PM Generation Criteria—Key Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Maintenance Organization

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the executing maintenance organization required for the exercises below. 

Organization Basic Data/Maintenance Organizations

  1. Create a new maintenance organization.

General exercise for Maintenance Organization


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the actions required for the exercises below.

Maintenance Basic Data/Actions

  1. Create a new action: INS, with the description: Inspection.

General exercise for Actions


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up parameters required for the exercises below.  

Maintenance Basic Data/Parameters

  1. Create a new limit parameter. 

General exercise for Parameters


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data record events required for the exercises below. 

Work Order and PM Basic Data/Events

  1. Create a new event: WS, with the following description: Winter Shutdown.

General exercise for Events

Object Levels

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the object levels required for the exercises below.

Equipment Basic Data/Object Levels

  1. Create a new object level. 

General exercise for Object Levels

Required Data

Create Equipment Object

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you the required data that you need for the exercises below.

Functional Object

  1. Create a new functional object (F5).
  2. In the Object ID field, enter XXPM-311-PA-555, where XX represents your initials. In the corresponding Description field, enter Feed Water Pump 555.
  3. Enter the following object level: Object ID. Use List of Values (F8).
  4. Save the new functional object (F12).

General exercise for Create Functional Object

Create Separate PM Action

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the required data that you need for the exercises below.

Separate PM Action

  1. Create a new separate PM action (F5).
  2. In the Object ID field, select XXPM-311-PA-555, where XX represents your initials. Use the List of Values. 
  3. In the Action field, select INS. Use the List of Values.
  4. In the Maint. Org. field, select MAINT. Use the List of Values.
  5. Save the new separate PM action (F12). The separate PM action receives a unique PM number.

General exercise for Create Separate PM Action

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to familiar you with the generation criteria used with separate/route PM actions. There are three generation types: calendar-based, criteria-based, and event-based. These can be entered either manually or automatically. 

Separate PM Action
Route PM Action
Calendar Generation
Condition Generation
Event Generation

Calendar-Based Generation

  1. Open the Separate PM Action window.
  2. Query for the PM action that you entered in the required exercise above.
  3. Click the General tab.
  4. In the Start Value field under Calendar, enter 0201. In the Start Unit list, click Week. The Start Value field displays the base date for the maintenance plan is generated. The values that you just entered specify the first week of January 2002. The corresponding unit of measure is specified in the Start Unit field. 
  5. In the Interval field, enter 4. In the Interval Unit list, click Week. The Interval field shows the time interval that is used when the maintenance plan is generated. The corresponding unit of measure is specified in the Interval Unit field. The values that you just entered specify a four-week interval.
  6. Save your changes (F12).
  7. Click the Maintenance Plan tab. This tab enables you to view and adjust the PM actions with calendar-based generation, i.e., the entire list of weeks and dates for which work orders will be generated for the PM action. The dates are generated automatically using the criteria that you set up for calendar generation on the General tab. You can adjust the maintenance plan by changing the planned date. 
  8. Right-click and then click Generate Work Order to generate a selected row in the window. This is useful when you only want to try out the feature or generate a single work order.
  9. If you have many PM actions to generate, you may find it more efficient to open the Calendar Generation window.
  10. Enter the week for which you want to generate work orders, in YYWW format.
  11. Select the maintenance organization, route ID, priority, object ID, or action, if you want to include these values in the selection criteria.
  12. Click OK.

Note: If you are creating a route PM action, do not forget to set generation conditions for the other PM actions.

Condition-Based Generation

  1. Open the Separate PM Action window.
  2. Query for the PM action that you entered in the required exercise above.
  3. Click the Criteria tab and click New to enter criteria-based generation values.

Note: On this tab, you can enter and view criteria limits for the parameters that are linked to the object. If the parameter is a limit value, e.g., temperature, enter minimum and maximum values. If it is an accumulate parameter, e.g., working hours, enter a start value and interval. When the criteria limits are exceeded, a work order is generated based on the PM action.

  1. Use the List of Values to select a test point on the object on which you want to perform the action.

Note: These test points are linked to the object on the Testpoints/Parameters tab in the Functional Object or Serial Object window in IFS/Equipment.

  1. Use the List of Values to select a parameter for which you want to enter criteria. The parameter type can either be set to Accumulated or Limit. The table below shows you the difference between them both.
Value Type Parameter Examples
Parameters Accumulated Hours Run, Distance in Miles
Parameters Limit Temperature, Oil Level, Voltage

Note: This enables you to enter measurements on the parameter for the object and use the information to generate work orders based on the PM action. In this field, you can enter only parameters that are linked to the object on the Testpoints/Parameters tab in the Functional Object or Serial Object window in IFS/Equipment.

  1. Enter minimum and maximum values if you are using the Limit parameter, or start value and interval if you are using the Accumulated parameter.
  2. Save the new row (F12).
  3. Open the Measurements window.
  4. Create a new record.
  5. In the Object ID field, enter the object that you want to register measurement for, e.g., XXPM-311-PA-555. Use the list of Values.
  6. In the Parameter field enter an appropriate parameter.
  7. In the Measured Value field, enter a measured value that falls outside the specified parameter values, i.e., higher that the max value or lower than the min value, for a limit parameter.
  8. Save the record.
  9. Open the Condition Generation window to trigger the generation.
  10. Enter the maintenance organization using the List of Values.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Open the Active Work Orders window, and search for work orders generated from your PM action. Click Query Dialog and enter your PM action number as the search criteria.

Event-Based Generation

  1. Open the Separate PM Action window.
  2. Query for the PM action that you entered in the required exercise above.
  3. Click the General tab. 
  4. In the Event ID field, select an appropriate event using the List of Values. 

Note: The Start field contains a number for the order of events when the maintenance action is to be started. The interval is calculated from the first generation of the PM action.

  1. Save the new information (F12).
  2. Open the Event Generation window.
  3. Use the List of Values to select the same event ID that you entered on the PM action.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Open the Active Work Orders window, and search for work orders generated from your PM action. Click Query Dialog and enter your PM action number as the search criteria.