Setting up Site to Customer Supply Chain Parameters for Trading—Exercises

Basic Data Setup


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a supply site that will be connected to a supplier. By establishing the connection an internal supply site is created.

Sites per User

  1. Open the Site window.
  2. Create XXM (replace XX with your initials) as a new site for Miami. This will be the supply site in this exercise. Connect the site to company 10. Enter * for both distribution and manufacturing calendar.
  3. Open the Sites per User tab and connect the site to your user ID.

Note that the exercise will be easier to follow if the site description describes the type of site, i.e., supply site.

General exercise for Entering Site


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a supplier that will be connected to the supply site. By establishing the connection an internal supply site is created.


  1. Enter the supplier XXM-IS, replacing XX with your initials.
  2. In the General tab, use English as the default language.
  3. In the Address tab, create a new address identity.

Note that the exercise will be easier to follow if you are using SD as address identity (an abbreviation of supplier delivery address).

  1. In the Address/General Address Info sub-tab, verify that the address type Delivery is marked as default for the address identity that you are going to use.
  2. In the Address/Purchase Address Info sub-tab, use CIF (Cost Insurance Freight) as the default delivery term, 30 (Road Transport) as the default ship-via code.
  3. Enter necessary data in the Invoice tab and in the Purchase tab and their sub-tabs. Remember to use company 10 in the Invoice tab.
  4. Establish the connection between the supplier and the supply site XXM in the Purchase/Misc Supplier Info sub-tab.

General exercise for Supplier


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter an external customer.


  1. Enter the customer XX-EC, replacing XX with your initials.
  2. In the General tab, use German as the default language.
  3. In the Address tab, create a new address identity.

Note that the exercise will be easier to follow if you are using CD as address identity (an abbreviation of customer delivery address).

  1. In the Address/General Address Info sub-tab, verify that the address type Delivery is marked as default for the address identity that you are going to use.
  2. In the Address/Order Address Info sub-tab, use CIF (Cost Insurance Freight) as the default delivery term, 30 (Strassentransport) as the default ship-via code.
  3. Enter necessary data in the Invoice tab and in the Order tab and their sub-tabs. You can, for example, use company 11 in the Invoice tab.

General exercise for Customer

Supply Chain Part Group

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a supply chain part group for being able to practice on defining exceptions.

Inventory Basic Data/Supply Chain Part Group

General exercise for Supply Chain Part Group

Purchased Inventory Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter an inventory part that will be connected to the supply chain part group. Then it is possible to define exceptions to the entered supply chain parameters for an established supply chain relation.

Inventory Part

  1. Enter an inventory part with the part number XX-321, replacing XX with your initials, and the description Fluid.
  2. Enter the inventory part for the supply site, i.e., XXM. (For being able to run a customer order flow you need to enter the inventory part as a sales part, and also place parts in a picking location).
  3. Enter yourself as planner.
  4. Use Liter as the unit of measure.
  5. Use 100 USD as the estimated material cost.
  6. In the Acquisition tab, connect the inventory part to your supply chain part group.

General exercise for Purchased Inventory Part

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to set up a supply chain relation between an internal supply site and an external customer, and also define supply chain parameters.

After the you have run the exercises, you can study how the supply chain parameters are retrieved by entering a customer order for the external customer on the supply site.

Site to Customer Supply Chain Parameters

Setting Up Site-to-Customer Supply Chain Parameters

  1. Open the Site to Customer Supply Chain Parameters window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter the internal supply site.
  4. Enter the external customer. When continuing to the next entry field, the customer name is automatically filled in.
  5. Enter the delivery address.
  6. Enter a ship via code for sea transportation, e.g., 40 (See transport). The description is automatically filled in.
  7. Specify the external transport lead time in calendar days, e.g., 5 days.
  8. Enter the distance between the internal supply site and the external customer, e.g., 3500 (km).
  9. Enter an expected additional cost for shipping the parts by using this transportation method, e.g., 150.
  10. Specify in what currency the expected additional cost is entered, e.g., USD. You can find an applicable currency by using the List of Values.
  11. Save your entry (F12).

Note that you also can work from the Supply Chain Matrix for Site or in the Supply Chain Matrix for Customer.

Defining Exceptions to the Supply Chain Parameters

  1. Open the Site to Customer Supply Chain Parameters window.
  2. Select the entry in the upper table for which you would like to enter exceptions.
  3. Place the cursor in the lower table and create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter the supply chain part group. The description is automatically filled in when continuing to the next field.
  5. Enter a ship via code for air transportation, e.g., 10 (Lufttransport). The description is automatically filled in.
  6. Specify the external transport lead time in calendar days, e.g., 2 day.
  7. Enter the distance between the internal supply site and the internal demand site, e.g., 2500 (km).
  8. Enter an expected additional cost for shipping the parts by using this transportation method, e.g., 250.
  9. Specify in what currency the expected additional cost is entered, e.g., USD. You can find an applicable currency by using the List of Values.
  10. Save your entry (F12).