Setting Up CTO Pricing—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for creating a customer order, which will be used in CTO price calculations.


  1. Open the Customer window, and search for customer 1000.
  2. Right-click, then click Copy Customer to create your new customer, XX3333.
  3. Click the Address/Order Address Info tab, and enter a ship via code 30 in the ship via field.
  4. Right-click and then click Supply Chain Matrix for Customer. In the From Supply Site tab add a line valid for your site. Use ship via 30, and external transport lead time one day. Save the record.
  5. Click the Customer/Invoice tab. Verify that invoice data is copied. If not, click New to enter valid data for this external customer.
  6. Click the Order/Misc Customer Info tab. Enter NO in the order type field.
  7. Click the Customer/Address/Delivery Tax Information tab. Verify that the tax code data is copied. If not, click the Company field and click New to enter 10 in the company field. Also verify that the tax code is copied. If not, create a new line and enter AZST in the tax code field.
  8. Save the record.

General exercise for Customer
General exercise for Setting Up Site-to-Customer Supply Chain Parameters for Trade

Purchase/Inventory/Sales Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create part data entries to be used when performing the CTO flow in distribution.

Inventory Part
Purchase Part
Supplier for Purchase Part
Calculate Purchase Leadtime
Sales Part

  1. Open the Inventory Part window.
  2. Click New, enter 10 in the Inventory Part field, and your site. Save. This will copy the Easyflex garage door to your site.
  3. Enter yourself as planner in the planner field.
  4. Click the Inventory Part/General tab. Verify that Part Type is Purchased.
  5. Click the Inventory Part/Costs tab, and enter 1000 in the Estimated Material Cost field.
  6. Click the Inventory Part/Default Locations tab. Open a new line and enter one arrival location, and one picking location as default locations.
  7. Save the record.
  8. Right click, then click Purchase Part.
  9. Right click, then click Supplier for Part.
  10. Connect part 10 to supplier 5000.
  11. Add 1000 in the price field.
  12. Click the Supplier for Purchase Part/Inspection Info tab, and select Receive into Inventory.
  13. Save the record.
  14. Open the Sales Part window, and click New.
  15. Enter Sales Part Number 10, and your site.
  16. Enter Sales Price Group EF.
  17. Enter Sales Group 10.
  18. Enter Price 1500.
  19. Change to Use order supply - transit in the Purchase Order field.
  20. Save the record.

General exercise for Purchased Inventory Part
General exercise for Supplier for Purchase Part
General exercise for Stored Sales Part

Main Exercises

CTO Pricing Setup

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up pricing conditions for configured parts.

Part Configuration Revision
Sales Part/Configuration Base Pricing

IFS Racing Inc uses different price conditions for the four characteristics handle, lock, finish of the door and number of remote controls. Price for GDHANDLE is an amount offset. Prices for GDLOCK and GDFINISH are both connected to which option is chosen. Finally price for remote controls depend on quantity.

  1. Open the Part Configuration Revision window and search for Sales Part 10, EasyFlex.
  2. Create a new line and choose GDHANDLE via List of Values.
  3. Enter data listed for GDHANDLE below.
  4. Save the record.
  5. Repeat procedure and create records for GDLOCK, GDFINISH and GDREMOTE.
Characteristic Default Char Value Default Char Qty Mandatory character. Mandatory price Price break type Char Qty Price Method
GDHANDLE Classic Yes Yes None No Price..
GDLOCK Assa Yes Yes None No Price..
GDFINISH 1 Yes No None No Price..
GDREMOTE IR 2 No Yes None Multiply Price...
  1. Open the Sales Part/Configuration Base Pricing tab and search for Sales Part 10 EasyFlex.
  2. Add the four characteristics created above. Enter the pricing conditions according to the table below. Save the data.
Characteristic Quantity Break Amount Offset Multiply by Quantity
GDFINISH 0 0 Unchecked
GDHANDLE 0 20 Unchecked
GDLOCK 0 50 Unchecked
GDREMOTE 0 20 Checked
GDREMOTE 4 15 Checked


Option Value Id Description Percentage




Multiply by
1 Aluminum +5
2 Steel 0
3 Glass fiber -5

Options GDLOCK

Option Value Id Description Percentage




Multiply by
Abloy Abloy Model 32 20

CTO Pricing Set up on Price List

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up pricing conditions for configured parts on a price list.

Sales Basic Data/Sales Price Groups
Sales Part/General
Sales Part Base Price
Sales Price List

Data on Price List

Sales Part Description Min Quantity Base Price Percentage Offset
10 EasyFlex 1 1500 0

Data on Configuration Price List

Characteristics ID Percent
Amount offset Multiply by Quantity Stop Price Search
GDLOCK 40 Unchecked

Option for GDLOCK

Option Value ID Percent


Amount offset Multiply by Quantity
Abloy 10
  1. Connect the sales price group EF (EasyFlex) to Sales Part 10 EasyFlex in Sales Part/General tab.
  2. Open the Sales Part Base Price window and enter a record for sales part 10. If the base price has a status other than the Active status, right-click and then click Activate in the Sales Part Base Prices window.
  3. Create a price list in the Sales Price List window by starting with the header. Name the price list XXC1 and enter a description, USD currency, and EF as sales price group.
  4. Click the Part Base tab and enter data on price list according to above table.
  5. Select one of the price list lines, right-click, then click Configuration Price List.
  6. Enter valid characteristic and option data for GDLOCK, using the table above.
  7. Finish by entering your site in the Valid for Site tab.
  8. Open the Customer/Order/Pricelist per Price Group tab and search for XX3333.
  9. Add sale price group EF, currency USD, and price list XXC1.
  10. Verify that the customer is using USD as currency. Check this on both Customer/Invoice and Customer/Order/General tabs.