Setting Up Purchase Order Authorization—Basic Data and Requirements Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup


Purpose: The purpose of this is to add yourself as a buyer that can be used on your purchase orders and in the authorization.

Procurement Basic Data/Buyers

  1. Create yourself as a buyer. The Buyer ID should be the same as your Authorizer ID.

Authorization Group

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create an authorization group to which authorizers with higher authorization limit than you will belong.

Purchase Authorization Basic Data/Authorization Groups

  1. Create an authorization group, and add the authorizers JAQUES and JACKIE as members of the authorization group.

General exercise for Creating an Authorization Group

Project Roles

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a project role, add this to a project and assign a person to this project role in the project.

Project Basic/Default Project Role
Project/Role Assignments

  1. Open the Default Project Role tab in the Project Basic window and add the project role PM for project manager. Select the Default to Project checkbox.
  2. Open the Projects window and create a project PRXX, replacing XX with your initials and add MIKE as project Manager.
  3. Open the Roles tab in the Project window and add the project role PM.
  4. Open the Role Assignments tab in the Project window, right-click and then click Generate Role Assignments. The person MIKE is now displayed as assigned to the role PM.

General exercise for Defining Default Project Roles

General exercise for Creating and Assigning Project Roles

Organization Positions

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to make sure that the organization position CEO is created for the company and that the person NIKI is assigned to this position.

Graphical Position Structure/Assigned Employees

  1. Open the Graphical Position Structure window and double click on the CEO position
  2. Open the Assigned Employees tab and make sure that the person Niki Lauda is assigned to this position.

Authorization Routing Template

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create an authorization routing template, including several authorization steps.

Purchase Authorization Basic Data/Authorization Template

  1. Create an authorization routing template with four steps. The first step of the authorization routing template is the authorization by the buyer, the second step by a member of the authorization group, the third step by the project role project manager and the fouth step by the position CEO.

General exercise for Creating an Authorization Routing Template

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize yourself with creating an authorization rule for purchase orders.

Purchase Order Authorization Rule

It has been decided that for IFS Racing purchases made to your site, authorization must be made first by the buyer. Then steps with other authorizers may be needed depending on the authorization limits of the authorizers and the amount to authorize. You will need to set up a new authorization rule for your site.

Creating a Purchase Order Authorization Rule

  1. Create a new record (F5). Your default site and the currency are populated.
  2. Enter a name, e.g., the initials, for the new purchase order authorization rule.
  3. Enter a value for the authorization rule priority in the Priority field.
  4. Select all the Apply Regardless of … checkboxes. Since this authorization rule will be applied to all purchase orders entered on your site, the supplier, supplier statistic group, coordinator, buyer, project category1, project category 2, project and total amount of the purchase order do not have any significance.
  5. Leave the Minimum and Maximum PO Amount/Curr fields blank.
  6. Click your authorization routing template from the Routing Template ID list.
  7. Do not select Allow Changes after Authorization, Include Charge Amounts and Use Gross Amounts check boxes.
  8. Don’t select the Include All Steps in Authorization checkbox. This will only copy necessary authorization steps until a step with enough authorization limit has been reached to the purchase order.
  9. Save your changes (F12).
  10. The new authorization rule is in Planned status. To activate it, right-click and then click Release.

Note: When doing further purchase order exercises, you may not want to have the authorization rule activated. You can temporarily deactivate an authorization rule, e.g., to make changes to it, by right-clicking and then clicking Change to Planned. To permanently deactivate a Released authorization rule, right-click and then click Close.