Planned Non-Invoice Payment—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own company and with your own supplier to maintain your data integrity. If you work with any other objects, your exercises will not function as intended and the data of other students might be affected. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own company.

Main Exercise

Enter  Non-Invoice Payment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to register planned non-invoice payment i.e. Recurring Supplier Payment and Non-Supplier Payment. New object with amount and planned payment date is registered.

Enter Recurring Supplier Payment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a recurring supplier payment.

Recurring Supplier Payments

  1. Open the Recurring Supplier Payments window, and create a new record. 
  2. Specify supplier, payment method, text and save the record.
  3. Right-click and then click Details. Window Recurring Supplier Payment Details will be opened.
  4. In the header right-click and then click Generate Installment Plan.
  5. In dialog window which appears specify the Start Date, Amount of each installment, Number of installments and frequency in which payments will be made. Click OK. See that installments has been created in the detail part.
  6. Click in the detail part and add new row manually. Specify Amount, Planned Payment Date, Authorizer and save.
  7. Authorize few items in the detail part by clicking the Authorized check box.

Enter Non-Supplier Payment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter Planned Non-Supplier Payment. The recipient should be registered in form External Payment Recipient.

Non-Supplier Payments

  1. Open the Non-Supplier Payments window, and create a new record.
  2. Enter planned payment date, amount, currency, payment method, recipient id, authorizer, account, tax code and save.
  3. Authorize the row by clicking the Authorized check box.

Create Payment Proposal

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create payment proposal with recurring supplier payment items and planned non-supplier payments included.

Supplier Payment Proposals

  1. Load new payment proposal. In the dialog mark check boxes Include Recurring Payments, Include Non-Supplier Payments. Specify Until Plan Pay Date later than planned payment date on registered objects in previous exercises.
  2. Verify that recurring supplier payments and planned non-supplier payments has been included in the payment proposal.

General exercise for Load Payment Proposal
General exercise for Acknowledge Payment Proposal

Create Payment Order

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create payment order with recurring supplier payment items and planned non-supplier payments included. Verify that file or report which is created contains new objects registered in previous exercises. The generated file and report are sent to bank in order to execute the payment.

Supplier Payment Proposals

  1. Select your payment proposal, right-click and then click Create Payment Order. The Create Payment Order window appears. Specify Payment Method used on registered recurring supplier payments and planned non-supplier payments.
  2. Verify that recurring supplier payments and planned non-supplier payments has been selected to the payment order.

General exercise for Create Payment Order

Enter Mixed Payment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to register payment which was executed in bank.

Recurring Supplier Payment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to register executed Recurring Supplier Payment.

Mixed Payment

  1. In the Mixed Payment window go to Transactions tab and add new record. 
  2. Specify transaction type Acknowledge Supplier Payment Order. The Mixed Payment Transaction Date should be set to the Payment Date on the payment order details. The transactions are fetched automatically to the matching dialog. Save the row.
  3. Select the payment transaction line, right-click and then click Match Payment.
  4. In the matching dialog which will be opened verify that recurring supplier payment items are fetched from the payment order. See the columns Recurring Payment Id, Recurring Payment Item Id, which should point to the selected recurring payment item.

Planned Non-Supplier Payment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to register executed Planned Non-Supplier Payment.

Mixed Payment

  1. In the Mixed Payment window go to Transactions tab. In the child table right-click and then click Open Non-Supplier Payments
  2. Highlight one or more rows and press OK.
  3. Selected items will be copied to the Transactions tab. Direct Cash Payment transaction will be created with the reference to the Planned Non-Supplier Payment and Payment Order Item Id. Save the data.
  4. Register Direct Cash Payment transaction manually. Go to the column Non-Supplier Payment Id, use List of Values to enter the value. Save the row.

General exercise for Enter Mixed Payment

Approve the Mixed Payment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to approve a Mixed Payment with the recurring supplier payment and planned non-supplier payment included. See the postings created and status of the objects changed.

Mixed Payment

  1. In the upper part of the Mixed Payment, right-click and then click Approve. Click OK in the dialog windows which appear.
  2. To analyze the payments and voucher created, use the following query windows:
  3. To see the status of the Recurring Supplier Payment, query for it in Recurring Supplier Payments window.
  4. To see the status of the Planned Non-Supplier Payment query for it in the Non-Supplier Payment window.

General exercise for Approve Mixed Payment