Employee Reporting Mode—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

You should setup the following required basic data before this setup can be started:

Basic Data Setup

Enter a new profile and modify shop floor workbench to be used for simplified reporting

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how the Shop Floor Workbench window can be modified to only display tabs, columns and buttons that are used in the main exercise, when reporting in employee mode.

Shop Floor Workbench

  1. Log on with the user you should use for the exercise and click the Options and User Profile tab.
  2. In the Change Profile area, select Create New and name the new profile as shop floor reporting.
  3. Click OK.
  4. In the Options area, click OK and go to the Shop Floor Workbench window.
  5. Right-click on the header of the Shop Floor Workbench window and then click Properties. The Object Properties dialog box opens.
  6. In the Object Properties dialog box, select the Layout tab.
  7. On the Layout tab, select the Enable this layout on current datasource check box and make sure that the check boxes are selected for Site, Filter, Work Center, Labor Class, Selection Operation, Selection, Dispatch Rule, Interval, and Indirect Job.
  8. Click OK. You will see a limited number of objects on the header of the Shop Floor Workbench window.
  9. In the operations table on the Shop Floor Workbench window, right-click and then click Column Chooser. The Column Editor dialog box opens.
  10. In the Column Editor dialog box, make sure that the check boxes are selected for SO No, Op No, Op Id, Op priority, Notes, Group By Note, Part No, Part Description, Executable Qty, Remaining Qty, Planned Start Date, Planned Finish Date, Milestone Operation, Interruption Cause, Op Status, Qty Completed, Work Center, Setup Labor Class and Labor Class.
  11. Click OK. You will only see a limited number of columns in the operations table in the Shop Floor Workbench window.
  12. On the right side of the Shop Floor Workbench window, where the buttons are placed, right-click and then click Properties. The Object Properties dialog box opens.
  13. Select the Layout tab.
  14. On the Layout tab, select the Enable this layout on current datasource check box and make sure that the check boxes are selected for Refresh, Enter As, Start Set Up, Stop Set Up, Start Production, Stop Production, Start indirect, Stop Indirect, Approve Op, Join Team, Leave Team, Modify Ong Op and Change Work Center.
  15. Click OK. You will only see a few buttons visible on the Shop Floor Workbench window.
  16. In the lower pane on the Shop Floor Workbench window, right-click and then click Properties. The Object Properties dialog box opens.
  17. Select the Layout tab.
  18. Click Change the tab visibility and select only Guidelines, Material, Op Reports and Clockings.
  19. Click OK and select Open In New Window. You will see only a few tabs visible in the lower pane of the Shop Floor Workbench window.

Inventory Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to copy the inventory parts required to complete the discrete manufacturing exercises from site 1 to your site.

Copy Parts To Site
Background Jobs

Note: If you already have these racing engine parts copied to your site, you do not need to do this exercise.

  1. Open the Copy Parts To Site window.
  2. In the From area, enter 1 in the Site field.
  3. Enter 210 in the Comm. Group 2 field. The parts that belong to the commodity group 210 have part numbers in the format 21-nnn.
  4. In the To area, enter your site in the Site field.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Wait for the background job to complete. When it is complete, the parts will be copied to your site.
Part No Description
21-230 Electrical System
21-330 Ignition System
21-331 Starting System
21-332 Battery System

Routing Revision

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the routing revisions required for the rest of the employee reporting course exercises.


Note: The destination revision number will automatically change from the source revision number to the next high integer. Therefore, you must first change the site to your site and then change the revision number to match the source revision number. Otherwise, an overlapping date range may result. In addition, the Routing Type field will default to a value other than manufacturing if another value exists. Verify that the Routing Type field displays manufacturing.

  1. If you haven't done so already, copy the manufacturing routing revisions for the part in the table below from site 1 to your site. To do this right-click and then click Copy Routing Revision. Be mindful to copy only the default alternate.
  2. For the part copied to your site, set the routing alternate to Buildable.
Site Part No Part Description Notes
1 21-230 Electrical System

General exercise for Copying Revisions

Part Revision and Product Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the part revisions and product structures that are required for the rest of the Employee Reporting course exercises.

Product Structure

Note: The destination revision number will automatically change from the source revision number to the next high integer. Therefore, you must first change the site to your site and then change the revision number to match the source revision number. In addition, the Structure Type field will default to a value other than manufacturing if another value exists. Verify that the Structure Type field displays manufacturing.

  1. If you haven't done so already, copy the manufacturing structure revision for the part in the table below from site 1 to your site. To do this right-click and then click Copy Structure Revision. Be mindful to copy only the default alternate.
  2. For the part copied to your site, set the structure alternate to Buildable.
Site Part No Part Description
1 21-230 Electrical System

General exercise for Copying Revisions

Modify Inventory Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to modify the setting to the inventory part in order to not allow negative on hand.

Inventory Part

  1. Open the Inventory Part window and query for part 21-900 on your site.
  2. In the General tab, change Part Type to Purchased.
  3. Go to the Misc Part Info tab and clear the Negative on Hand Allowed check box.
  4. Save the record.

Required Data

Create an Inventory Part Balance

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to ensure that you have enough parts to complete the main exercises.

Inventory Part Currently On Hand
Receive Inventory Part

  1. Verify that you have at least the quantity of parts shown in the table below available for manufacturing. If you do not, receive the indicated quantity of the parts into inventory location number 1.
Site Part No Part Description Quantity Available for Manufacturing Location No
Your Site 21-330 Ignition System 70 1
Your Site 21-331 Starting System 50 1
Your Site 21-332 Battery System 50 1
Your Site 21-900 Lubricant 8 1

General Exercise for Receiving Inventory Part

Enter Shop Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create shop orders that will be used in the main exercises.

Shop Order

  1. Create shop orders for the parts and quantities as in the table below. Release each shop order. Enter the date that the order is required, approximately a week ahead. Write down your shop order numbers so that you can easily find the appropriate shop order for each main exercise.
Site Part No Part Description Lot Size Shop Order No Relevant Exercise
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 10   Scenario 1, Reporting on Each Operation Using Only Approve Functionality
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 10   Scenario 2, Reporting only on Last Operation Using Approve Functionality
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 10   Scenario 2, Reporting milestone operations only Using Approve Functionality
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 10   Scenario 3, Reporting on Each Operation Using Start / Stop Functionality using subtasks and interruptions
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 10   Scenario 4, Reporting on Several Operations Simultaneously Using Start / Stop Functionality, shop order 1.
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 10   Scenario 5, Reporting on Several Operations Simultaneously Using Start / Stop Functionality, shop order 2.
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 10   Scenario 5, Reporting on Several Operations Simultaneously Using Start / Stop Functionality, shop order 3.

General exercise for creating shop orders manually

Additional settings:

In the shop order for scenario 3:

  1. Add the component 21-900 to the Material tab in the Shop Order window and set the Qty per Assembly field to 1. In the Consumption Item field, select Consumed.

In the shop order for scenario 4:

  1. Open the Shop Order window and query for the required shop order.
  2. On the Operations tab, right-click on operation 10 and then click Work Guidelines. The Shop Order Operation Work Guidelines window opens.
  3. In the Shop Order Operation Work Guidelines window, create a new line and add an appropriate guideline description as well as a guideline text.
  4. Set the Work Guideline Type field to Subtask and set the Sign Off Required field to Required.
  5. Save the new work guideline.

In the two shop orders for scenario 5:

  1. Open the Shop Order window and query for the required shop order.
  2. Click the Operations tab.
  3. For each shop order select operation 20 and 30 and press the Delete key. This will remove the unnecessary operations that are not needed in this exercise.
  4. Save each shop order. Then click the Material tab.
  5. Remove material 25-331 and 25-332 which are not required in this exercise.
  6. Save each shop order.

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to enter basic data for shop floor workbench and demonstrate the use of shop floor workbench, when using employee report mode on the site.


Reporting in Shop Floor Workbench using Employee Mode- Scenario 1, Start/Stop Reporting and Report Indirect Time when Two Employees are Running the Same Operation.

Purpose: To demonstrate the use of shop floor workbench, when using employee reporting mode on the site and when two employees report on the same operation.

Shop Floor Workbench

Note: In this exercise reporting should be done on the first shop order created for this exercise.

  1. Open the Shop Floor Workbench window and notice that the Enter As dialog box is populated. Enter the employee id for your user and click OK. Fields in the Shop Floor Workbench window will populate with the filter connected to your employee.
  2. Select the first operation and click Start Setup. The planned values are defaulted, the operation is started and since there is time in machine and labor, both will be selected to start. You can manually modify this value. As in other resource, exclude labor/machine time. Separate clockings are created for machine and labor and per employee.
  3. Wait a few minutes to simulate the setup being complete. Notice that after 15 seconds (based on the setting done either on site or on your employee) the Enter As dialog box automatically appears and asks for an employee id. Enter your employee id again and then click Start Production. A Warning appears that the setup is automatically stopped. Note that the operation history transactions for the setup are created in the Op Report tab.
  4. Now click Enter As again and in the Enter As dialog box, enter the second employee id you created. Select the ongoing operation and click Modify Ong Op. In the dialog box that opens, click Join Op to join the operation that is already performed by the first employee. A separate clocking for the 2nd employee is created for the ongoing operation when you click OK. Depending on the setting on each employee, it will either be possible or not possible to do some task that affects another employee’s time. In this case employee 1 is allowed to modify time for others and therefore it is possible to close the operation and thereby also to stop time for employee 2. Click Enter As again and enter the workbench for employee 1. Select the ongoing operation and click Approve Op to approve the operation. This will stop all clockings for the operation.
  5. Select operation 20 on the shop order and click Start Operation. This will create separate clockings for machine and labor when you click OK.
  6. Wait a while to simulate operation 20 ongoing. Then click Start Indirect. Notice that the work center is auto populated with the work center that you have selected. This field is optional. Select indirect job 10 and click ok. Notice that you also can enter a proper clocking note for the indirect time. When you click OK, an indirect clocking will be created. The labor clocking for your operation will also be stopped and since the work center has the setting to auto stop machine clocking when the last employee leaves, the machine clocking will also be stopped. Select operation 20 and click Approve Op. Since you have already reported time on this operation with start and stop, the report time section in the approve dialog box is not selected by default. Verify that the qty to report is set to 10 pcs and click OK.
  7. Since operation 30 is performed on another work center, modify the filter criteria to get that operation in the operation list. On the Work Center field in the filter, remove work center 300 and press enter on the key board. That will repopulate the operations according to the new filter criteria. Now operation 30 should be visible in the operation list. Select the operation and click Start Production.
  8. Approve operation 30 which will close the operation, report the quantity into stock and the shop order.

Reporting in Shop Floor Workbench using Employee Mode- Scenario 2, Team Reporting of Operations.

Purpose: To demonstrate the use of shop floor workbench, when using employee reporting mode on the site and reporting operations as a team.

Shop Floor Workbench

Note:Here we will use the two shop orders you created for scenario 2.

  1. Open the Shop Floor Workbench window and enter details of the first employee you created in the Enter As dialog box.
  2. Click Join Team and select the team you have entered in the basic data setup. Now the employee is logged on to the team, but as you can see there are no current team activities and no other employees connected to the team.
  3. Click Enter As again, and enter the workbench for your team instead.
  4. Select operation 10 on the first shop order for this exercise and click Start Production.
  5. Click OK. This will start one clocking for the machine and one clocking for each employee connected to the team. Notice that the operation is ongoing (cogwheel indicates this).
  6. Now, while logged on as a team, click Join Team and in the Join Team dialog box enter your second employee details. Notice that the operation now has 2 labor clockings, one for each employee in the team. Wait a while to simulate that the team is working only on this operation.
  7. Now the team should also work on an additional operation. Therefore, while logged on as a team, click Start Production for the second shop order for this exercise. Now the team is producing on 2 shop order operations at the same time. The labor time for the each employee is split between the current team activities according to the planned time for each operation. Since the operations are started individually, the machine time is not split between the operations.
  8. Select operation 10 on the first shop order and click Approve Op to report operation 10 as complete. Notice the time reported on this operation. The machine time will be for the complete duration, and the labor time for the operation is first 100% at the time where the team only worked on one operation and then less at the time where the team reported on several operations. This can be observed by looking at the clocking for this operation, in the Crew Size field for each employee. Each employee will always have a total Crew Size of 1, when summarizing on what he has been working.
  9. Click Approve Op to continue to report the other operation as complete.
  10. Continue to report on operation 20 and 30 in both shop orders.
  11. While logged on as a team, click Leave Team and leave the team for both your employees.

Reporting in Shop Floor Workbench using Employee Mode- Scenario 3, Employee Reporting with Simplified Material Check and Changing the Work Center

Purpose: To demonstrate the use of shop floor workbench, when using employee reporting mode on the site, reporting operations as an employee and not issuing all shop order material. You will also learn how to change the work center on an operation in shop floor workbench.

Shop Floor Workbench

Note: Here we will use the shop order you created for scenario 3. Please note that you have added an extra component on this shop order.

  1. Open the Shop Floor Workbench window and enter your employee id in the Enter As dialog box.
  2. Select the operation you have created for this exercise and click the Material tab.
  3. Right-click on the material line and then click Display All Shop Order Material to be able to also view shop order material that are not connected to the selected operation. Note that there is a red exclamation mark for the part 21-900. The reason for this is that you do not have enough of the particular component available to be used for this shop order.
  4. While the operation is still selected, click Issue Material. This will open a dialog box to issue material for a given quantity. Since you only have 8 pcs available for the component 21-900, it will only be possible to issue 8 pcs.
  5. Select the Issue also Non Reserved Material check box and the Issue Non-Operation Material check box. This will issue material for all the non-operation connected material.
  6. Click Approve Op on the 10 pcs on operation 10. This will issue material for the operation connected material line.
  7. Now select operation 20 for your shop order and click Change WC.
  8. In the dialog box that opens, set the new work center to 100.
  9. Click OK, the work center on the specific shop order will be changed from work center 300 to 100.
  10. Now approve operation 20. This will issue material for the operation connected material line.
  11. Continue to report operation 30 as complete with backflush enabled in the Approve Op dialog box. The system will try to issue the remaining quantity for 21-900 as well. Since it is not available in stock, it will not be possible to receive the part.
  12. In this case, the order is completely done without the remaining 2 liters of 21-900. Therefore the shop order should be delivered into stock without issuing remaining material and to do that you will need to select Simplified Material Check on the Approve Operation dialog box. When you have done that the last operation and the shop order will be closed.

Reporting in Shop Floor Workbench using Employee Mode- Scenario 4, Employee Reporting with Barcode Scanner

Purpose: To demonstrate the use of shop floor workbench, when using employee reporting mode on the site and reporting operations as an employee with the barcode scanner. You will also learn how to continue with another operation without need to stop production for the ongoing operation.

Shop Floor Workbench

Note: Here we will use the shop order you created for scenario 4. Please note that you should have a barcode scanner to perform this exercise.

  1. Start the workbench and query for your shop order.
  2. Click Create Reports and print a work instruction report with output type barcode. This will give you a printed shop order with barcodes for the operations.
  3. Click Enter As and enter your employee details again in workbench and then read the barcode for operation 10. Note that the operation is automatically filtered and that the original filter criteria are disabled.
  4. Click Approve Op and approve the full quantity for operation 10.
  5. Continue to read the barcode for operation 20 and then click Start Production.
  6. Wait a while to simulate that you are performing the operation and then read the barcode for operation 30.
  7. Start production for operation 30. A message will be displayed inquiring if you want to replace your existing work with this operation, or if you want to run the operation in parallel.
  8. Replace the existing operation with the new operation (30).
  9. Click OK. Operation 20 will be partially reported with the time you spent on the operation, both for machine and for labor. No quantity will be reported for operation 20.
  10. Wait a while to simulate that you are performing operation 30 and then read the barcode for operation 30 again.
  11. Click Approve Op, report the full quantity and select the Report Previous Operations check box and the Backflush Material check box.

Note: The machine will only be stopped in step 5 if you have the work center parameter set to auto stop machine clocking.