Select Sort By Toolbar

[To Demand Planning]


Use this toolbar to select the sort order among forecast parts. Switching the sort by value changes the order of the parts in the Select Part toolbar. In addition, it affects the part number the system will select when you use the Previous or Next buttons in the Part menu item. The colored selections on the list are called snapshots. Their sorting changes when you change the forecast or adjusted demand. The uncolored lists change only when the server creates new forecasts for a new period. This sort selection can also be used to sort the flows in the flow list, see select flow.

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Activity Diagrams



Select Sort Order


wpe23.jpg (777 bytes) Open Opens the contents of the Sort Order combo box.


This window contains:

Sort Order: The system offers sixteen ways of sorting the parts: Part No, Description, MAE, Value of MAE, ME, MAPE, PVE, Phase in, Phase out, Percent Used, Absolute RME, Created Date, Tracking Signal, Percent Adjusted/System, Percent Adjusted/Budget, Outliners, Forecast Model, Historical length, Sum Adjusted forecast, Sum Inventory value adjusted forecast, Sum sales price adjusted forecast, Sum net weight adjusted forecast, Sum flow value adjusted forecast and Attention list. The last fourteen (colored) are of the snapshot type. MAE, Value of MAE, ME, MAPE, PVE and Tracking Signal are described in the Detail View page and Forecast measurements

The Part No and Description are lists sorted according to the part number or the description.

The MAE, Value of MAE, ME, MAPE, WMAPE, MSE, PVE, Absolute RME, Created Date, Tracking signal are lists sorted according to one of these values, the biggest value is always on the top of the list.

The Phase In is a list sorted (descending) according to the phase in date. Note part marked with light green is the part that has the phase in date closest to to days date. This green mark are not visible when a group coloring is present.

The Phase out is a list sorted (descending) according to the phase out date. Note part marked with light green is the part that has the phase in date closest to to days date. This green mark are not visible when a group coloring is present.

The Percent Used list gives the part where the demand has 'used/consumed' most of the forecast in the current period. This sorting requires that Aggregate Daily Job is set to be executed. See Scheduling

The Percent Adjusted/System list gives the part with the most adjusted forecast at the top.

The Percent Adjusted/Budget list gives the part with the greatest difference between the adjusted forecast and the budget.

The Outliner gives the part with the most recent and biggest outliner first, and so on. An outliner is a part that has a demand period outside of 2 standard deviation.

The Forecast Model selection sorts the list according to the forecast model used to calculate the current forecast. Starting with the manual model then moving average and so on.

The Historical length list sorts the parts according to the length of the parts historical demand (the length of the adjusted demand line is used).

The Sum Adjusted forecast sorts the list according to the sum of the adjusted forecast.

The Sum Inventory value adjusted forecast sorts the list according to the sum of the adjusted forecast where the forecast is weighted based on the inventory value field in detail view.

The Sum sales price adjusted forecast sorts the list according to the sum of the adjusted forecast where the forecast is weighted based on the sales price field in detail view.

The Sum net weight adjusted forecast sorts the list according to the sum of the adjusted forecast where the forecast is weighted based on the net weight field in detail view.

The Sum flow value adjusted forecast sorts the list according to the sum of the adjusted forecast where the forecast is weighted based on the flow value field in detail view.

Attention list sorts the list according to which part has the highest forecast error in value and at the same time is considered the easiest to improve. This list is based on the Value of MAE and the MAPE fields in detail view. The parts Value MAE and MAPE is entered in a diagram then the highest valued MAE and the highest MAPE values define a worst case point. The part on the top of the list is the part where the distance from this point (worst case) and to the part itself is smallest. Then the second closest and so on. Se Graph. The idea is that the fist part in the list is the part where your forecasting effort will be most valuable and at the same time it is the part where your effort is most likely to have the most positive impact.

Adjustment factor sorts the list according to which part has the smallest (largest negative) adjustment factor, this is the part where the manual overrides of the forecast has had the highest positive impact.

Season Profile Match sorts the list according to which part where the selected season profile has the poorest match from the parts measured seasonal pattern. Parts without seasonal profiles is at the bottom of the list. The sort is based on the field Seasonal Correlation in detail view.

The colored lists are called 'snapshots' because their sort order changes when you change the forecast parameters, make an adjustment to the forecast, etc. Thus, the lists are only a picture of how the situation looks like right now.