Managing Returns—Exercises

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create stored sales parts and receive them into inventory in order to use them as complementary parts. 

Enter Customer


  1. Enter C.S.C. Oslo as customer with XX1001 as Customer No.
  2. Enter C.S.C. New York as customer with XX1000 as Customer No.

General exercise for Enter Customer  

Create Stored Sales Parts

Sales Part
Inventory Locations
Inventory Part
Receive Inventory Part

  1. Enter Race Car as Sales Part with XX18-100 as Sales Part No.
  2. Enter Street Car as Sales Part with XX18-300 as Sales Part No.
  3. Enter Rim as Sales Part with XX61-100 as Sales Part No.
  4. Enter Tire as Sales Part with XX62-100 as Sales Part No.
  5. Create relevant Inventory Locations.
  6. Create corresponding Inventory Parts
  7. Receive a sufficient number of parts of each into stock. 

General exercise for Sales Part

General exercise for Inventory Locations

General exercise for Purchased Inventory Part

General exercise for Receive Inventory Part

Create Package Parts

Package Part

  1. Enter Wheel as Package Part with XX58-200 as Sales Part No.
  2. Connect 1 pce XX61-100 and 1 pce XX62-100 as parts of the Package Part.

General exercise for Package Part

Required Data

Entering Customer Order

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

  1. Enter a customer order with C.S.C. Oslo (XX1001) as customer and wanted delivery date in a month's time. The order type should be QO, and you should use your User ID as the coordinator. Note the order number: __________ .

  2. Enter an order line with 10 pcs of the sales part Race Car (XX18-100).

  3. Enter an order line with 10 pcs of the sales part Street Car (XX18-300).

  4. Release the customer order and verify that it has Invoiced/Closed status.

  5. Enter a customer order with C.S.C. New York (XX1000) as customer and wanted delivery date in a month's time. The order type should be QO, and you should use your User ID as the coordinator. Note the order number: __________ .

  6. Enter an order line with 8 pcs of the sales part Street Car (XX18-300).

  7. Enter an order line with 2 pcs of the package part Wheel (XX58-200).

  8. Release the customer order and verify that it has Invoiced/Closed status.

General exercise for Entering Customer Order

Main Exercises

Return Parts Into Stock

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to understand the management of parts being returned from customers, including receiving some parts into stock, declining the request for others, and printing return notes.

Return Material Authorization
Return Material Authorization Lines

C.S.C. Oslo (1001) wants to return 4 pcs Race Cars (XX18-100) and 2 pcs Street Cars (XX18-300) from the previous delivery, due to incorrect specification from themselves. 

  1. Open the Return Material Authorization window and create a header, indicating the customer ID and yourself as coordinator.
  2. Enter the sales part numbers on the return  lines. You can do this either manually or by selecting from the List of Values. Enter also the number of parts returned, and the return reasons.
  3. Connect the return to the customer order number of the original delivery (see above).

The person responsible for the customer confirms that 4 Race Cars can be returned. He does not accept the return of the 2 Street Cars, because the chassis were specially customized for C.S.C. Oslo.

  1. Decline the return request for XX18-300.
  2. Release the remaining return line.
  3. Print the return report and review it.

Note: The return report can be sent to C.S.C Oslo as a confirmation of the return agreement.

When the parts arrive at our premises, the receipt staff records how many cars were received.

  1. Open the Return Material - Receive, Scrap and Return into Inventory window through the Operations menu in the Return Material Authorization Lines window and enter the returned quantity. ;

Note: You can choose to enter the returned quantity in sales U/M or inventory U/M.

  1. Once the the parts are inspected, report the results using the Return Material - Receive, Scrap and Return into Inventory window.
  2. Receive the parts into stock.

Scrap Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to understand how to manage the scrapping of parts returned by customers.

Return Material Authorization
Return Material Authorization Lines

During transportation of goods to C.S.C. New York, three IFS Street Cars (XX18-300) on the last delivery were damaged. C.S.C. New York also received two wheels (XX58-200) as samples. One of the included components, rim (XX61-100) was damaged as well.

  1. Open the Return Material Authorization window and create a header,  indicating the customer ID and yourself as coordinator.
  2. Enter the sales part numbers (XX18-300 and XX61-100) on the return  lines. You can do this either manually or by selecting from the List of Values. Enter also the number of parts returned, and the return reasons.
  3. Connect the return to the customer order, created above.

The person responsible for the customer confirms the return of the damaged goods.

  1. Release the return request.
  2. Print the return report and review it.

When the parts arrive at our dock, the receipt staff reports how many cars were received.

  1. Open the Return Material - Receive, Scrap and Return into Inventory window through the Operations menu in the Return Material Authorization Lines window and enter the quantity of returned cars.
  2. Once the the parts are inspected, report the results using the Return Material - Receive, Scrap and Return into Inventory window.
  3. Scrap all the received cars and wheels, using at least two of the scrapping causes.