Discrete Manufacturing Process—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Discrete Manufacturing Overview Racing Engine

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the basic data that is used in the Discrete Manufacturing exercises. This sets up data for your site and needs to be done only once for the Discrete Manufacturing course exercises.

  1. If you haven't done so already, set up your site so that it includes all the Discrete Manufacturing data for racing engines.

General exercise for Overview of Discrete Manufacturing Data

Inventory Location

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up an inventory picking location for running functionality isolated by site.

Inventory Locations

  1. If you haven't done so already, create the inventory picking location in the table below.
Site Location No Warehouse Location Name Location Group
Your Site 2C Sub Subassembly inv 30

General exercise for Entering Inventory Locations

Required Data

System Parameters

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify that the system default for creating shop orders is set correctly for the main exercises below.

Parameters for Distribution and Manufacturing

  1. Verify that the value for Create SO in status Planned is Yes.

General information about System Parameters

Inventory Part Balance

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify that you have enough parts to complete the main exercises. 

Inventory Part Currently On Hand
Receive Inventory Part

  1. Verify that you have at least the quantity of parts shown on the table below available for manufacturing. If you do not, receive the indicated quantity of the parts into inventory picking locations.
Site Part Number Part Description Quantity Available for Manufacturing
Your Site 21-330 Ignition System 2
Your Site 21-331 Starting System 2
Your Site 21-332 Battery System 2

General exercise for Receiving Inventory Part

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to follow the state of a shop order from creation to completion.

Shop Order
Shop Order/Detail
Shop Order/Material
Shop Order/Operation

The electrical system for the racing engine is manufactured using a simplified shop order process that backflushes all of the material and work on the operations. Two electrical systems will be produced. However, the receipt of the parts will be reported one at a time so that the status on the shop order can be observed. 

The exercises below must be performed in the order listed. If you stop between exercises, it will be necessary to query for your order and then start where you left off.

Creating a Shop Order

  1. Open the Shop Order window and create a new record.
  2. If the value for Site is not your site, change the value to your site.
  3. In the Part No. field, enter 21-230 as the part to be manufactured.
  4. In the Lot Size field, enter 2 for the quantity to be manufactured.
  5. Save the information.
  6. Record the value that was automatically generated for the Order No. field so that it will be easy for you later to query for your shop order. 

Note: The Sched Direction field should have defaulted to Backwards scheduling. The Earliest Start Date and Start fields should have defaulted to the current date. Since the manufacturing lead time for the electrical system is one day, the Finish field should contain the next working day after the date in the Start field and the Need Date field should contain the next working day after the date in the Finish field.

  1. Verify that the shop order has been created with the Planned state. 
  2. On the Detail tab, verify that the value for the Qty Complete field is zero and the value of the Products field is No Receive. In the State area, verify that the value of the Material field is No Issues, and the value of the Operations field is No Report.
  3. Verify that the structure and routing revision and alternative fields on the Detail tab have the appropriate values based on the start date of the shop order. Unless the structure or routing revision has been phased out, the value for both revisions should be 1 and the value for both alternatives should be *.
  4. Click the Material tab and verify that there is a record with a Planned state for each component part.
  5. Click the Operation tab and verify that there is a record to assemble the parts with an operation state of Planned.

Releasing a Shop Order

  1. Right-click anywhere in the header of the Shop Order window, and then click Release.
  2. When the Release Shop Order dialog box displays, click OK.
  3. Verify that the state in the header has changed to Released.
  4. Click the Operation tab and verify that the operation state has changed to Released.
  5. Click the Material tab and verify that the state of each record is Released. Also verify that the values of the Qty Assigned and Qty Issued fields are zero and the value of each Qty Remaining field is 2.

Reserving Shop Order Material

  1. Right-click anywhere in the header of the Shop Order window, point to Material Actions, and then click Reserve.
  2. When the Reserve Shop Order dialog box displays, click OK without entering anything in the Reserve to Date field.

Note: If the states are not correct in the next steps, it probably is due to not having the necessary quantity of the components available in inventory.

  1. Verify that the state in the Shop Order window header has changed to Reserved.
  2. Click the Material tab and verify that the state of each record has changed to Reserved. Also verify that the value of each Qty Assigned field has changed to 2 and the value of each Qty Remaining field has changed to zero.
  3. Click the Operation tab and verify that the operation state is still Released.
  4. Click the Detail tab and verify that the value in the Qty Complete field is zero and that the Products field displays No Receive.

Receiving Shop Order Product

  1. Right-click anywhere in the header of the Shop Order window, point to Material Actions, and then click Manual Receive.
  2. When the Receive Shop Order window displays, select the Receive With Backflush check box.
  3. Select the Auto Report Of Operations check box.
  4. On the Inventory Receipt tab (in the Receive Shop Order window), check for a record for location 2C. If a record for location 2C does not appear, create a new record, entering 2C in the Location No field. If there is already such a record, use it.
  5. In the Quantity Received field, enter 1.
  6. Save the information.
  7. Close the Receive Shop Order window.
  8. In the Shop Order window, query for your shop order.
  9. Verify that the state in the header has changed to Started.
  10. On the Detail tab, verify that the Qty Complete field now displays 1 and that the value in the Products field has changed to Partially Received. In the State area, verify that the value of the Material field is Partially Issued, and the value of the Operations field is Partially Reported.
  11. Click the Material tab and verify that the state of each record has changed to Issued. Also verify that the value of each Qty Assigned field has changed to 1 and the value of each Qty Issued field has changed to 1.
  12. Click the Operation tab and verify that the operation state has changed to Partially Reported.

Receiving and Closing a Shop Order

  1. Right-click anywhere in the header of the Shop Order window, point to Material Actions, and then click Manual Receive.
  2. When the Receive Shop Order window displays, select the Receive With Backflush check box.
  3. Select the Auto Report Of Operations check box.
  4. On the Inventory Receipt tab (in the Receive Shop Order window), find the record for location 2C and enter 1 in the Quantity Received field.
  5. Save the information.
  6. Close the Receive Shop Order window.
  7. In the Shop Order window, query for your shop order.
  8. Verify that the state in the header has changed to Closed.
  9. On the Detail tab, verify that the value in the Qty Complete field has changed to 2 and that the Products field now displays Completely Received. In the State area, verify that the value of the Material field is Completely Issued, and the value of the Operations field is Completely Reported.
  10. Click the Material tab and verify that the state of each record has changed to Closed. Also verify that the values of each Qty Assigned field has changed to 0 and the values of each Qty Issued field has changed to 2.
  11. Click the Operation tab and verify that the operation state has changed to Closed.