Automatic Sourcing—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up all necessary basic data needed to run the main exercise.

Enter Delivery Address


  1. Enter an address, XXPD for Pittsburgh, and XXDD for Detroit.
  2. Set the address type to include delivery.

General exercise for Company Setup

Enter Site

Sites per User

  1. Open the Site window.
  2. Create XXD, Detroit, as a new order taking site, and XXP, Pittsburgh, as a new manufacturing site.
  3. Enter two days picking lead time for each site.
  4. Enter the appropriate address for each site.
  5. Open the Sites per User window and connect the two sites to your user ID. Define XXD as your default site.

General exercise for Enter Sites

Enter Customer


  1. Enter C.S.C. Paris as a customer with XX-1000 as the customer number.
  2. Enter C.S.C. Oslo as a customer with XX-2000 as the customer number.

General exercise for Enter Customer

Enter Supplier


  1. Enter the British supplier XX-170. This is an external supplier.
  2. Also enter Pittsburgh as a supplier XXP. This is an internal supplier,  therefore define XXP as an internal supplier.

General exercise for Enter Supplier

Setting Up Site-to-Customer Supply Chain Parameters

Site to Customer Supply Chain Parameters

  1. Enter ship via and external transport lead time for the transportation from site Detroit, XXD, to C.S.C. Paris, XX-1000.
  2. Enter ship via and external transport lead time for the transportation from site Pittsburgh, XXP, to C.S.C. Oslo, XX-2000.

General exercise for Setting Up Site to Customer Supply Chain Parameters for Trading

Setting Up Site-to-Site Supply Chain Parameters

Site to Site Supply Chain Parameters

  1. Enter ship via, external transport lead time, and internal transport lead time for the transportation from site XXP to site XXD.

General Exercise for Setting Up Site to Site Supply Chain Parameters for Trading

Setting Up Sourcing Rule

Sourcing Rule

  1. Enter a sourcing rule XXIPT with a supply code Int Purch Trans for supplier XXP.
  2. Enter a sourcing rule XXIPD with a supply code Int Purch Dir for supplier XXP.
  3. Enter a sourcing rule XXAED with a supplier selection method Any External Supplier Direct.

General Exercise for Setting Up Sourcing Rule

Enter Sales Part

Sales Part
Supplier for Purchase Part

  1. For site XXD, enter Race Car in Sales Part and XX-18-100 in Sales Part No. Answer Yes to the question regarding creating inventory parts automatically.
  2. For site XXD, enter Shopping Car in Sales Part and XX-18-200 in Sales Part No. Answer Yes to the question regarding creating inventory parts automatically.
  3. For site XXD, enter Street Car in Sales Part and XX-18-300 in Sales Part No. Answer Yes to the question regarding creating inventory parts automatically.
  4. Open the Supplier for Purchase Part window, and connect your purchase parts with the internal supplier Pittsburgh XXP, and the British supplier XX-170.

General exercise for Enter Sales Part
General Exercise for Supplier for Purchase Part

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to connect sourcing rules, and how these sourcing rules are used when sourcing automatically.

Sales Part
Sourcing Rules per Customer and Sales Part
Customer Order

Connecting Sourcing Rules

  1. Query for your sales parts in the Sales Part window.
  2. For the Race Car, XX-18-100, change the sourcing option to Not Decided. Connect the sourcing rule XXIPT. This indicates that when the order line is entered it is not yet decided how this sales part should be sourced. However, if it is sourced automatically, the automatic sourcing will choose the Pittsburgh site XXP, as the supplier, with a transit delivery via the Detroit site.
  3. For the Shopping Car, XX-18-200, change the sourcing option to Use Sourcing Rule and connect the sourcing rule XXIPT. This sourcing rule indicates that when a customer (any customer) orders this part, the automatic sourcing will choose the Pittsburgh site, XXP, as the supplier, with a transit delivery via the Detroit site.
  4. For the Street Car, XX-18-300, change the sourcing option to Use Sourcing Rule and connect the sourcing rule XXAED. This sourcing rule indicates that when a customer (any customer) orders this part, the automatic sourcing will choose any external supplier, with a direct delivery to the end customer.
  5. Query for the Shopping Car, XX-18-200, in the Sourcing Rules per Customer and Sales Part window. For customer C.S.C. Oslo, XX-2000, enter the sourcing rule XXIPD as an exception. This means that when this specific customer orders this specific part, the parts will be sent directly from the Pittsburgh site to C.S.C. Oslo.

Source New Order Lines Automatically

  1. For site XXD, enter a customer order for customer C.S.C. Paris, XX-1000. Make sure the Order type is set to NO. Write the order number that appears in the window here: _________________ . 
  2. Enter an order line for sales part XX-18-100, sales quantity 1, and save the record.
  3. Check the supply code.
  4. Enter an order line for sales part XX-18-200, sales quantity 1, and save the record.
  5. Check the supply code and the supplier.
  6. Enter an order line for sales part XX-18-300, sales quantity 1, and save the record. What happens and why? What necessary data is lacking?
  7. Check the supply code.
  8. Enter a completely new order for customer C.S.C Oslo, XX-2000. Make sure the Order type is set to NO.
  9. Enter an order line for sales part XX-18-200, sales quantity 1, and save the record.
  10. Check the supply code and the supplier. Why is the supply code different from the first order for this specific part?

Source an Existing Order Line Automatically

  1. Query for your first order in the Customer Order window.
  2. Right-click on the first order line and then click Sourcing, Source Order Lines Automatically. Answer yes.
  3. Check the supply code and the supplier.
  4. View the result by right-clicking on the first order line and the click Sourcing, View Automatic Sourcing Candidates.