window.


IFS Demand Plan Help, opens this page.

About Demand Plan Client
