Changing Shop Order Material—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Discrete Manufacturing Overview Racing Engine

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the required data that will be used in the Discrete Manufacturing exercises. This sets up data for your site and needs to be done only once for the Discrete Manufacturing courses exercises.

  1. Set up your site for discrete manufacturing of racing engines.

General exercise for Overview of Discrete Manufacturing Data

Inventory Location

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up an inventory picking location for running functionality isolated by site.

Inventory Locations

  1. If you haven't done so already, create the inventory picking location shown in the table below.
Site Location No Warehouse Location Name Location Group
Your Site 2C Sub Subassembly inv 30

General exercise for Entering Inventory Locations

Product Structure Alternative

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up a product structure alternative on your site for the discrete racing engine cooling system.

Product Structure
Product Structure/Product Structure

Note: The destination alternative number will automatically change from the source alternative number to the next higher integer. Therefore, you must change the site to your site and change the alternative number to match the source alternative number.

  1. Copy the product structure alternative shown in the table below from the part on site 1 to your site. (Right-click and then click Copy Structure Alternative.)
  2. Set the structure alternative for the part just copied to your site to Buildable.
Site Part No Part Description Alternative Alternative Description
Your Site 21-240 Cooling System 1 Off-Road

General exercise for Copying Revisions

Alternate Component

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up alternate components for discrete racing engines for running functionality isolated by site.

Alternate Component

  1. In your site, create the alternate components for the 21-344 part (Cooling Line Assy) shown in the table below.
Substitution Sequence Alternate Part Alternate Part Description Qty Per Component
1 21-345 Cooling Line Assy, Off-road 1 1
1 21-346 Cooling Line Assy, Off-road 2 1

General exercise for Defining Alternate Component

Required Data

Shop Order

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up a manually created shop order with the default information that will be modified in the main exercises below.

Note: Record the shop order number so that it will be easy to identify the correct shop order for the exercise.

  1. Create a shop order for the part and lot size identified in the table below.
Site Part No Part Description Lot Size Earliest Start Date Shop Order Number
Your Site 21-240 Cooling System 10 One week after today

General exercise for Creating Shop Orders Manually

Inventory Part Balance

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to ensure that the right quantities are available for manufacturing before you start the main exercises below. 

Inventory Part Currently On Hand
Receive Inventory Part
Issue Inventory Part

  1. Open the Inventory Part Currently On Hand window.
  2. Verify that you have the correct quantity available for the parts shown in the table below. If you do not have enough parts, receive the appropriate number of parts into the inventory picking locations so that the available quantity matches what is specified on the table. If you have more parts than specified on the table, issue the appropriate number of parts from inventory picking locations so that the available quantity falls within the range indicated on the table. 
Site Part Number Part Description Quantity Available for Manufacturing
Your Site 21-345 Cooling Line Assy, Off-road 1 at least 5 but no more than 9
Your Site 21-346 Cooling Line Assy, Off-road 2 at least 10

General exercise for Receiving Inventory Part

General exercise for Issuing Inventory Part

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to modify the component material on a shop order by changing the structure revision and alternate or by changing the component material requirements manually.

Shop Order
Shop Order/Detail
Shop Order/Material
Alternate Component

You are the person responsible for maintaining the shop order information. Today you need to make changes to the component material on a shop order for building a cooling system. The changes are:

Changing the Structure Revision Used

Change the structure alternate to the one for an off-road cooling system.

  1. Open the Shop Order window and query for the shop order for this exercise. If you did not record the shop order number, query for your site, part number 21-240 and a quantity of 10.  Verify that the status of the shop order is either Planned or Released.
  2. On the Detail tab, there are two Structure fields right next to each other in the Revision/Alternative area. The field on the left is the Structure Revision and the field on the right is the Structure Revision Alternative. Verify that 1 is the value of the Structure Revision field and that * is the value of the Structure Revision Alternative field.
  3. Click the Material tab, and verify that the value in the Qty Per Assembly field for each component part is 1.
  4. Right-click anywhere in the header, point to Update Allocations and/or Operations, and then click Update Structure Revision and/or Alternate.
  5. When the Update Structure Revision and/or Alternate dialog box displays, enter or select 1 in the Alternative list. Click OK to change to the alternate off-road cooling system.
  6. Click on the Detail tab, and verify that the value in the Structure Revision Alternative field has changed to 1.
  7. Click the Material tab, and verify that the values in the Qty Per Assembly fields for the component parts 21-341 (Thermostat) and 21-343 (Radiator Hose Set) have changed to 2.

Note: It is also possible to define the values for the Structure Revision and Structure Revision Alternative fields on the Detail tab by entering the values directly into the fields when the shop order is created.

Adding Material to a Shop Order

Add sheet steel as a component to fulfill a specific request.

  1. On the Material tab, create a new record in the table. Enter 6 in the Line Item No field. Enter 21-930 in the Component Part field. Enter 2 in the Qty Per Assembly field and 10 in the Scrap Factor field. Save the information.
  2. Verify that the value in the Qty Required field is 22.222222.
  3. Change the value in the Qty Required field to 22 to restrict the amount of scrap steel that will be needed. Save the information. Notice that this does not change the values in the other fields.

Changing Material on a Shop Order

Change the quantity of thermostats required.

  1. On the Material tab, change the value in the Qty Per Assembly field from 2 to 1 on the record for the 21-341 component part (Thermostat). Save the information.
  2. Verify that the value in the Qty Required field is 10.

Note: If you update the Qty Required field on an allocation line, the Qty Per Assembly field will not be updated to reflect the relation between the lot size and the quantity required.

Removing Material from a Shop Order

Remove the sheet steel due to modified request.

  1. Select the row for the 21-930 component part (Sheet Steel, .5 cm) and remove the record. Save the information.

Note: If component material has already been issued for the component part you want to remove, you will need to unissue the component parts first. It is also possible to reduce the quantity required for a component part. However, if you want to reduce the quantity required to less than the quantity already issued, it will be necessary to unissue material first.

Replacing Component with an Alternate Component

Replace the cooling line assembly with its alternate component.

  1. Open the Alternate Component window and query for your site and part number 21-344. Verify that 21-345 and 21-346 are alternate parts for the cooling line assembly. Verify that 1 is the value in the Qty Per Component field for each alternate part.
  2. Record the values in the Quantity Substituted and Quantity Substitute Limit fields for each part.
  3. Close the Alternate Component window.
  4. Open the Shop Order window and click the Material tab. Select the row for the 21-344 component part (Cooling Line Assy). Right-click on the row, and then click Alternate Component.
  5. Verify that the value of the Component Part field has changed to 21-346 (Cooling Line Assy, Off-road 2). This is because part 21-345 did not have enough available to substitute for part 21-344.
  6. Open the Alternate Component window and query again for your site and part number 21-344. Verify that the value in the Qty Per Component field for the 21-345 part is unchanged and that the value for the 21-346 part has increased by 10.