Creating Project DOP Headers—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Inventory Location

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create an inventory location for the receipt of project-specific items into inventory.

Inventory Locations

  1. If you have not already done so, create the following new inventory location at your site:
Location No Warehouse Location Name Location Group
PROJ A Proj parts PICK

General exercise for Entering Inventory Location

Required Data

Approving the Project Product Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the data that must be in place before you can do the the exercises below.

  1. Approve the project product structure.

General exercise for Approving Project Part Definitions and Project Items

Releasing Project Activities

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the data that must be in place before you can do the the exercises below.

  1. Release the project activities connected to the project items in the project product structure.

General exercise for Executing Activities

Running the Gross Requirements Calculation (GRC)

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the data that must be in place before you can do the the exercises below.

  1. Perform the gross requirements calculation (GRC) for your project.

General exercise for Running the Gross Requirements Calculation (GRC)

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a DOP Header for a project specific item. 

Project Product

Project Navigator/Activity
DOP Header
DOP Order
DOP Order/Supply
Purchase Order
Shop Order

Perform these exercises instead of those included in the Creating Project DOP Orders for Serial Items extended exercises, and if you have not done the Defining Serial Numbers exercises.

Creating Project DOP Header 

  1. Open the Project Product window, and query for your delivery project.
  2. Click the Items tab and connect a project activity to the project-delivery item.
  3. Select Dynamic Order Processing in the Supply Option field against the item.
  4. Click the Demand tab, and on the MPL tab run GRC as described in the previous exercise.
  5. Select the project-delivery item, right-click, and then click Create Project Supply Request. A message appears prompting you if you want to create a request for the part.
  6. Click Yes to create a DOP Header.
  7. Click the Supply/DOP Headers tab to see that a record has been entered for the DOP header.
  8. Click the Connections tab to view the DOP header connection to the project activity. The System Connection check box will be selected, indicating a system connection between the project activity and DOP header.
  9. Right click on the DOP header record in the Supply/DOP Headers tab and click DOP Header Detail to view the DOP header.

Note: The Dynamic Order Processing right mouse button option is enabled only if IFS/Dynamic Order Processing is installed and existing in the executable.

  1. On the DOP Header window, right-click, click Create Project DOP Structure and then click Create Structure.
  2. Click Yes to create the DOP structure.
  3. Click the Structure tab to view the created structure.
  4. Right-click on the header again and click Release All to release all the DOP orders created for the DOP structure.
  5. Click on Costing tab and on the navigator, right-click on the top node of the DOP structure and select Calculate DOP Cost. In the dialog box that opens up, enter your site and select all DOP cost types. 
  6. In the Structure tab, right-click and then click DOP Order Detail to view the DOP order.
  7. In the DOP Order window, click the Supply/Summary tab and check that a pegged order has been created for the part.
  8. Select the record then right-click and click Go to Supply to view the created supply for the part.

Handling Pegged Order to Report Cost and Progress on Activity

  1. Go to the created supply pegged to the DOP order. If it's a purchase requisition, convert to a purchase order then release it. If it's a shop order, then go directly to step 8.
  2. Go back to the Costing tab of the DOP header and calculate the DOP cost, as described in step 12 of the previous exercise.
  3. Go to the project activity that has been connected to the part. Refresh the window and see if cost have been retrieved back to the activity. Note that the cost calculated in the Estimated Accum Cost field in the DOP Header/Costing tab will give you committed cost back in the project activity.
  4. Go back to the purchase order. Confirm and receive it.
  5. Close the DOP order.
  6. Observe the progress in the project activity. Since this is the only DOP order connected to this activity, the progress will be 100%, if the chosen Progress Method is DOP Header.
  7. Repeat steps 2 and 3. Note that the cost calculated in the Actual Accum Cost field in the DOP Header/Costing tab will give you used cost back in the project activity.
  8. If the created supply is a shop order, then release it.
  9. Repeat steps 2 and 3.
  10. Reserve then issue the material to the shop order.
  11. Repeat steps 2 and 3 and observe what happens to the committed and used costs back in the project activity.
  12. Report operations on the shop order, and then repeat steps 2 and 3.
  13. Observe the hours and costs retrieved in the project activity.
  14. Receive the shop order.
  15. Close the DOP order.
  16. Observe the progress in the project activity. Since this is the only DOP order connected to this activity, the progress will be 100%, if the chosen Progress Method is DOP Header.