Initial Exercises—Discrete Manufacturing 1

Initial Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these initial exercises is that the instructor will use them for demonstrating the basic functionality in Discrete Manufacturing, which entails:

These initial exercises are intended for instructor use.

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Releasing Shop Order Requisitions to Create Shop Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for creating shop orders by releasing shop order requisitions. Shop order requisitions are usually created by planning processes, such as Master Scheduling and MRP. Shop orders for two different production parts will be created from existing requisitions.

Prerequisites: For this exercise and the following exercises, it is necessary to have existing inventory of the component parts in inventory picking locations and existing shop order requisitions for parts to be produced. The required types of prerequisite information are listed in the tables below for shop order requisitions, default inventory location for parts, and inventory part balances. The prerequisite information will need to be created or verified each time these exercises are completed. In addition, it is necessary to have parts, structures, and routings defined for building the parts. These are prepared for site 1.

It is necessary to verify that the system default for creating shop orders is set correctly. Verify that the value for Create SO in Status Planned is Yes (Parameters for Distribution and Manufacturing).

If you are a student doing self-directed learning and want to complete the following initial exercises, you should first complete the Overview of Discrete Manufacturing Data exercise to define the necessary data in your site. In addition, for students doing self-directed learning, the Discrete Manufacturing Process exercise would be beneficial to complete before this initial exercise.

Shop Order Requisition (Record the requisition numbers for later reference. Instructors only, use site 1.)

Site Part Number Part Description Due Date Quantity Requisition Number
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 2 work days from today 5
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 3 work days from today 5
Your Site 21-313 Oil Pan 3 work days from today 10

Default Inventory Location for Part (Instructors only, use site 1.)

Site Part Number Part Description Part Location Location Name
Your Site 21-230 Electrical System 2C Subassembly inv
Your Site 21-313 Oil Pan 2C Subassembly inv
Your Site 21-935 Steel, Scrap 2C Subassembly inv

Inventory Part Balance ( Instructors only, use site 1.)

Site Part Number Part Description Quantity Available for Manufacturing Part Location Location Name
Your Site 21-330 Ignition System 20 2C Subassembly inv
Your Site 21-331 Starting System 20 2C Subassembly inv
Your Site 21-332 Battery System 20 2C Subassembly inv
Your Site 21-930 Sheet Steel, .5 cm 100 2C Subassembly inv

Shop Order Requisitions
Shop Order Requisition
Shop Order Requisition/Detail
Shop Order Requisition/Shop Order

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Shop Order Requisitions window.
  2. Query for the three requisitions created for this exercise. If you did not record the requisition numbers, query for your site, and a state of ProposalCreated.
  3. In the table, select the row with the requisition for part 21-313 (Oil Pan) to be released.
  4. Right-click and then click Create Shop Order(s).
  5. With the row still selected in the Shop Order Requisitions window, right-click and then click Show Shop Order Requisition.
  6. In the Shop Order Requisition window, verify that the value in the State field is ShopOrderCreated.
  7. Click the Shop Order tab and verify that a shop order is displayed. In the table below, record the shop order information for later reference.
Order No Release No Sequence No Part Number
  1. Close the Shop Order Requisition window.
  2. In the table in the Shop Order Requisitions window, select the two rows with the requisitions for part 21-230 (Electrical System) to be released.
  3. Right-click and then click Merge into Shop Order(s).
  4. When the Merge Shop Order dialog box displays, verify that the Merge into New Shop Order(s) option is selected. The Merge into Existing Shop Order should be available, but the Existing Shop Order area should be unavailable.
  5. Click OK.
  6. With the two rows still selected in the Shop Order Requisitions window, right-click and then click Show Shop Order Requisition.
  7. In the Shop Order Requisition window, verify that the value in the State field is ShopOrderCreated.
  8. Click the Shop Order tab and verify that a shop order is displayed. 
  9. Select the record in the table.
  10. Right-click and then click Show Shop Order.
  11. In the Shop Order window, verify that the lot size of the shop order is 10 (the sum of the requisition quantities) and that the due date is the date from the earliest requisition. In the table below, record the shop order information for later reference.
Order No Release No Sequence No Part Number
  1. Close the Shop Order window.
  2. Close the Shop Order Requisition window.
  3. Close the Shop Order Requisitions window.

Releasing Shop Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for releasing shop orders to authorize production.

Prerequisites: The previous exercise, Releasing Shop Order Requisitions to Create Shop Orders, will create the necessary shop orders.

Shop Order
Shop Order/Detail
Shop Order/Material
Shop Order/Operation
Shop Order/By-Product

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Shop Order window and query for the shop order created in the previous exercise for part 21-313 (Oil Pan). Verify that the status of the shop order is Planned.
  2. On the Detail tab, verify that the value for the Qty Complete field is zero and the value of the Products field is No Receive. In the State area, verify that the value of the Material field is No Issues, and the value of the Operations field is No Report.
  3. Verify that the structure and routing revision and alternative fields on the Detail tab have the appropriate values based on the start date of the shop order. Unless the structure or routing revision has been phased out, the value for both revisions should be 1 and the value for both alternatives should be *.
  4. Click the Material tab and verify that there is a record with a Planned state for each component part.
  5. Click the Operation tab and verify that there is a record to assemble the parts with an operation state of Planned.
  6. Click the Byproduct tab and verify that there is a record for part number 21-935 (Steel, Scrap).
  7. Right-click anywhere in the header and then click Release. Click OK in the Release Shop Order dialog box.
  8. Verify that the state in the header has changed to Released.
  9. Click the Operation tab and verify that the operation state of each record has changed to Released.
  10. Click the Material tab and verify that the state of each record is Released.
  11. Repeat the steps for the shop order created in the previous exercise for part 21-230 (Electrical System). Notice the differences on the Detail, Material, Operation, and Byproduct tabs.

Reserving Material to Shop Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for reserving component material to a shop order.

Prerequisites: The previous exercise, Releasing Shop Orders, will make the necessary shop orders ready for this exercise.

Shop Order
Shop Order/Detail
Shop Order/Material

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. In the Shop Order window, query for the shop order created in the previous exercise for part 21-313 (Oil Pan). Verify that the status of the shop order is Released.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the header of the Shop Order window, point to Material Actions, and then click Reserve.
  3. When the Reserve Shop Order dialog box displays, click OK without entering anything in the Reserve to Date field.

Note: If the states are not correct in the next steps, it probably is due to not having the necessary quantity of the components available in inventory.

  1. Verify that the state in the Shop Order window header has changed to Reserved.
  2. Click the Material tab and verify that the state of each record has changed to Reserved. Also verify that the value of each Qty Assigned field has changed to the value in the Qty Required field and the value of each Qty Remaining field has changed to zero.
  3. Click the Operation tab and verify that the operation state is still Released.
  4. Click the Detail tab and verify that the value in the Qty Complete field is zero and that the Products field displays No Receive.
  5. Repeat the steps for the shop order created in the previous exercise for part 21-230 (Electrical System). Notice the differences on the Detail, Material, and Operation tabs.

Issuing Material to Shop Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for issuing material to a shop order. Material will only be issued to the shop order for part 21-313 (Oil Pan) as the shop order for part 21-230 (Electrical System) will be used in a exercise to show material connected to operations.

Prerequisites: The previous exercise, Reserving Material to Shop Orders, will make the necessary shop orders ready for this exercise.

Shop Order
Shop Order/Detail
Shop Order/Material

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. In the Shop Order window, verify that the shop order created in the previous exercise for part 21-313 (Oil Pan) is displayed and that the status of the shop order is Reserved.
  2. Click the Material tab. Verify that the value for the Qty Assigned field matches the Qty Required field. Verify that 0 is the value for the Qty Remaining and Qty Issued fields. Also verify that Reserved is the value for the State field.
  3. Right-click anywhere in the header, point to Material Actions, and then click Issue.
  4. When the Enter criteria for issue dialog box displays, select the Issue all reserved material check box in the Criteria for Issue area. Click OK.
  5. On the Material tab of the Shop Order window, verify that the value for the Qty Issued field has changed to match the value of the Qty Required field, the value for the Qty Assigned field has changed to 0, and the value for the State field has changed to Issued.

Note: In the Enter criteria for issue dialog box, you can issue material that has not been reserved to the order by selecting the Issue non reserved material check box. Also you can identify the quantity of material to issue by entering the quantity of the parent part to be produced in the Parent quantity to issue field.

Reporting Operations on Shop Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for reporting on shop order operations. It will also show how component material connected to an operation is issued when quantity is reported as complete on an operation. Only one operation on the shop order for part 21-230 (Electrical System) will be reported. The other operations on that shop order and the operations on the shop order for part 21-313 (Oil Pan) will be used in the next exercise to show automatic reporting of operations when production is reported complete. In addition, the component material connected to the other operations on the shop order for part 21-230 will not be issued and will be used in the next exercise to show automatic issue (backflush) of component material when production is reported complete.

Prerequisites: The previous exercise, Issuing Material to Shop Orders, will make the necessary shop orders ready for this exercise.

Shop Order
Shop Order/Detail
Shop Order/Operation
Shop Order/Material

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. In the Shop Order window, query for the shop order created in the previous exercise for part 21-230 (Electrical System). Verify that the status of the shop order is Reserved.
  2. In the Report Shop Order Operation window, verify that there is a row for each operation on the shop order. Study the values in each of the fields.
  3. In the row for operation 10, enter 0.9 in the Mach To Report and the Labor To Report fields to indicate that it took less than the expected hour to complete operation 10 for the ten electrical systems. Right-click on the row, and click Report Time to save the information.
  4. Verify that the value in the Operation State field is now Closed for operation 10. Close the Report Shop Order Operation window.
  5. In the Shop Order window, click the Material tab. For the row for part 21-330 (Ignition System), verify that 10 is the value for the Qty Issued field and 10 is the value of the Operation No field. Reporting ten complete on operation 10 has issued the ten ignition systems needed for that operation.

Note: Report Work Center Operation and Dispatch List.

Receiving Production from Shop Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for receiving production material from a shop order.

Prerequisites: The previous exercise, Reporting Operations on Shop Orders, will make the necessary shop orders ready for this exercise.

Shop Order
Shop Order/Detail
Shop Order/Material
Shop Order/By-Product

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Refresh the Shop Order window, and verify that the status is Started for the shop order created in the previous exercise for part 21-230 (Electrical System).
  2. Right-click anywhere in the header of the Shop Order window, point to Material Actions, and then click Manual Receive.
  3. When the Receive Shop Order window displays, select the Receive With Backflush check box.
  4. Select the Auto Report Of Operations check box.
  5. On the Inventory Receipt tab (in the Receive Shop Order window), find the record for location 2C and enter 10 in the Quantity Received field. If a record for location 2C does not appear, create a new record. The value will be 2C in the Location No field because it has been set to the default inventory location for the part.
  6. Save the information.
  7. Close the Receive Shop Order window.
  8. Refresh the Shop Order window, and verify that the state in the header has changed to Closed.
  9. On the Detail tab, verify that the value in the Qty Complete field has changed to 10 and that the Products field now displays Completely Received. In the State area, verify that the value of the Material field is Completely Issued, and the value of the Operations field is Completely Reported.
  10. Click the Material tab and verify that the state of each record has changed to Closed. Also verify that the values of each Qty Assigned field has changed to 0 and the values of each Qty Issued field matches the value in the Qty Required field.
  11. Click the Operation tab and verify that the operation state has changed to Closed.
  12. In the Shop Order window, query for the shop order created in the previous exercise for part 21-313 (Oil Pan). Verify that the status of the shop order is Started.
  13. Right-click anywhere in the header, point to Material Actions, and then click Manual Receive.
  14. In the Received Part area on the Receive Shop Order window, verify that the first field has Shop Order selected, the Remaining Qty field has a value of 10, and the other two fields show part number 21-313 and Oil Pan. These fields represent the part to be received. 
  15. In the first field in the Received Part area, pull down the list and click Byproduct (instead of Shop Order). Verify that the values of the other fields in the Received Part area have changed.
  16. Click in the part number field in the Received Part area, and then open the List of Values to see the defined by-products on this shop order. Select part number 21-936 to receive the steel disks. If you receive a message that indicates that the part does not have a manufacturing revision in effect, click OK. Verify that 5 is the value of the Remaining Qty field. For this shop order, that is the amount of scrap steel that is expected. Because that is the amount that you want to receive on this shop order and you want it to go to the default inventory location for that part, you do not have to report the receipt of the byproduct explicitly.
  17. You also want to receive the production material to its default inventory location. Close the Receive Shop Order window.
  18. In the Shop Order window, right-click anywhere in the header, point to Material Actions, and then click Receive
  19. Click Yes to confirm that you want to receive all remaining material on the shop order.
  20. Click the Detail tab and verify that the value of the Qty Complete field is 10, which represents the receipt of oil pans.
  21. Click the Byproduct tab and verify that the value of the Qty Complete field is 5, which represents the receipt of scrap steel.
  22. Close the Shop Order window. You have completed the shop orders for the electrical systems and the oil pans.

Checking History and Costs on Shop Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for checking the transaction history and costs for shop orders.

Prerequisites: The previous exercise, Receiving Production from Shop Orders, will make the necessary shop orders ready for this exercise.

Operation History
Labor History
Inventory Transaction History
Shop Order Costs

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Operation History window and query for your shop orders. There will be more than one record returned. Study the information on the General tab for each record. Click the Accounting tab and study the information.
  2. Open the Labor History window and query for your shop orders.  There will be more than one record returned. Study the information on the General tab for each record. Click the Accounting tab and study the information.
  3. Open the Inventory Transaction History window and query for your shop orders. Study the information on the General tab for each record. There will be a transaction created movement of parts in inventory with the inventory location identified in the Location No field. The Quantity is displayed in three data fields. The first has a value of '+'  or '-' identifying the direction of movement the inventory is in relation to the inventory location ( '+' means moving into the location and '-' means moving out). The second field contains the numeric quantity for the transaction, and the last field is the unit of measure for the part. The Transaction Code field contains a value that indicates the type of transaction. Click the Accounting tab and study the information.
  4. Open the Shop Order Costs window and query for your shop orders. Study the available information on each of the tabs. Click the WIP Status tab on the Shop Order Costs window. Verify that you understand the source of each of the non-zero values.
  5. Close the open windows.