Overview of Extended MRP Data—Introductory Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site(s) to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other sites, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site(s).

Basic Data Setup

Inventory Parts with Different Planning Methods and Configuration Characteristics

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the inventory parts required for running extended exercise for Material Requirements Planning.

Copy Parts To Site
Background Jobs
Inventory Part

Note: If you already have these parts copied to your primary site, please set the planning attributes, Planning Method and Supply Type in the Planning Data tab and lead time in the Acquisition tab according to the table below.

  1. Open the Copy Parts To Site window.
  2. In the From area, enter 1 in the Site field.
  3. Enter 920 in the Comm. Group 2 field. 
  4. In the To area, enter your primary site in the Site field.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Open the Background Jobs window and populate it. Make sure the background job is complete. When it finishes, the parts listed in the table below will be copied to your primary site.
  7. Open the Inventory Part window and query for your primary site and for part numbers that match 90-%. Set the planning methods and other planning data values as shown in the last three columns of the table below.
Part No Description Part Type Planner U/M Lead Time Planning Method Planning Supply Type
90-200 Dual 200 watts bass system Manufactured * pcs 0 A Requisition
90-210 10" 4 ohm 200 watts woofer Manufactured * pcs 0 B Order Point Qty = 10 Requisition
90-220 Low frequency crossover Manufactured * pcs 1 D Multiple Lot Size= 5 Requisition
90-230 Fused Distribution Block Manufactured * pcs 1 E

Ordering Cost=100

Interest Cost=3%

Estimated Material Cost=200

90-240 Wiring Harness Manufactured * pcs 1 F

Ordering Cost=100

Interest Cost=0.5%

Estimated Material Cost=200

90-250 2 channel 200 watts amplifier Manufactured * pcs 1 G Order Cover Time=5 Requisition
90-260 Platinum Fuse Box Manufactured * pcs 1 K Requisition
90-270 Mounting Kits Manufactured * pcs 1 M Requisition
90-280 Cooling Fan Manufactured * pcs 1 P Requisition
90-211 Woofer Component Purchased * pcs 0 A Requisition
90-221 Crossover Component Purchased * pcs 0 A Min Lot Size=4 Requisition
90-231 Distribution Block Component Purchased * pcs 0 A Max Lot Size=10 Requisition
90-241 Wiring Harness Component Purchased * pcs 0 A Scrap Factor=10% Requisition
90-251 Power Circuit Manufactured * pcs 0 A Manufactured / Acquired Split = Yes

Manufacture %=50%

Acquire %=50%

90-252 Power Supply Purchased * pcs 0 A Requisition
90-253 Circuit Board Purchased * pcs 0 A Requisition
90-254 Chips Purchased * pcs 0 A Requisition
90-261 Fuse Box Component Purchased * pcs 0 A Requisition
90-271 Screw Purchased * pcs 0 A Requisition
90-272 Hatchback style housing Manufactured * pcs 0 N Requisition
90-273 L shape aluminum plate Purchased * pcs 0 C Order Point Qty=8 Requisition
90-274 Box Hatchback adapter Manufactured * pcs 0 N Requisition
90-281 Cooling Fan Component Purchased * pcs 0 A Requisition
90-300 6.5" Component System Manufactured * pcs 0 A DOP
90-301 6.5" Woofer Manufactured * pcs 0 A DOP
90-302 1" Tweeter Manufactured * pcs 0 A Requisition
90-303 2-way Crossover Manufactured * pcs 0 A DOP
90-304 Speaker Rubber Purchased * pcs 1 A Requisition
90-305 Aluminum Injected Plastic Purchased * pcs 0 A Requisition
90-306 Graphite Injected Plastic Purchased * pcs 0 A Requisition
90-307 Multi Mount Tweeter Cover Purchased * pcs 0 A Requisition
90-308 Capacitor Purchased * pcs 0 A Requisition
90-309 Circuit Board Purchased * pcs 0 A Schedule

Copy Multi-site Inventory Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to copy a part to your secondary site for use in multi-site scenarios required for running extended exercise for MRP. Skip this section if you are only doing PMRP exercises.

Inventory Part

  1. Copy part number 90-211 to your secondary site.  Query for part 90-211, right-click and then click  Duplicate.
  2. Change the value of the Site to your secondary site, then save your new record.
  3. Check the attributes on the Planning tab to be sure they match those described in the table below.  Save any changes if necessary.
Part No Description Part Type Planner U/M Lead Time Planning Method Planning Supply Type
90-211 Woofer Component Manufactured * pcs 0 A Requisition

Planning Network

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up a planning network required for running extended exercise for MRP. Skip this section if you are only doing PMRP exercises.

Planning Network

  1. If you haven't already done so, create a new planning network with a unique ID and description.  Hint: Use your initials or name to identify the planning network.
  2. Add your primary and secondary sites to the network in the table below.

General exercise for Planning Network

Production Line

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the production line required for running extended exercise for MRP. Skip this section if you are only doing PMRP exercises.

Production Line

  1. If you haven't already done so, create a new production line 001 in your primary site and attach the 90-251 part to this production line.

General exercise for Production Line

Configuration Characteristic

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the configurations required for running extended exercise for MRP. Skip this section if you are only doing PMRP.

Configuration Characteristic
Configuration Family

  1. In the Configuration Characteristic window, query for characteristic IDs WF-1and TW-1. Both characteristic should have attributes as described in the table below. 
Characteristic ID Description CBS Scheduled Data Type Config Value Type Mandatory
WF-1 Magnet Not Numeric Discrete Option Yes
TW-1 Shape Not Alpha Discrete Option Yes
Characteristic ID Option Value ID Option Description
WF-1 1 Single Magnet
WF-1 2 Dual Magnet
TW-1 01 Dome
TW-1 02 Semi-Dome

General exercise for Configuration Characteristic

  1. In the Configuration Family window query for family WF-C and TW-C. Each family should have one characteristic ID as described in the table below.
Config Family ID Description Characteristic ID
WF-C Woofer Configuration WF-1
TW-C Tweeter Configuration TW-1

General exercise for Configuration Family

  1. Set the 90-300, 90-301 and 90-302 parts to configurable parts. Attach the configuration family as described in the table below.
Part No Config Family ID Copy All Characteristics in Family
90-301 WF-C Yes
90-302 TW-C Yes

General exercise for Part Catalog


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the product and configuration structures required for running extended exercise for MRP.


Product Structure
Configuration Structure

  1. Copy the product structure for your parts from site 1 into your primary site, as described in the table below. Promote all the structures to the Buildable state.
  2. For PMRP exercises, use these same structures and make sure Std Planned Item check box is cleared on each component line.
Parent Part  Component Part Qty per Assembly 
90-200 90-100 1
90-200 90-210 2
90-200 90-220 2
90-200 90-230 1
90-200 90-240 2
90-200 90-250 2
90-200 90-260 2
90-200 90-270 1
90-200 90-280 1
90-210 90-211 1
90-220 90-221 1
90-230 90-231 1
90-240 90-241 1
90-250 90-251 1
90-250 90-252 1
90-251 90-253 1
90-251 90-254 4
90-260 90-261 1
90-270 90-271 10
90-270 90-272 2
90-272 90-273 1
90-272 90-274 2
90-274 90-112 1
90-280 90-281 1
90-303 90-308 2
90-303 90-309 1

General exercise for Product Structures

  1. Copy configuration structures for the 90-300, 90-301, and 90-302 configured parts from site 1 into your primary site, as described in the table below. Promote all the structures to Buildable state. Skip this section if you are only doing PMRP exercises.
Parent Part  Component Part Qty per Assembly 
90-300 90-301 1
90-300 90-302 1
90-300 90-303 1
90-301 90-304 1
90-301 90-305 1
90-302 90-306 1
90-302 90-307 1

Internal Supplier

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up an internal supplier in Purchasing required for running extended exercise for MRP. Skip this section if you are only doing PMRP exercises.


  1. If you haven't already done so, create an internal supplier associated with your secondary site.  Follow the general exercise for suppliers to do this.
  2. On the Purchase/Misc Supplier Info tab, be sure to click the Internal Supplier checkbox and specify your secondary site as the Supplier Site.

General exercise for Suppliers

Multi-site Planned Supplier for Purchase Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to associate a multi-site purchased part with an internal supplier for use in exploring multi-site MRP planning functionality required for running extended exercise for MRP. Skip this section if you are only doing PMRP exercises.

Supplier for Purchase Part

  1. Create a Supplier per Purchase Part record for part 90-211 on your primary site using the new internal supplier.
  2. Define a price of $10 USD.
  3. Make certain you click the Multi-Site Planned check box for this supplier/part combination to indicate multi-site distribution features should be enabled for this item.

Internal Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up an internal customer in Customer Order required for running extended exercise for MRP.  This Customer is required as part of the Distribution Order features. Skip this section if you are only doing PMRP exercises.


  1. If you haven't already done so, create an internal customer associated with your primary site.  Follow the general exercise for customers to do this.
  2. On the Customer/Order/Misc Customer Info tab, be sure to click the Internal Customer checkbox and specify your primary site as the Customer Site.
  3. Also on the Customer/Order/Misc Customer Info tab, specify an Order Type to be used as a default.  This is needed when creating Distribution Orders.

General exercise for Customers

Sales Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to associate the multi-site part with a sales part for use in exploring multi-site MRP planning functionality required for running extended exercise for MRP.  This sales part record is necessary to utilize the Distribution Order features. Skip this section if you are only doing PMRP exercises.

Sales Part

  1. Create a Sales Part record for part 90-211 on your secondary site.
  2. Define a price of $10 USD.

General exercise for Sales Part

Supply and Demand

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to manually create supply and demand for parent part in the structure so you can study how that demand is driving component parts with different planning methods and configuration characteristics.

Sales Part
Customer Order
Material Requisition
Receive Inventory Part
Inventory Part In Stock

  1. Open the Sales Part window and define the 90-200 and 90-300 parts as sales parts with a price of $100 USD each in your primary site.

General exercise for Sales Part

Skip steps 2-5  if you are only doing PMRP exercises.

  1. Open the Customer Order window and create a customer order with a delivery date that is 1 month ` of today's date in your primary site. You can use existing customer or create a new customer to be used in this exercise.
  2. Create a customer order line for the 90-200 sales part with a sales quantity of 3. Save the record.

General exercise for Customer Order

  1. Open the Material Requisition window and create a new order for the 90-230, 90-240, and 90-250 parts, as described in the table below. You can use existing internal customer or create a new internal customer to be used in this exercise.

General exercise for Material Requisition

Part No Qty Due Due Date
90-230 100 1 month ahead of today's date
90-230 100 2 months ahead of today's date
90-230 100 3 months ahead of today's date
90-240 100 1 month ahead of today's date
90-240 100 2 months ahead of today's date
90-240 100 3 months ahead of today's date
90-250 50 3 days ahead of customer order date created in point no.2 above
90-250 5 1 month ahead of customer order date created in point no.2 above
  1. Open the Receive Inventory Part window. In your primary site, query for part 90-280 and receive 1 piece of it to location 1 with inventory value 200. 

Note: You may need to duplicate inventory location 1 from Site 1 to your primary site first if you do not have it defined.

General exercise for Receive Inventory

Skip steps 6-13 if you are only doing MRP exercises.

  1. Open the Customer Order window and create a customer order with a delivery date that is 1 month ahead of today's date in your site. You can use an existing customer or create a new customer to be used in this exercise.
  2. Create a customer order line for the 90-200 sales part with a sales quantity of 3. Enter XX100 in the Project ID column, and XXA100 in the Activity ID column (XX refers to your initials). Save the record.
  3. Open the Project  window. Query for your project XX100. Click on the Demand tab/Misc Parts tab. Click the New record button to create a new record. From the list of values, select the XXSP100 sub project and XXA100 activity id. Enter your site in the Site column.
  4. In the Part Number column, enter 90-230. In the Required Quantity column, enter 100. In the Required Date column, enter a date 1 month ahead of today's date. Set the Supply Option to Project MRP and Std Planned Item check box must be cleared. Repeat this step for the same part and required quantity, but with a required date 2 months ahead of today's date and 3 months ahead of today's date, i.e. three records in all.
  5. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for part 90-240.
  6. For part 90-250, create two records. For the same sub project XXSP100 and activity id XXA100, one for a required quantity of 50 three days ahead of customer order date created in step no 6. Another one for a required quantity of 5 half month ahead of customer order date created in step no 6.
  7. Open the Receive Inventory Part window. In your site, query for part 90-280 and receive 1 piece of it to location 1 with inventory value 200. Note: You may need to duplicate inventory location 1 from Site 1 to your site first if you do not have it defined.
  8. Open the Inventory Part In Stock. Query for part 90-280 at your site and highlight the record. Right click, then click Transfer to Project Inventory. In the Transfer to Project Inventory dialog, Enter XX100 in the Project ID field, XXSP100 in the Sub Project ID field and XXA100 in the Activity ID field (XX refers to your initials). Click OK.

Copy Inventory Parts for Alternate Components

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to copy parts to your site for use in alternate component scenarios required for running extended exercise for MRP. It is recommended that you create a site separate from the one used for the previous exercises for multi-site MRP or MRP for Configured Parts. Skip this section if you are only doing PMRP exercises.

Inventory Locations
Inventory Part
Alternate Component
Product Structure
Receive Inventory Part

  1. Create a separate site for this Alternate Components in MRP exercise.
  2. In the  Inventory Locations window, create a new inventory location for your site, with Location Group as PICK. Save the record.
  3. Copy part number 90-111 to your site.  Query for part 90-111, right-click and then click Copy Part. Change the value of the To Site field to your site. Keep the value of the To Part field as 90-111. In the table window, uncheck the Part Catalog, General checkbox. Click OK.
  4. Query for part 90-111 and your site. Right-click, then click Copy Part. Change the value of the To Site to your site. Change the value of the To Part to 90-111A1, and enter a description for this part. In the table window, check the Part Catalog General checkbox. Then click OK.
  5. Make another copy of the 90-111 part, this time with To Part field set to 90-111A2, and To Site field set to your site. The checkboxes in the table area must be set to the same as in step 4.
  6. Check the Zero Cost attribute in the Cost Control area on the Misc Part Info tab to be sure it is set to Zero Cost Allowed. Save any changes if necessary.
  7. In the Alternate Component window in Manufacturing Standards, query for part 90-111 at your site. Create a new record in the table window. Enter 10 in the Substitution Sequence column, 90-111A1 in the Alternate Part column, and select Include During MRP in the MRP Netting Use column. This insures that the MRP process considers existing supply of this part before generating requisitions for the primary part. Save the record. Repeat this, creating another alternate part 90-111A2 for 90-111, using substitution sequence 20, other column values being the same.
  8. Query for part 90-112 and site 1. Right-click, then click Copy Part. Change the value of the To Site field to your site. In the table window, uncheck the Part Catalog General, Add From Part as an Alternative Component to the To Part, as well as the Add To Part as an Alternative Component to the From Part checkboxes. Then click OK.
  9. Query for part 90-110 and site 1. Right-click, then click Copy Part. Change the value of the To Site field to your site. In the table window, uncheck the Part Catalog General, Add From Part as an Alternative Component to the To Part, Add To Part as an Alternative Component to the From Part, and all four of the Manufacturing Routings checkboxes. Then click OK.
  10. In the Product Structure window in Manufacturing Standards, query for part 90-110 at your site. In the Product Structure tab, right click, select Build to make the structure Buildable.
  11. In the Receive Inventory Part window, query for part 90-111A1 at your site. In the table window, receive a quantity of 10 of this part at the location you defined in step 2. In the Define Cost Structure dialog, enter 110 in the Cost Bucket ID column, and 0 in the Cost/Unit column. Click OK. Similarly, receive a quantity of 10 of part 90-111A2 at your site.