Creating Repair Shop Orders—Extended Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Discrete Manufacturing Overview Racing Engine

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the required data that will be used in the Discrete Manufacturing exercises. This sets up data for your site and needs to be done only once for the Discrete Manufacturing courses exercises.

  1. Set up your site for discrete manufacturing of racing engines.

General exercise for Overview of Discrete Manufacturing Data

Inventory Locations

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up inventory picking locations for running functionality isolated by site.

Inventory Locations

  1. If you haven't done so already, create the inventory picking locations shown in the table below.
Site Location No Warehouse Location Name Location Group
Your Site 1A Secondary Wareh Secondary 30
Your Site 2C Sub Subassembly inv 30

General exercise for Entering Inventory Locations

Repair Product Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the repair product structure for the discrete racing engine cooling system on your site.

Product Structure
Product Structure/Product Structure

Note: The destination revision number will automatically change from the source revision number to the next higher integer. Therefore, you must change the site to your site and change the revision number to match the source revision number. Also, the Structure Type may default to a value other than Repair. Verify that the Structure Type field displays Repair.

  1. If you haven't done so already, create a repair product structure revision for the part in the table below. (To make this easier, open the Product Structure window, query for the part and your site, select the manufacturing revision and use the duplicate command to make a copy of the record. Change the Structure Type field on the new record to Repair.)
  2. Copy the newly-created repair structure revision from the part on site 1 to your site by right-clicking and then clicking Copy Structure Revision.
  3. Set the structure alternate for the part just copied to your site to Buildable.
Site Part No Part Description
Your Site 21-240 Cooling System

General exercise for Copying Revisions

Repair Routing Revision

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the repair routing revision for the discrete racing engine cooling system on your site.


Note: The destination revision number will automatically change from the source revision number to the next higher integer. Therefore, you must change the site to your site first and then change the revision number to match the source revision number. Otherwise an overlapping date range may result. Also the Routing Type field may default to a value other than Repair. Verify that the Routing Type field displays Repair.

  1. If you haven't done so already, create a repair routing revision for the part shown in the table below. (To make this easier, open the Routing window, query for the part and your site, select the manufacturing revision and use the duplicate command to make a copy of the record. Change the Routing Type field on the new record to Repair. You also may want to change the value of the Phase In Date to match that of the manufacturing revision.)
  2. Copy the newly-created repair routing revision for the part from site 1 to your site by right-clicking and then clicking Copy Routing Revision.
  3. Set the routing alternate for the part just copied to your site to Buildable.
Site Part No Part Description
1 21-240 Cooling System

General exercise for Copying Revisions

Required Data

Inventory Part Balance

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you the required data that is used in the exercises below.

Inventory Part Currently On Hand
Receive Inventory Part

  1. Open the Inventory Part Currently On Hand window.
  2. Verify you have the correct quantity available for repair for the part and locations shown in the table below. If you do not have enough parts in the location, receive the appropriate number of parts into the inventory picking location so the available quantity matches with the quantity specified on the table. Quantity available is the quantity on hand less any quantity that is reserved or in transit.
Site Part Number Part Description Location No Quantity Available
Your Site 21-240 Cooling System 1A 2
Your Site 21-240 Cooling System 2C 2

General exercise for Receiving Inventory Part

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a repair shop order.

Shop Order
Shop Order/Detail
Shop Order/Material
Shop Order/Operation

Creating a Repair Shop Order

You need to repair two defective cooling systems that exist in inventory. Therefore, you decide to create a repair shop order.

  1. Open the Shop Order window and create a new record.
  2. If the value for the Site field is not your site, change it to your site.
  3. In the Part No. field, enter 21-240 as the part to be repaired.
  4. In the Lot Size field, enter 2 for the quantity to be repaired.
  5. In the Shop Order Type list on the header, click Repair.
  6. Save the information.
  7. Record the value that the system automatically generated for the Order No. field. (This will make it easier for you to query your shop order.)
  8. Click the Material tab and verify that each component part shown in the table below has a record. Notice that the components are from the repair structure and not the structure for manufacturing. Also, the part 21-240 (Cooling System), which has a quantity per assembly of 1, has been added to the material list. Finally notice that the value for the Line Item No field in each row does not match the value in the Structure Line No field. The row for the part to be repaired does not have a value for Structure Line No because it was not a component part on the repair structure.
Component Part Description Qty Per Assembly Qty Required Structure Line No
21-240 Cooling System 1 1
21-341 Thermostat 1 1 1
21-342 Water Pump 1 1 2
21-343 Radiator Hose Set 1 1 3
  1. Click the Operation tab and verify that each operation shown in the table below has a record. Notice that the operations are from the repair routing and not the routing for manufacturing.
Operation No Operation Description Work Center No Work Center Description Remaining Mfg Hours
10 Disassemble System 300 General Assembly 0.4
20 Replace Parts 300 General Assembly 0.2
30 Assemble System 300 General Assembly 0.8
40 Test System 810 Test 0.4
  1. If value of the State field is Planned, right-click anywhere in the Shop Order window header, and then click Release.
  2. When the Release Shop Order dialog box appears, click OK.
  3. Click the Material tab and select the row for the 21-240 part. Right-click on the row and then click Manual issues to issue the specific cooling systems that need repair.
  4. When the Manual Issue window appears, enter 2 in the Qty to Issue field on the location 1A row.
  5. Save the information and close the Manual Issue window. You have issued the cooling systems that need repair. You also could have reserved the specific cooling systems by right-clicking on the row and clicking Manual reservations instead.

Note: Further processing of repair shop orders is handled in the same way as other shop orders. The Discrete Manufacturing course will not use this shop order after this exercise, so you may further process this shop order if desired.