Using Multi-Site Ordering—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

IFS Detroit is mainly a selling site and only stores the parts most frequently sold. Some parts are rarely ordered by external customers, which is why they are ordered internally from the manufacturing site in Pittsburgh when the are needed. Some of the parts are sent via Detroit and some are sent directly to the end customer. Both Detroit and Pittsburgh sites belong to the same company.

Pittsburgh Manufacturing Site (XXP) Detroit Ordering Site (XXD)
Pittsburgh Delivery Address (XXPD) Detroit Delivery Address (XXDD)
Pittsburgh Manufacturing Site (XXP) Detroit Ordering Site (XXD)
Internal Customer Detroit (XXICD) Internal Supplier Pittsburgh (XXISP)
Sales Part, Gear (XX-18-300) External Customer C.S.C. Madrid (XX-390)
Sales Part, Differentials (XX-18-411) Sales Part, Gear (XX-18-300) Transit
Picking Location (XX-PP1) Sales Part, Differentials (XX-18-411) Direct
External Customer, C.S.C. Paris, (XX1010)

To the teacher: It is important that the addresses used for message handling are set up correctly in the Setup Connectivity window. For instance: the message addresses used in the exercise below, IFSC and IFSS respectively, must have a Site ID connected in the Message Receiver tab in the Setup Connectivity window to work properly.

Enter Delivery Address

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter delivery addresses for the Pittsburgh and Detroit sites.


  1. Enter an address XXPD for Pittsburgh and XXDD for Detroit.
  2. Set the address type to include delivery.
  3. On the same tab, enter a value in the Company's Own Address ID field (sometimes referred to as EAN) for Detroit (the ordering site). When working with internal transit deliveries, this ID provides a possibility to recognize addresses between sites and companies; i.e., the address is known and will not be marked as single occurrence. When you later will enter data for Detroit as an internal customer, be sure to use the same ID on the Customer/Address tab. Therefore, write the number here:________________________

General exercise for Company Setup

Enter Site

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter sites and picking lead time.

Sites per User

  1. Open the Site window.
  2. Create XXP as a new site for Pittsburgh and XXD as a new site for Detroit.
  3. Enter a picking lead time for each site.
  4. Connect the above entered delivery addresses to the correct site.
  5. Open the Sites per User window and connect the two sites to your user ID.

General exercise for Enter Sites

Required Data

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to complete the general setup for the Detroit and Pittsburgh sites.

Inventory Part
Inventory Locations
Sales Part
Supplier for Purchase Part
Purchase Part
Supply Chain Matrix for Customer
Supply Chain Matrix for Site

Required Setup Data for the Detroit Ordering Site

  1. Enter Pittsburgh as an internal supplier in the Supplier window. Start by entering the site as a regular supplier and name the supplier XXISP.
  2. On the Purchase/Misc Supplier Info tab, indicate Pittsburgh as an internal supplier by selecting the Internal Supplier check box and indicating XXP as a supplier site.
  3. Also on the Purchase/Message Defaults tab, select the Automatic Approval check box and enter your user ID as approval user.
  4. On the Message Setup tab, connect the purchase order EDI messages ORDERS and ORDCHG. Indicate MHS as media code and IFSS as address, and select the Method Default check box.
  5. Part no. XX-18-300, Gear, is a stored internally purchased part that is sent via Detroit before it is delivered to the end customer. At Detroit site, create an inventory part in the Inventory Part window. Enter an appropriate cost for the part.
  6. Enter a picking location (XX-PP1) in the Inventory Locations window. In the Inventory Part window, connect the part to the location.
  7. Continue to enter the sales part in the Sales Part window. Click Use Sourcing Rule in the Sourcing Option field under Sourcing. Connect the sourcing rule AIT (Any Internal Supplier - Transit).
  8. Open the Supplier for Purchase Part window, and connect the purchase part with the internal supplier Pittsburgh. On the Inspection Info tab, specify Receive into Inventory as the receive case.
  9. Part no. XX-18-411, Differentials, is an internally purchased part that is delivered directly to the end customer from Pittsburgh. At Detroit site, create an inventory part in the Inventory Part window. Enter an appropriate cost for the part.
  10. Create a sales part in the Sales Part window. Click Use Sourcing Rule in the Sourcing Option field under Sourcing. Connect the sourcing rule AID (Any Internal Supplier - Direct).
  11. Connect the part to the internal supplier Pittsburgh in the Supplier for Purchase Part window.
  12. Create the external customer XX-390 C.S.C. Madrid in the Customer window.
  13. Create the external customer XX1010 C.S.C. Paris in the Customer window.
  14. For both external customers' delivery address, enter data in the Customer's Own Address ID, sometimes referred to as EAN. When working with internal direct deliveries from another site, this ID provides a possibility to recognize addresses between sites and companies; i.e., the address is known and will not be marked as single occurrence.
  15. Enter ship via and external transport lead time for transportations from XXD to C.S.C. Madrid, and from XXP to C.S.C. Paris, in the Supply Chain Matrix for Customer window.
  16. Enter ship via, external transport lead time, and internal transport lead time for the transportation between XXP and XXD in the Supply Chain Matrix for Site window.

General exercise for Enter Purchase Part
General exercise for Enter Supplier
General exercise for Enter Customer
General exercise for Enter Sales Part
General exercise for Enter Inventory Part
General exercise for Enter Inventory Locations
General Exercise for Supplier for Purchase Part
General Exercise for Setting Up Site to Customer Supply Chain Parameters for Trading
General Exercise for Setting Up Site to Site Supply Chain Parameters for Trading

Required Setup Data for the Pittsburgh Manufacturing Site

Inventory Part
Sales Part
Inventory Locations
Receive Inventory Part

  1. Create the Detroit site as an internal customer in the Customer window. Name it XXICD.
  2. Open the Address tab. Enter the same ID used on the site's address above (Company/Address) for Detroit's delivery address in the Customer's Own Address ID field. When working with internal transit deliveries, this ID provides a possibility to recognize addresses between sites and companies; i.e., the address is known and will not be marked as single occurrence.  
  3. On the Order/Message Defaults tab , enter your user ID as EDI coordinator and also enter order type QO. Make sure that order type QO works automatically through the order process.
  4. Select the Internal Customer check box under Internal Customer Info, and enter XXD as a customer site.
  5. On the Message Setup tab, enter the EDI messages for delivery notification (DIRDEL) and order response (ORDRSP). Indicate MHS as media code and IFSC as address, and select the Method Default check box.
  6. At the Pittsburgh site, create part nos. XX-18-300, Gear, and XX-18-411, Differentials, as manufactured inventory parts in Inventory Part window. Make sure that both parts have the availability checkbox selected. Enter an appropriate cost for each part.
  7. At the Pittsburgh site, create part nos. XX-18-300, Gear, and XX-18-411, Differentials, as regular stored sales parts in the Sales Part window. Both sales parts should have the Sourcing Option field set to Inventory Order.
  8. Create a picking location In the Inventory Locations window and receive some parts into the location in the Receive Inventory Part window.

General exercise for Enter Customer
General exercise for Enter Sales Part
General exercise for Enter Inventory Part
General exercise for Enter Inventory Locations
General exercise for Receive Inventory Part

Main Exercises

Ordering Parts via Internal Purchase Order, Transit

Detroit Site

Customer Order

  1. C.S.C. Madrid, XX-390, wants to buy 20 pieces of part no. XX-18-300. Create a customer order in the Customer Order window at the Detroit site with an order type NO, and release it. Note the customer order number here:________________________.
  2. Select the customer order line. Right-click and click Supply Chain Orders Analysis. It will open the Supply Chain Orders Analysis window. You can see the created purchase order line. If you set up required data for automatic approval of incoming customer order, you can see created customer order line details on the Supply Chain Orders Analysis window.
  3. Select the customer order line. Then right-click and click Pegged Objects and Purchase Info. Look at the created purchase order. Note the purchase order number here:________________________.
  4. Look at the Order Sent check box. Why is it selected?

Pittsburgh Site

Incoming Customer Orders
Incoming Customer Order
Customer Order
Inventory Part in Internal Order Transit

  1. Open the Incoming Customer Orders window and search for your purchase order in Internal PO No. Has any order message arrived?
  2. Continue to the Incoming Customer Order window and approve the message. What state has the message?
  3. Note the customer order number in Order No here:________________________.
  4. Open the Customer Order window and search for the order. At which site is it generated? Which delivery address and Deliver-to-Customer ID is displayed in Order Line Address?
  5. Send a customer order confirmation by right-clicking and then clicking Send Order Confirmation.
  6. Release the customer order. Refresh the order and check the status of the customer order. Note in Inventory Part in Internal Order Transit that parts are delivered to order transit. This way the inventory value is intact even though the parts are under transportation. Tracking information per part (serial number, lot/batch number, expiration date, etc.) is also kept intact.

Detroit Site

Incoming Purchase Order Confirmation
Purchase Orders
Register Purchase Order Arrivals
Quick Order Flow Handling

  1. Open the Incoming Purchase Order Confirmation window and search for the purchase order in Order No. Click the Confirmation Lines tab and see what is stated in the Supplier Response field?
  2. Check the status of the purchase order by opening the Purchase Orders window.
  3. Open the Register Purchase Order Arrivals window, and search for your purchase order. Right-click and then click Receive from Internal Order Transit. Select which row to include in the receipt, and enter the inventory quantity to receive. Receive the purchase order into inventory.
  4. Open the Quick Order Flow Handling window and search for the external customer order. Follow the order flow until the order is closed.

Ordering Parts via Internal Purchase Order, Direct

Detroit Site

Customer Order

  1. C.S.C. Paris, XX1010, wants to buy 25 pieces of part no. XX-18-411. Create a customer order in the Customer Order window at the Detroit site with an order type NO, and release it. Note the customer order number here:________________________.
  2. Select the customer order line. Then right-click and click Pegged Objects and Purchase Info. Look at the created purchase order. Note the purchase order number here:________________________.

Pittsburgh Site

Incoming Customer Order
Customer Order

  1. Open the Incoming Customer Order window, search for your purchase order in Internal PO No, and generate an internal customer order by approving the message. Note the customer order number in Order No here:________________________.
  2. Open the Customer Order window and search for the order. At which site is it generated? Which delivery address and Deliver-to-Customer ID is displayed in Order Line Address?
  3. Release the customer order. Refresh the order and check status of the customer order.

Detroit Site

Incoming Delivery Notification
Purchase Orders
Quick Order Flow Handling

  1. Open the Incoming Delivery Notification window and search for the purchase order in Order No. What is the message used for?
  2. Open the Purchase Orders window and check the status of the purchase order.
  3. Search for the external customer order. What is the status of the customer order now?

Note: To view all the multi-site orders created for Detroit site and Pittsburg site for ordering parts via internal purchase direct or internal purchase supply, go to any created customer order or purchase order line and select Supply Chain Orders Analysis.