Profile Graph

[To Demand Planning]


Use this window to view a graphical presentation of the period profile or weekly profile selected in the detail view of the Demand Plan Client (Period Profile or Weekly Profile fields). The x-axis unit is time (days) from the first day to the last day of a profile. The y-axis unit is the profile index

To switch between viewing the period profile or the weekly profile click on the tabs at the top of the graph. The active tab also determines how the right click menu operates. When you switch between the period profile and the weekly profile the Period Profile Tab shows the same profile as you have selected in the graph.

The y-axis is automatically scaled to fit the data presented. If the window is too small to fit all the data onto the x-axis, scrolling buttons are activated in the bottom left and right corners of the window. You can also scroll through the graph by dragging the x-axis scale in the desired direction. 

There exist no table for period profiles only this graph:

Element Color Read/Write Description
Period Profile wpe17.jpg (784 bytes) Write The user adjusted period index.
System Profile wpe18.jpg (775 bytes) Read-only A flat line showing the even no period index value. This line will show the real period distribution of the parts using the period profile. This distribution will be developed over time, made during create forecast.

Note that upon creating the period/weekly profile the system profile is a flat line, the system profile will be created over time based on the sales of all parts connected to the profile. The creating is based a EWMA smoothing process that has the previous system profile as a basis for the EWMA. The alpha used is set in the registry of the Demand Plan Server Machine, default value is 0.2.


The legend is a vertical bar in the right side of the window. It can be maximized or minimized by using the appropriate buttons in the upper part of the legend area: wpe14.jpg (731 bytes) and wpe15.jpg (716 bytes) respectively. When maximized, use the legend to select the data elements that are to be presented in the graph, as well as to view the colors representing each element.

Notes button wpe13.jpg (750 bytes)

This presents the following information when you point at or drag one or several periodical data elements: the specific data element, the specific period, and the on-line value.

Normalize button wpe12.jpg (730 bytes)

After changes have been made to the period/weekly indexes, they must be normalized, i.e., recalculated so that their sum becomes equal to the number of days in a period. A detailed description can be found in About Period Profiles or About Weekly Profiles. Depending on the active tab. When normalized the sum of all days equals to 100.

Graph adjustments

Data in a profile may be altered directly in the graph by dragging the graph elements. The system displays the on-line value of the periodical elements as they are dragged if the Notes function is activated.

Advanced graphical adjustments are made possible by using the Ctrl and Shift buttons when dragging:

Key Name Description
- Single period Drag an individual profile element up or down directly in the graph to raise or lower the profile day value.
Shift Straight line Drag an index value to the right while holding the Shift key to arrange the elements in a straight line from the initial position of the period to where it was finally dropped.
Ctrl Level Hold the Ctrl key while dragging any profile element up or down to raise or lower all elements of this type equally.
Shift+Ctrl Free Draw Hold the Shift+Ctrl key while dragging any profile element up or down to draw a freeform line of profile.

Activity Diagrams



Demand Plan Work

Menu Choice Activity
Copy as Bitmap Copy the graph to the clipboard. After this command it is possible to paste the graph into e.g. mails, word.
New Period Profile Creates a new period/weekly Profile, depending on the active tab.
Save Normalizes and save's the current period/weekly profile, depending on the active tab.
Normalize Period Profile Normalizes the period/weekly profile, depends on the active tab.
Legend Turn legend on/off.
Tool Tip Turn post it notes on/off.
