Receiving Reserved Serial Structures On Shop Orders — Extended Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Discrete Manufacturing Overview Racing Engine

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the required data that will be used in the Discrete Manufacturing exercises. This sets up data for your site that only needs to be done once for Discrete Manufacturing course exercises.

  1. If you haven't done so already, set up your site for discrete manufacturing of racing engines.

General exercise for Overview of Discrete Manufacturing Data

Inventory Location

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up an inventory picking location for running functionality isolated by site.

Inventory Locations

  1. If you haven't done so already, create the inventory picking location shown in the table below.
Site Location No Warehouse Location Name Location Group
Your Site 2C Sub Subassembly inv 30

General exercise for Entering Inventory Locations

Required Data

Inventory Part Balance

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify that you have enough parts to complete the main exercises. 

Inventory Part Currently On Hand
Receive Inventory Part

Note: For the serialized part, you will need to define the serial numbers when receiving parts into inventory. When generating a range of serial numbers, the serial numbers generated can have either a prefix, a suffix, or both added to the generated set of sequential numbers, so you should decide which you prefer. The generated numbers do not retain leading zeros. To have leading zeros, the zero characters must be added manually. The serial numbers are stored in the IFS system as alphanumeric values. You may want to use your initials followed by a dash as a prefix to make the serial numbers easy to query.

  1. Verify that you have at least the quantity of parts shown on the table below available for manufacturing. If you do not, receive the indicated quantity of the parts into inventory picking locations.
Site Part Number Part Description Quantity Available for Manufacturing Serialized?
Your Site 21-350 Fuel Tank 15 No
Your Site 21-351 Carburetor 15 Yes
Your Site 21-352 Fuel Pump 15 No

General exercise for Receiving Inventory Part

Shop Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create shop orders to be used in the main exercises below.

Shop Order

Prerequisites: Handling Serial Numbers on Shop Orders exercise.

Note: This exercise continues processing the shop orders created in the prerequisite exercise.

  1. Verify that you have shop orders for the parts and quantities, shown in the table below. These shop orders should be in either a Planned or Released state. The shop orders should already have serial numbers reserved for receipt. Record the shop order numbers in the table below to make it easier to find the appropriate shop order for each exercise.
Site Part Number Part Description Lot Size Shop Order Number Relevant Exercise
Your Site 21-250 Fuel System 1 Receive Single Serial Number on a Shop Order
Your Site 21-250 Fuel System 10 Receive Multiple Serial Numbers on a Shop Order

General exercise for Creating Shop Orders Manually

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to receive serial parts on a shop order using the serial structure mechanism.

Shop Order/Tracking
Shop Order/Material
Shop Order Graphical As Built Structure
Part Serial

The fuel system for the racing engine is a manufactured serialized part with a serialized component part and other non-serialized component parts. Two shop orders exist for the fuel system. You want to receive the serialized fuel systems for the following orders:

Receiving a Single Serial Number on a Shop Order

You want to create the serial structure and receive the fuel system on a shop order for a single fuel system. You want to reserve and issue a specific serialized component part.

  1. Open the Shop Order window and query for the shop order for this exercise. If you did not record the shop order number, query for your site, part number 21-250, and a quantity of 1.
  2. If the shop order is in a Planned state, release the shop order.
  3. Click the Tracking tab and verify that a serial number is reserved for the shop order and is identified by the Serial Begin and Serial End fields.
  4. Click the Material tab. Select the row for the serialized component part 21-351. Right-click anywhere in the table, and then click Manual reservations to reserve a specific serialized carburetor.
  5. In the table section of the Reservations window, create a new row.

Note: Record the serial number of the component part for use in a later step.

  1. In the Location No field, use the List of Values to select the serialized component part to be used.
  2. Save the information to reserve the serialized component part to the shop order and close the Reservations window.
  3. Right-click anywhere in the Shop Order window header, point to Material Actions, and then click Reserve to reserve the remaining material to the shop order.
  4. When the Reserve Shop Order window appears, click OK without entering anything in the Reserve to Date field.
  5. Right-click anywhere in the Shop Order window header, point to Material Actions, and then click Issue to issue the reserved material.
  6. When the Enter criteria for Issue window displays, select the Issue all reserved material check box. Click OK.
  7. Right-click anywhere in the header of the Shop Order window, point to Material Actions, and then click Manual Receive to receive the fuel system. 
  8. A proposed location is required. If there is no default value in the Proposed Location field in the Receive Shop Order window, select one from the List of Values and save the information.
  9. Select the Auto Report of Operations check box on the Receive Shop Order window.
  10. Right-click anywhere in the Receive Shop Order window header and then click Build Serial Structures to create the association between the serial number component part and the serial number of the part being produced.

Note: Since this shop order is for a single serialized part, the serial structure can be built without additional information.

  1. Right-click anywhere in the header of the Receive Shop Order window and then click Receive Serial Parts to receive the serialized fuel system.

Note: Record the serial number of the parent part for use in a later step.

  1. Click OK on the Receive Serialized Parts dialog box to process the receipt of the serial number reserved to the shop order and return to the Receive Shop Order window.
  2. Close the Receive Shop Order window.
  3. Refresh the Shop Order window. Verify that the shop order is completely received and closed.
  4. Open the Part Serial window and query for the 21-250 part and the serial number. Verify that the association has been made between the serial number of the manufactured part and the serial number of the component part.

Receiving Multiple Serial Numbers on a Shop Order

You want to create the serial structures and receive the fuel systems on a shop order for multiple fuel systems. You do not want to identify specific serialized component parts. You have decided to use the ones that will be reserved automatically.

  1. Open the Shop Order window and query for the shop order for this exercise. If you did not record the shop order number, query for your site, part number 21-250, and a quantity of 10.
  2. If the shop order is in a Planned state, release the shop order.
  3. Click the Tracking tab and verify that a range of serial numbers is reserved for the shop order and is identified by the Serial Begin and Serial End fields.
  4. Right-click anywhere in the header, point to Material Actions, and then click Reserve to reserve the material to the shop order, including the serialized component parts.
  5. When the Reserve Shop Order dialog box appears, click OK without entering anything in the Reserve to Date field.
  6. Right-click anywhere in the header, point to Material Actions, and then click Issue to issue the reserved material.
  7. When the Enter criteria for Issue dialog box appears, select the Issue all reserved material check box. Click OK.
  8. Right-click anywhere in the header of the Shop Order window, point to Material Actions, and then click Manual Receive to receive the fuel systems. 
  9. A proposed location is required. If there is no default value in the Proposed Location field in the Receive Shop Order window, select one from the List of Values and save the information.
  10. In the Receive Shop Order window, select the Auto Report of Operations check box.
  11. Right-click anywhere in the Receive Shop Order window header, and then click Shop Order Graphical As Built Structure to see the existing associations between the serial number component parts and the serial numbers of the parts being produced.
  12. In the Tracked Structure tab of the Shop Order Graphical As Built Structure window, right-click on the 21-250 part, and then click Expand Descendents to see the serial numbers reserved for the shop order and any associated serial number component parts. Unassociated serial numbered component parts will display in the table. You can take the following actions to modify the associations until you have achieved the results you want:
  13. Right-click anywhere in the header and click Build Tracked Structures to have the unassociated serial numbers of the component parts that are displayed in the table associated with the serial numbers of manufactured parts that still need more associated components parts. Refresh the window to see the changes.
  14. Right-click on the associated serial number of a component part in the Tracked Structure tab, and then click Remove Tracked Component to disassociate the serial number of the component part with the serial number of the manufactured part.
  15. Select one or more table rows containing unassociated component part serial numbers. Right-click on a serial number of the manufactured part in the Tracked Structure tab and click Add Tracked Components to associate the selected component serial numbers with the serial number of the manufactured part. This allows you to associate a greater number of component parts with the serial number of a manufactured part than is required by the quantity per assembly, if that is what you wish to do.
  16. When you are finished associating the serial numbers, close the Shop Order Graphical As Built Structure window.
  17. Right-click anywhere in the header of the Receive Shop Order window and then click Receive Serial Parts to receive the serialized manufactured parts.
  18. When the Receive Serialized Parts dialog box appears, verify that the rows for the serial numbers to be received are selected. You can change the rows selected. Click OK to receive the serialized parts.
  19. Close the Receive Shop Order window.
  20. Refresh the Shop Order window. Verify that the shop order is completely received and closed.
  21. Note: The serial structures can be viewed and modified using the Shop Order Graphical As Built Structure window during the processing of the shop order after serialized components have been reserved and before the manufactured parts have been received into inventory. You must have serial structures to receive manufactured serialized parts that contain serialized component parts. Actions that affect the reserved or issued material could affect the serial structures. Therefore, verify that your serial structures are still as you expect after those actions and before receipt of the manufactured parts.