Mixed Payment—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own company and with your own customers and suppliers to maintain your data integrity. If you work with any other objects, your exercises will not function as intended and the data of other students might be affected. Predictable exercise results require that your data must be isolated in your own company.

Basic Data Setup

Tax Codes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a new tax code to be used in the following exercises.

Tax Codes

  1. Open the window and populate.
  2. Highlight one of the existing tax codes, for example, tax code 1.
  3. Create a duplicate, change the identity of the tax code to P1, change Valid From to a previous date. The tax methods can be Invoice Entry or Payment.
  4. Save your changes.

Code Part Values

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter code part values which can be used for pre-posting.

Code Part Values

  1. Open the Code Part Values window and populate. The code part values of code part B will be loaded. Note: The window will display the user-defined names for the code parts used in your company.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a code part value and a description.
  4. Save the information.

Posting Control

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up posting control for the new tax code to be used in the following exercises.

Posting Control

  1. Open the window and query for posting types where Control Type = AC7 (tax code).
  2. As a result, you will have a number of tax-related posting types, among others IP4 and PP45.
  3. Highlight the line with posting type IP4, right-click and then click Details.
  4. Add your new tax code. You can also create a duplicate of tax code 1 here.
  5. Save and close the Posting Control Details window.
  6. Highlight the line with posting type PP45, right-click and then click Details.
  7. Add your new tax code. You can also create a duplicate of tax code 1 here.
  8. Save and close both windows.

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up posting control to use pre-posting for e.g. Supplier Payments in Advance.

Posting Control

  1. Open the Posting Control window and search for posting type PP37 (Supplier Payment in Advance). As a result, you should get posting type PP37 for code part Account.
  2. Click New, enter Posting type PP37, select the code part name for code part B using the List of Values and enter AC2 as control type.
  3. Save the information.
  4. Code part B should not be blocked in the code part requirements for the account(s) used by posting type PP37.

Cash Accounts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to limit the number of transaction types to be used in Mixed Payment for a specific Cash Account.

Cash Accounts

  1. Open the window and populate.
  2. For the cash account you want to use in the following exercises, set the Balance Method to Detailed.
  3. Save.
  4. Highlight the cash account, right-click and then click Trans Type per Cash Account.
  5. Clear the Used check box for all types beginning with "Acknowledge..." and "Cash...".
  6. Change the sort order for the remaining types if preferred.
  7. Save.

Collection Level in Reminder Template

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define reminder levels as collection level.

    Reminder Templates

  1. Open the Reminder Templates window and search for the templates which has the Create Reminder check box selected.
  2. Click on the Reminder Levels tab and ensure that each template has a collection level selected.

Required Data

Create Customer Invoices

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter the data required to run the Mixed Payment functionality.

  1. Enter or create a few invoices for three different customers.  Enter at least one invoice in a currency other than your accounting currency.

Link to Manual Customer Invoicing

Create Customer Invoices for Other Company

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter the data required to run the Mixed Payment functionality.

  1. Create Customer Invoices in another company other than your default company for one of your customers.

Link to Manual Customer Invoicing

Enter and authorize Supplier Invoices

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter the data required to run the Mixed Payment functionality.

  1. Enter a few invoices for three different suppliers.
  2. Authorize the invoices/installments for payment.

Link to Arrival Entry Supplier Invoice

Link to Authorize Supplier Invoice

Enter and authorize Supplier Invoices for other company

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter information required to create a multi-company supplier payment using mixed payment functionality.

  1. Enter a supplier Invoice in another company other than your default company for one of your suppliers.

  2. Authorize the invoices/installments for the payment.

    Link to Arrival Entry Supplier Invoice

    Link to Authorize Supplier Invoice

Mixed Payment

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to enable users to enter various types of payments into the Mixed Payment process.

The Mixed Payment process is used to enter payment transactions that have affected a Cash Account, such as cash receipts from customers and disbursements to suppliers based on for example bank statement. You can also use Mixed Payment to enter several payment transactions within one payment, with possible matching of invoices/installments. You can enter customer and supplier payments, you can confirm payment orders that were sent to, and confirmed by a payment institute, you can cash checks or bills of exchange and you can enter movements on the cash account that is not related to either AP nor AR ledgers. Any transaction that affect the balances of cash accounts, can be entered in the Mixed Payment.

The following exercises will not cover confirmation (acknowledgement) of payment orders or cashing of bills or checks, as those exercises are included in each of those processes.

In the following exercises, you will enter payment transactions one at a time, in the same Mixed Payment. When the Mixed Payment is approved, a voucher will be created including all these payment transactions. If you would like to see how each exercise is posted, you can approve the Mixed Payment after each exercise, and then start the next exercise by initiating a new Mixed Payment.

To receive a customer payment in a currency other than the invoice or accounting currency, change the currency to the payment currency when entering the mixed payment transaction line.

To see the difference between using balance methods Detailed and Group, go through the following exercises twice, once for each balance method.

Enter a Customer Payment with Invoice Matching

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a customer payment and match it with several invoices.

Mixed Payment

  1. Open the window and click New.
  2. Enter your Cash Account or use the List of Values for the Cash Account field. You will get default values for currency, currency rate, and balance method if you have defined a default balance method for this account.
  3. Set the Balance Method to either Detailed or Group.

Note: If you are entering information from a bank statement document, you probably have an opening and closing balance on the document. Those balances can be entered, in order to see the "remaining amount" during entry of the transactions. If you, as in this case, leave the balance fields empty, the "remaining amount" will just add up during transaction entry.

  1. Click the Transactions tab.
  2. Create a new line. In the Mixed Payment Transaction Type list, click Enter Customer Payment.
  3. Use the tab key to move to the Customer/Supplier field where you enter the identity of your customer. You can also use the List of Values.
  4. Enter an Amount that will cover two of the invoices/installments for this customer. A positive amount, as a customer payment has a "positive effect" on the cash account.
  5. Save the payment transaction.
  6. Highlight the payment transaction line and click Sel. Batch in the Matching Transactions part of the window.
  7. The Select Batch of Invoices window is now displayed and populated with open ledger items if the Auto Populate check box is selected.
  8. If the Auto Populate check box is not selected, click Populate to get all open items of the payer.
  9. Select two of your invoices/installments and click OK. The invoices/installments will now be copied to the matching transactions.
  10. If there is a remaining amount in the matching transactions sub-window header, the amount on the payment transaction will not match the two invoices/installments. You can then either change the paid amount for one or both invoices/installments, or change the amount on the payment transaction after having confirmed the matching.

You have now completed the first payment transaction in the Mixed Payment, and can continue with the next exercise.

Note:  In order to receive payment in a currency other than the invoice currency or the accounting currency, change the currency in the transaction row to the payment currency after selecting the Payment Type.

Enter a Customer Payment for an Invoice

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a customer payment and match it with one invoice/installment.

Mixed Payment

  1. As we continue in the same Mixed Payment as in the previous exercise, stay in the Transactions tab.
  2. Create a new line. In the Mixed Payment Transaction Type list, click Enter Customer Payment
  3. Use the tab key to move to the Ledger Item Series ID field to enter the series ID for the invoice to be paid, or use the List of Values.
  4. In the Ledger Item No. field, enter the number of the invoice to be paid, or use the List of Values.
  5. In the Installment Id field, enter the number of the installment to be paid, or use the List of Values
  6. The customer identity and amount from the invoice/installment is now displayed in the payment transaction.
  7. Save the payment transaction.

You have now completed the second payment transaction in the Mixed Payment, and can continue with the next exercise.

Enter a Customer Payment on Account

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a payment received from a customer without knowing what is being paid for. Therefore, we will enter the payment without matching with invoices.

Mixed Payment

  1. As we continue in the same Mixed Payment as in the previous exercise, stay in the Transactions tab.
  2. Create a new line. In the Mixed Payment Transaction Type list, click Enter Customer Payment
  3. Use the tab key to move to the Customer/Supplier field to enter the identity of the customer from whom you received the money. You can also use the List of Values.
  4. Enter the paid amount. A positive amount, as a customer payment has a "positive effect" on the cash account.
  5. Save the payment transaction.

Note: Since this payment is not matched with invoices/installments and only the customer is specified, a Payment on Account will be created when the Mixed Payment is approved. This Payment on Account can later be offset with customer invoices/installments.

You have now completed the third payment transaction in the Mixed Payment, and can continue with the next exercise.

Enter an Unspecified Customer Payment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a received amount of money to our Cash Account without knowing where it came from.

Mixed Payment

  1. As we continue in the same Mixed Payment as in the previous exercise, stay in the Transactions tab.
  2. Create a new line. In the Mixed Payment Transaction Type list, click Enter Customer Payment
  3. Use the tab key to move to the Amount field to enter the paid amount. A positive amount, as a customer payment has a "positive effect" on the cash account.
  4. Save the payment transaction.

Note: Since this payment is not matched with invoices/installments, nor is any customer identity specified, a Parked Customer Payment will be created when the Mixed Payment is approved. This Parked Payment can later be offset with customer invoices/installments.

You have now completed the fourth payment transaction in the Mixed Payment, and can continue with the next exercise.

Enter a New Customer Difference Item on a Transaction Level

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a new difference item for a customer without matching invoices, e.g. for a return debit note.

Mixed Payment

  1. In the Transactions tab of the Mixed Payment window, create a new line. And, In the Mixed Payment Transaction Type list, click Enter Customer Payment
  2. In the Payer/Payee field where you enter the identity of your customer the city of the default document address of the customer will be shown.
  3. Enter a negative amount as the new item. This will be debited to the customer. The amount reduces the balance of your cash account.
  4. Select the New Item check box: The New Item Invoice Type field has the Customer Difference Item Invoice Type from the company, and the Series ID field has the series ID connected to this invoice type.
  5. If the series ID has no automatic numbering you have to enter a value in the Inv/Prepaym No field. 
  6. Save the payment transaction. A new record is automatically created in the Matching Transactions sub tab with the tax code and payment terms from customer basic data. Note: It is not possible to save the payment transaction if the customer has no default tax code in basic data. In this case the new item has to be created in the matching transactions and the tax code has to be entered manually. 
  7. Change the suggested tax code, payment terms and pay term base date if applicable.
  8. In the Difference Code field, enter your new difference code RD (created in basic exercises) or select it from the List of values. The Print Difference Notice check box will automatically be selected if the check box is selected in the entered difference code.
  9. Enter an internal text to explain the reason for creating this item in the Text field of the new item. This text will be visible as notes on the ledger item after approving the mixed payment, and can be printed in the difference notice or in reminders.
  10. Save the changes.

Note: The tax code used for the new difference item will not create tax postings when approving the mixed payment. The tax code is only needed for tax reductions if the new item is not fully paid, e.g. if write-off, discount or deductions are applied later.

Note: You have now completed the fifth payment transaction in the Mixed Payment, and can continue with the next exercise.

Enter a Supplier Payment in Advance

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter an advance payment made to a supplier to start the work we have ordered. The supplier will later send an invoice, which we will then match with this Payment in Advance. A pre-posting shall be added to the payment in advance.

Mixed Payment

  1. As we continue in the same Mixed Payment as in the previous exercise, stay in the Transactions tab.
  2. Create a new line. In the Mixed Payment Transaction Type list, click Enter Supplier Payment
  3. Use the tab key to move to the Customer/Supplier field to enter the identity of the supplier to whom we sent the money. You can also use the List of Values.
  4. Enter the paid amount. A negative amount, as a supplier payment has a "negative effect" on the cash account.
  5. Continue to the Payment in Advance check box column and select this.
  6. Go on to the Tax Code column and enter your new tax code.
  7. The tax amount will now be calculated and displayed.
  8. In the code part fields, enter a code part value for your code part B as a pre-posting.
  9. Save the payment transaction.

Note: This Payment in Advance which will be created when the Mixed Payment is approved can later be offset with supplier invoices/installments.

Note: You have now completed the sixth payment transaction in the Mixed Payment, and can continue with the next exercise.

Enter a New Supplier Difference Item on a Matching Level

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a new difference item for several matched supplier invoices, and instantly write-off the difference item.

Mixed Payment

  1. As we continue in the same Mixed Payment as in the previous exercise, stay in the Transactions tab.
  2. Create a new line in the Mixed Payment Transaction Type list, click Enter Supplier Payment.
  3. In the Payer/Payee field where you enter the identity of your supplier the city of the default document address of the supplier will be shown.
  4. Enter an amount that is lesser than two of the invoices/installments for this supplier. The amount is credit (negative), as the supplier payment typically has a negative effect on the cash account.
  5. Save the payment transaction.
  6. Select the payment transaction line and click the Sel. Batch in the Matching Transactions section of the window.
  7. The Select Batch of Invoices window is now displayed and populated with open ledger items if the Auto Populate check box is selected.
  8. If the Auto Populate check box is not selected, click Populate to view all open items of the payee.
  9. Select two of your invoices/installments which sum up to more than the payment amount and click OK. The invoices/installments will now be copied to the matching transactions.
  10. A remaining amount with a negative sign will be shown in the Matching Transactions section because the amount on the payment transaction will not match the two invoices/installments.
  11. Create a new record in the Matching Transactions section of the window and select the New Item check box: The New Item Invoice Type field with the Supplier Difference Item Invoice Type used in the company and, the Series ID field will be displayed with the series ID connected to this invoice type.
  12. The tax code and payment terms will be suggested from supplier basic data. Note: The tax code will be used for the tax reduction of the write-off in a VAT regime.
  13. Enter the remaining amount (with a positive sign as you debit it to the supplier) in the Pay Amount in Pay Curr field.
  14. In the Write-off Code field, enter your new difference code DE (created in basic exercises) or select it from the List of Values.
  15. Enter the amount of your new difference item in the Write-off Amount field.
  16. Enter an internal text to explain the reason of the write-off in the Text field of the new item. This text will be visible as notes on the ledger item after approving the mixed payment.
  17. Save the information.

Note: You have now completed the seventh payment transaction in the Mixed Payment, and can continue with the next exercise.

Enter a General Payment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a General Payment, e.g., a receipt including VAT.

Mixed Payment

  1. As we continue in the same Mixed Payment as in the previous exercise, stay in the Transactions tab.
  2. Create a new line. In the Mixed Payment Transaction Type list, click Direct Cash Payment.
  3. Enter the paid Amount, which is a negative amount as we made the payment.
  4. Continue to the Tax Code column and enter your new tax code (the one with Payment tax method).
  5. The tax amount will now be calculated and displayed.
  6. Continue to the Account column and enter a proper cost account.
  7. Save the payment transaction.

You have now completed the eighth payment transaction in the Mixed Payment, and can continue with the next exercise.

Enter a General Payment with Split Cost Posting

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a General Payment that should be posted to several cost accounts.

Mixed Payment

  1. As we continue in the same Mixed Payment as in the previous exercise, stay in the Transactions tab.
  2. Create a new line. In the Mixed Payment Transaction Type list, click Direct Cash Payment
  3. Enter the paid Amount, which is a negative amount as we made the payment.
  4. Continue to the Tax Code column and enter your new tax code (the one with Payment tax method).
  5. The tax amount will now be calculated and displayed.
  6. Save the payment transaction.
  7. Highlight the payment transaction line, right-click and then click Manual Posting. This will open a dialog window where you can post your payment.
  8. Select Gross Amount Entry as the amount method. This means that the amount entered on each line will be taken as gross amounts when it comes to calculating the tax amount.
  9. Enter two lines with different accounts and split the payment amount between the two lines. The Tax Code will automatically be defaulted from the transaction line.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Save the payment transaction.

You have now completed the ninth payment transaction in the Mixed Payment, and can continue with the next exercise.

Enter a Bank Fee

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a Bank Fee Payment, e.g., a currency exchange fee.

Mixed Payment

  1. As we continue in the same Mixed Payment as in the previous exercise, stay in the Transactions tab.
  2. Create a new line. In the Mixed Payment Transaction Type list, click Bank Fee Payment
  3. Enter the Fee Amount, which is a negative amount as we made the payment.
  4. Save the payment transaction.

You have now entered the tenth payment transaction in the Mixed Payment, so it is time you approve it. This is done in the next exercise.

Approve the Mixed Payment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to approve a Mixed Payment.

Mixed Payment

  1. As we continue in the same Mixed Payment as in the previous exercise, stay in the Transactions tab.
  2. In the upper part of the tab, right-click and then click Approve. Note: The Approve Mixed Payment dialog box will appear on the screen, showing information on the voucher date, accounting period, user group, and voucher type. The voucher type for a voucher created in Mixed Payment must belong to function group N.
  3. Click OK. Note: Another dialog box will appear showing the identities of the Voucher and the Payments created. Note that there are three payments created, one customer payment, one supplier payment, and one general payment.
  4. Take note of the Voucher Type and Number and Payment Series ID and Numbers.
  5. Click OK to close the dialog window. Note: The status of the Mixed Payment has now changed from Not Approved to Approved.
  6. Right-click and click View Vouchers to open the Mixed Payment Vouchers window. You can control the postings created from this Mixed Payment.
  7. Close the Mixed Payment window.
  8. To analyze the payments and voucher created you can use the Voucher Analysis, Cash Account Balances Analysis and Mixed Payment Analysis windows.
  9. To analyze the effects on your customers' and suppliers' balances and open items, use the Customer Analysis and Supplier Analysis windows.   

Note: Take a look at the difference between Detailed and Group balance methods. If you have used Detailed as the balance method, you should for example see eight Cash Transactions and eight postings to the Cash account. If you used Group, you should only see three Cash Transactions and three postings to the Cash account. One per payment created.

Create a Difference Notice

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to print a difference notice for the customer difference item created when approving the Mixed Payment. The difference notice can be sent to the customer.

Difference Notice Proposals

  1. Open the Difference Notice Proposals window.
  2. Right-click and click Create Proposal to open Create Difference Notice Proposal window.
  3. Select the Print Notes check box and click OK.
  4. The Difference Notice Proposals window appears again displaying a proposal in Created status.
  5. Select the new proposal, right-click and click Acknowledge Proposal. The proposal gets the Acknowledged status.
  6. Right-click and click Print Difference Notice to open the Print Report window.
  7. Click Preview to view the document.

Cancel a Mixed Payment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to cancel a Mixed Payment.

Mixed Payment

  1. Open the window and populate. Select your Mixed Payment.
  2. Right-click and then click Cancel.

Note: The Approve Mixed Payment dialog box will appear on the screen, showing you information about the voucher date, accounting period, user group, and voucher type.

  1. Click OK.

Note: Another dialog box will appear showing the identities of the Voucher and the Rollback Payments created. Note that there are three payments created, one customer payment, one supplier payment, and one general payment.

  1. Click OK to close the dialog window.

Note: The status of the Mixed Payment has now changed from Approved to Canceled.

  1. Check the Voucher and Payment queries as in the previous exercise.

Copy a Cancelled Mixed Payment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to copy a canceled Mixed Payment and create a new Mixed Payment.

Mixed Payment

  1. Open the window and populate. Select your canceled mixed payment.
  2. Check to be sure that this payment is marked as Canceled.
  3. Right-click and then click Copy Cancelled Mixed Payment.
  4. A dialog box will appear asking you for the new Statement Number. Enter the next unused statement number for your cash account and click OK.
  5. Change the payment date for this Mixed Payment and save it.
  6. Approve the mixed payment.

Note: In order to see the difference between using Detailed and Group balance methods, go through the above  exercises again (or at least some of them) with a balance method you did not previously use. If you want to pay the same invoices/installments, cancel the previous Mixed Payment first to re-open the invoices/installments.

Cancel Matching

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to un-match invoices paid by given payment transaction. This operation is possible in an approved cash box. The parked payment is created for the total of the matched invoices. The invoices are re-opened for payment. This function should be used when the wrong invoice has been matched.

Mixed Payment

  1. Open the Mixed Payment window and find the mixed payment which is approved. In the Transactions tab, query for the transaction Enter Customer Payment or Enter Supplier Payment, which is matched with invoices.
  2. Right-click and click Cancel Matching. This would open the Cancel Matching dialog box.
  3. Click OK in the Cancel Matching dialog box.
  4. Click OK in the dialog confirming that payments and voucher has been created.
  5. Analyze the voucher created in the query form Voucher Analysis
  6. Verify the open amount of the invoices which has been unpaid in forms
Note: The Cancel Matching function is also available on the Acknowledge Supplier Payment Order, Acknowledge Customer Direct Debiting transactions.

Check Collection Level

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to check whether selected Mixed Payments include payments with installments which have reached a reminder level, and is defined as collection levels in the reminder template of the installment.

Mixed Payment

  1. Open the Mixed Payment window and search for the required Mixed Payment. The status of the Mixed Payment is irrelevant.
  2. Right-click and click Check Collection Level.
  3. The Collection Level Information window appears with information regarding installments which have reached the collection level included in the Mixed Payment. If installments which have reached the collection level are included, you will have detailed information on these installments as well.

Mixed Payments Analysis

  1. Open the Mixed Payments Analysis window and populate.
  2. Select one or several Mixed Payments. The status of the Mixed Payments is irrelevant.
  3. Right-click and then click Check Collection Level to open the Collection Level Information window. This window has information relating to the Mixed Payments including installments that have reached the collection level, as well as information on these installments.

Multi-Company payments in Mixed Payment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter different types of payments using a mixed payment which can be used for multi-company payments. Multi-company payments can be created using a mixed payment for customer and supplier payments if ledger items of another company other than the current payment company are matched against the payment/new items. The cash receipt or cash disbursement affects the cash account of the current payment company only. Ledger items of one or more companies can be included in the matching of each payment transaction triggering the creation of  vouchers and payments in the affiliated companies when the mixed payment is approved. You can also enter manual postings against other companies using direct cash transactions. These direct cash transactions will result in payments and vouchers in the affiliated companies.

Create a Customer Payment with Matching Invoices from Another Company

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter and approve a customer payment which has matching customer invoices from several companies at the same time.


        Mixed Payment

  1. Open the Mixed Payment window and click New.

  2. Enter the cash account in the Cash Account field or select it from the list of values. This cash account is connected to the company of the mixed payment and all payment transactions increases or reduces based on this cash account in the mixed payment company, regardless of the companies to which the invoices belongs.

  3. Select a method for the Balance Method field, if the method is not displayed by default .

  4. Click the Transactions tab.

  5. Create a new line the Transactions tab.

  6. Select Enter Customer Payment for the Payment Transaction Type field.

  7. Enter the ID of the customer in the Payer/Payee field or select the customer from the List of Values.

  8. Enter a positive payment amount in the Amount field that will cover two invoices/installments of the customer. One of the invoices/installments for matching should be from the company for which you enter the mixed payment. The second invoice/installment should be of another company which is different to the mixed payment company. The payment amount of the transaction line will increase the cash account in the company to which you enter the entire mixed payment.

  9. Save the payment transaction.

  10. Highlight the transaction line and click Sel.Batch in the Matching Transactions sub tab to open the Select Batch of Invoices dialog box.

  11. Select the Multi-Company check box if it is not selected. Note: The setting of the Multi-Company check box is system defined and is displayed by default. 

  12. Click Populate. All open ledger items of the payer are displayed in the Select Batch of Invoices dialog box. The company to which the ledger items/invoice installments belong is displayed in the Company field.

  13. Select two installments, one should belong to the cash receiving company and the second installment to another company. Click OK. The invoices/installments are copied to the Matching Transactions sub tab. The company to which each ledger item/installment belongs is displayed in the Company field.

  14. If there is a remaining amount after matching, modify the payment amounts for the installments or change the total payment amount for the customer on the payment transaction.

  15. Approve the Mixed Payment.

To analyze the vouchers created for the multi-company payment in Mixed Payment:

  1. In the Mixed Payment window, right-click and click View Vouchers to open the Mixed Payment Vouchers window.
  2. Select the voucher of another company from the list of the window tool bar. The vouchers are displayed per company.

To analyze the payments created for the multi-company payment in Mixed Payment:

  1. In the Mixed Payment window, right-click and click Customer Payment Analysis to open the Customer Payment Analysis window. The ledger items matched in the cash receiving company are displayed. If the Multi-Company check box is selected it indicates that the payment are matched against the ledger items of the other companies.
  2. In the Customer Payment Analysis window, right-click in the header section and click Multi-Company Customer Payments Analysis to open the Multi-Company Customer Payments Analysis window. The payments in the other companies which are connected to the payment of the cash receiving company are displayed.
  3. In the Multi-Company Customer Payments Analysis window, right-click and click Customer Payment Analysis to view the details of a payment in the other company.

Note: To analyze the payments and voucher created you can also use the Multi-Company Voucher Details Analysis, Cash Account Balances Analysis and Mixed Payment Analysis windows.

Note: To analyze the effects on your customers' balances and open items, use the Customer Analysis window.

Create a Customer Payment on Account in Another Company

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a payment received from a customer without knowing what is being paid for. As a result a payment on account will be created for the customer in another company.


    Mixed Payment

  1. Open the Mixed Payment window and click New.

  2. Enter the cash account in the Cash Account field or select it from the list of values.

  3. Select a method for the Balance Method field, if necessary.

  4. Create a new record in the Transactions tab.

  5. Select Enter Customer Payment for the Payment Transaction Type field.

  6. In the Company field, enter the ID of the other company for which the new payment on account will be created. The ledger posting of this item will be created for the specified company and also the customer's balance will be affected when approving the mixed payment for this company.

  7. Enter the ID of the customer in the Payer/Payee field or select the customer from the List of Values.

  8. Enter a positive payment amount in the Amount field. This amount will increase the balance of the cash account in the company for which you enter the mixed payment. This amount affects the customer's balance in the other company you have specified in step 6.

  9. Save the payment transaction and approve the Mixed Payment.

Note: To Analyze the vouchers and payments created for the multi-company payment in mixed payment use the Mixed Payment Vouchers, Customer Payment Analysis, Multi-Company Customer Payments Analysis windows.

Note: To analyze the payments and voucher created you can also use the Multi-Company Voucher Details Analysis, Cash Account Balances Analysis and Mixed Payment Analysis windows.

Note: To analyze the effects on your customers' balances and open items, use the Customer Analysis window.

Create a New Customer Difference Item in Another Company on a Transaction Level

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a new difference item within a payment for a customer without matching invoices. This new ledger item will be created in another company.

Mixed Payment

  1. Create a new mixed payment in the Mixed Payment window.

  2. Enter the cash account and enter a balance method, if necessary.

  3. In the Transactions tab of the Mixed Payment window, create a new line and click Enter Customer Payment in the Payment Transaction Type list.

  4. Enter the ID of the other company in the Company field in which the new difference item for the customer is created. In the specified company, the ledger postings will be created for the new item and the customer's balance will changed when the mixed payment is approved for this company.

  5. Enter the ID of customer in the Payer/Payee field.

  6. Enter a positive amount as the new item. This will be credited to the customer in the other company you have specified on the payment transaction in step 4. The amount will increase the balance of your cash account in the company for which you enter the mixed payment.

  7. Select the New Item check box.  The New Item Invoice Type field has the customer difference item invoice type from the company, and the Series ID field has the series ID connected to this invoice type. Invoice Type and series ID are from the company you have entered for the payment transaction in step 4.

  8. If the series ID has no automatic numbering you have to enter a value in the Inv/Prepaym No field. 

  9. Save the payment transaction. A new record is automatically created in the Matching Transactions sub tab with the tax code and payment terms. This new item is also linked to the other company which you have entered on the payment transaction.
    Note: It is not possible to save the payment transaction if the customer has no default tax code defined in basic data. In this case the new item has to be created in the matching transactions and the tax code has to be entered manually. 

  10. Change the suggested tax code, payment terms and pay term base date if applicable. This information is connected to the company of the matching transaction which is in this example the other company.

  11. Enter an internal text to explain the reason for creating this item in the Text field of the new item. This text will be visible as notes on the ledger item after approving the mixed payment, and can be printed in the difference notice or in reminders.

  12. Save the changes and approve the mixed payment.

Note: To Analyze the vouchers and payments created for the multi-company payment in mixed payment use the Mixed Payment Vouchers, Customer Payment Analysis, Multi-Company Customer Payments Analysis windows.

Note: To analyze the payments and voucher created you can also use the Multi-Company Voucher Details Analysis, Cash Account Balances Analysis and Mixed Payment Analysis windows.

Note: To analyze the effects on your customers' balances and open items, use the Customer Analysis window.

Create a Supplier Payment for an Invoice in Another Company

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a supplier payment matching for an invoice/installment of another company

Mixed Payment

  1. Create a new mixed payment in the Mixed Payment window.

  2. Enter the cash account and enter a balance method, if necessary.

  3. In the Transactions tab of the Mixed Payment window, create a new line and click Enter Supplier Payment in the Payment Transaction Type list.

  4. Enter the other company for which you want to match the invoice/installment or prepayment in the Company field or select a company from the List of Values.

  5. In the Series ID field enter the series ID for the invoice to be paid, or use the List of Values.

  6. In the Inv/Prepaym No. field, enter the number of the invoice to be paid or use the List of Values.

  7. In the Installment ID field, enter the number of the installment to be paid or use the List of Values.

  8. The supplier identity and amount from the invoice/installment are displayed in the payment transaction. This will be credited to the supplier in the other company to which the selected invoice/prepayment is connected. This amount reduces the balance of your cash account in the company for which you enter the entire mixed payment.

  9. Save the payment transaction.

  10. Approve the mixed payment.

Note: As an alternative to step 4-7;If you have cleared the Company field, the List of Values for the Inv/Prepaym No. field will display open items of several other companies. After the open item is selected from the List of Values, the Company field will automatically display the company of the open item.

To analyze the vouchers created for the multi-company payment in Mixed Payment:

  1. In the Mixed Payment window, right-click and click View Vouchers to open the Mixed Payment Vouchers window.
  2. Select a voucher of another company.

To analyze the payments created for the multi-company payment in mixed payment:

  1. In the Mixed Payment window, right-click and click Supplier Payment Analysis to open the Supplier Payment Analysis window. The ledger items matched in the payment company are displayed. If the Multi-Company check box is selected it indicates that the payment are matched against the ledger items of the other companies.
  2. In the Supplier Payment Analysis window, right-click in the header and click Multi-Company Supplier Payments Analysis to open the Multi-Company Supplier Payments Analysis window. The payments which are connected to the payment of the paying company in the other companies are displayed.
  3. In the Multi-Company Supplier Payments Analysis window, right-click and click Supplier Payment Analysis to view the details of a payment in the other company.

Note: To analyze the payments and voucher created you can also use the Multi-Company Voucher Details Analysis, Cash Account Balances Analysis and Mixed Payment Analysis windows.

Note: To analyze the effects on your supplier's balances and open items, use the Supplier Analysis window.

Create a New Supplier Difference Item for a Matching Level

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a new difference item for a matched supplier invoice, and instantly write-off the difference item.

Mixed Payment

  1. Create a new mixed payment in the Mixed Payment window.

  2. Enter the cash account and enter a balance method, if necessary.

  3. In the Transactions tab of the Mixed Payment window, create a new line and click Enter Supplier Payment in the Payment Transaction Type list.

  4. Enter the ID of the supplier in the Payer/Payee field.

  5. Enter an amount that is less than the invoice/installment for this supplier. The amount is credit (negative), as the supplier payment typically has a negative effect on the cash account. The amount reduces the cash in the company for which you enter the entire mixed payment.

  6. Save the payment transaction.

  7. Select the record you have saved. The Matching Transactions sub tab will be enabled.

  8. Create a new record in the Matching Transactions sub tab.

  9. Enter the ID of the other company in the Company field for which you want to match the invoice/installment.

  10. Enter the invoice in the Series ID and Inv/PrePaym No fields.

  11. Save the matching. The company on the payment transaction is changed to the other company.

  12. Create a new record in the Matching Transactions section of the window. The Company field displays new lines by default for the company of the payment transaction, in this case the other company.

  13. Select the New Item check box: The New Item Invoice Type field will be displayed with the supplier difference item invoice type from the company. The Series ID field will be displayed with the series ID connected to this invoice type. Invoice type and series ID are from the company specified in the matching transactions row.

  14. The tax code and payment terms will be suggested using supplier basic data connected to the company of the matching transactions row.
    Note: The tax code will be used for the tax reduction of the write-off in a VAT regime.

  15. Enter the remaining amount (with a positive(+) sign when you debit it to the supplier) in the Pay Amount in Pay Curr field.

  16. In the Write-off Code field, enter your new difference code DE (created in the basic exercises) or select it from the List of Values.

  17. Enter the amount of your new difference item in the Write-off Amount field.

  18. Enter an internal text to explain the reason of the write-off in the Text field of the new item. This text will be visible as a note(s) on the ledger item after approving the mixed payment.

  19. Save the information.

  20. Approve the mixed payment.

Note: As an alternative to step 9-10; If you have cleared the Company field, the List of Values for the Inv/Prepaym No. field will display open items of several other companies. After the open item is selected from the List of Values, the Company field will automatically display the company of the open item.

Note: To analyze the vouchers and payments created for the multi-company payment in mixed payment. Use the Mixed Payment Vouchers, Supplier Payment Analysis, Multi-Company Supplier Payments Analysis windows.

Note: To analyze the payments and voucher created you can also use the Multi-Company Voucher Details Analysis, Cash Account Balances Analysis and Mixed Payment Analysis windows.

Note: To analyze the effects on your customers' balances and open items, use the Supplier Analysis window.

Create a Supplier Payment in Advance in Another Company

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter an advance payment made to a supplier in another company. The payment in advance is created in another company with pre-postings and  the payment is created in the paying(own) company.

Mixed Payment

  1. Create a new mixed payment in the Mixed Payment window.

  2. Enter the cash account and enter a balance method, if necessary.

  3. In the Transactions tab of the Mixed Payment window, create a new record and click Enter Supplier Payment in the Payment Transaction Type list.

  4. In the Company field enter the ID of the other company in which the payment in advance should be created. The ledger posting of this item will be created for the specified company. The supplier's balance of this company will be affected when approving the mixed payment.

  5. In the Payer/Payee field, enter the identity of the supplier to whom the money was sent.

  6. Enter the paid amount. The amount is credit, as the supplier payment typically has a negative effect on the cash account. The amount reduces the cash in the company for which you enter the entire mixed payment.

  7. Select the Payment in Advance check box.

  8. Enter your new tax code in the Tax Code field.

  9. The tax amount will now be calculated and displayed according to the tax code, defined in the company which is entered on the payment transaction.

  10. In the code part fields, enter a code part value for code part B as a pre-posting. Note: The available code part values are connected to the company on the payment transaction.

  11. Save the payment transaction and approve the mixed payment.

Note: To analyze the vouchers and payments created for the multi-company payment in mixed payment use the Mixed Payment Vouchers, Supplier Payment Analysis, Multi-Company Supplier Payments Analysis windows.

Note: To analyze the payments and voucher created you can also use the Multi-Company Voucher Details Analysis, Cash Account Balances Analysis and Mixed Payment Analysis windows.

Note: To analyze the effects on your customers' balances and open items, use the Supplier Analysis window.

Enter a General Payment with Cost Posting Against Another Company

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter and post a general payment, e.g., a receipt including VAT. The other company will be charged with the costs and taxes.

Mixed Payment

  1. Create a new mixed payment in the Mixed Payment window.

  2. Enter the cash account and enter a balance method, if necessary.

  3. In the Transactions tab of the Mixed Payment window, create a new record and click Direct Cash Payment in the Payment Transaction Type list.

  4. In the Company field enter the ID of the other company which that will be charged with the costs.

  5. Enter the paid amount, which is a negative amount. This amount reduces the cash account in the company for which you enter the mixed payment. This amount includes the cost and the tax amount, and will be posted in the other company specified in step 4.

  6. In Tax Code field and enter your new tax code (the one with Payment tax method).

  7. The tax amount will now be calculated and displayed according to the tax code defined in the company which is entered in the payment transaction.

  8. In the Account field and enter a cost account.

  9. Save the payment transaction and approve the mixed payment.

To analyze the vouchers created for the multi-company payment in Mixed Payment:

  1. In the Mixed Payment window, right-click and click View Vouchers to open the Mixed Payment Vouchers window.
  2. Select a voucher of another company.

To analyze the payments created for the multi-company payment in mixed payment:

  1. In the Mixed Payment window, right-click and click General Payment Analysis to open the General Payment Analysis window. The manual postings and the cash receiving/cash paying company are displayed. The Multi-Company check box is selected and indicates that the payment includes manual postings against other companies.
  2. In the General Payment Analysis window, right-click in the header and click Multi-Company Payments to open the Multi-Company General Payments Analysis window. The payments in the other companies which are connected to the payment of the cash receiving/cash paying company are displayed.
  3. In the Multi-Company General Payments Analysis window, right-click and click General Payment Analysis to view the details of a payment in the other company.

Note: To analyze the payments and voucher created you can also use the Multi-Company Voucher Details Analysis, Cash Account Balances Analysis and Mixed Payment Analysis windows.

Enter a General Payment with Split Cost Posting in Another Company

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a general payment to be posted to several cost accounts.

Mixed Payment

  1. Create a new mixed payment in the Mixed Payment window.

  2. Enter the cash account and enter a balance method, if necessary.

  3. In the Transactions tab of the Mixed Payment window, create a new line and click Direct Cash Payment in the Payment Transaction Type list.

  4. Enter the paid amount (this is a negative amount). This amount reduces the cash account in the company for which the entire mixed payment is entered.

  5. Save the payment transaction.

  6. Select the payment transaction line in order to enable the Manual Posting sub tab. You can enter several postings in this sub tab for the payment.

  7. Select Gross Amount Entry from the list as the amount method. This means that the amount entered for each line will be taken as gross amounts when it comes to calculating the tax amount.

  8. Create a new record and enter another company in the Company field and complete the the manual posting by entering an account and a tax code.

  9. Enter another manual posting for the other company but for a different account.

  10. Check the remaining amount in the Balance field and adjust your amounts in order to split the payment amount between the two lines correctly.

  11. Save the payment transaction and approve the mixed payment.

Note: Analyze the vouchers and payments created for the multi-company payment in mixed payment and use the Mixed Payment Vouchers, General Payment Analysis, Multi-Company General Payments Analysis windows.

Note: To analyze the payments and voucher created you can also use the Multi-Company Voucher Details Analysis, Cash Account Balances Analysis and Mixed Payment Analysis windows.