Creating Risk Analyses—Exercises

Basic Data Setup


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up a company.

Create Company Assistant

  1. Create the company that should be associated with your sales contract, if it has not already been created.
  2. Alternatively to step 1, you can use Company 10.

General exercise for Company Setup


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a site and connect it to your chosen user ID.

Sites per User

  1. Create a new site and connect it to your user.

General exercises for Entering Site

Risk Owner

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create a Risk Owner (must be a registered person in Enterprise/Person)


  1. Create the person that should be the risk owner.
  2. Alternatively to step 1, you can use an existing person.

General exercise for creating Enterprise/Person

Review Period

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create a Review Period.

Risk Basic Data/Risk Default Settings

  1. Open the Risk Basic Data window, and click the Risk Default Settings tab.
  2. In the Review Period (Weeks) field, enter the default period between assessments of risk analyses. This will be the default review period given to newly created risk analyses. 

General exercise for Entering Evaluation Risk Basic Data

Required Data

Creating Objects To Connect To Risk Analysis

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create parallel application objects that can be connected to a risk analysis.

vRisk Basic Data/Risk Default Settings

  1. Create parallel application objects that can be connected to a risk analysis.

Object General Exercise
CC Support Agreement Create Support Agreement
Counseling Plan Performing Employee Development
Customer Order Entering and Handling Customer Order
Inventory Part Entering a Purchased Inventory Part
Sales Part Creating Stored Sales Parts
Shop Order Creating Shop Orders
Work Order Create a Work Order

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to create a Risk Analysis ID with details.

Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis Details
Risk Analysis Navigator/Analysis Controls

Creating a Risk Analysis

  1. Open the Risk Analysis or Risk Analysis Details window, and click New.
  2. If required, change the default Risk Owner, Review Period and Currency values using the List of Values where available. (default values will be inherited for these fields) The default company automatically appears. The rest of the information can be registered either now or later.

Note: Entry into the following fields at this point is optional.

  1. In the Project ID field, use the List of Values to select a project. You can also click Zoom to invoke the Project window to view project details.
  2. In the Site field, click the List of Values to define a site on the risk analysis.
  3. In the Customer ID field, use the List of Values to select an existing customer registered in IFS/Enterprise. Note: If a Project ID for which a customer already exists is entered, the Customer ID appears by default, but this value can be modified.
  4. In the Sales Contract No. field, use the List of Values to define a sales contract record on the risk analysis.
  5. In the Sub Contract No. field, use the List of Values to define a subcontract record on the risk analysis.
  6. In the Total Base Cost field, enter the value for project or contract cost on which calculations are to be carried out. Note: The currency is the same as previously defined.
  7. In the Risk Project Type ID field, use the List of Values to select the type of project or contract being assessed.
  8. Select the Restricted Sub Cat check box, if it is required that the risk analysis be sorted into a project-specific set of categories.
  9. In the Risk Comment field, enter any general comments regarding the risk analysis. The information will be included in output reports.
  10. Save the record.

Connecting Additional Objects to a Risk Analysis

  1. Open the Risk Analysis Navigator window, click the Analysis Controls tab and then click the Connected Objects tab.
  2. Click New to create a new record.
  3. Select object from Object drop-down list.
  4. Select a record from the displayed list.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 to connect more objects required to be connected to the risk analysis.