Entering Component Repair Order--Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain you data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Inventory Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the part to be repaired.

Inventory Part

Note: If you have not yet already done so, create the following:

Part No Description Part Type
XX-187-CS Chain Saw 187 Manufactured

General exercise for Manufactured Inventory Part


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the customer data for the customer to be used in main exercises below. The repair part is owned by this customer.


Note: If you have not yet already done so, create the following:

  1. Create a customer with the information given below, where XX is your initials.
  2. Specify a delivery address in the Address/General Address Info sub tab.
  3. Specify order specific information, such as customer statistical group and currency, in the Order/General sub tab.
Customer Description
XX-CMRO Customer for CMRO

General exercise for Customer


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a coordinator responsible for the coordination of the dispatching customer order for the return of the repair part to the customer.


Note: If you have not yet already done so, create the following:

Coordinator ID Name
Your ID Your name

General exercise for Entering Coordinator

Fault Information

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the fault information optional to enter when creating a component repair order. The fault information describes the part’s discrepancy from the original form, fit and/or function.

Work Order and PM Basic Data/Discoveries
Work Order and PM Basic Data/Symptoms
Maintenance Basic Data/Causes
Work Order and PM Basic Data/Classes
Work Order and PM Basic Data/Fault Types

Note: If you have not yet already done so, create the following:

Discovery Description
1 Alarm
Symptom Description
10 Noise
Cause Description
30 Collision
Class Description
20 Mechanical
Fault Type Description
40 Breakdown

General exercise for Work Processing

Define Services and Pricing

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to prepare the inventory part for being processed on a component repair order in Component MRO. Start with connecting service types for the repair part and update the service price. A service type has two purposes, to define a work scope and to act as price label for the work performed.

Continue with connecting repair codes to service types and to repair part. Repair codes are a way of grouping standard jobs for the work order and material and/or operations for repair shop order. By connecting repair codes to service types you can create a predefined work scope when repair shop order or work order is selected as supply for the component repair order line.

Part Service Definition and Pricing
Part Service Definition and Pricing/Service Types
Repair Setup Basic Data/Repair Code Part

  1. Associate service types and service part to repair part. Specify a service price per repair part and service type.
Repair Part Service Type Service Part No Service Part Description Base Price Service Price
XX-187-CS XX-ST01 XX-CS-Service Chain Saw 187 Service Part 250 500
XX-187-CS XX-ST02 XX-CS-Service Chain Saw 187 Service Part 250 1200
XX-187-CS XX-ST03 XX-CS-Service Chain Saw 187 Service Part 250 2000
  1. Associate repair codes to repair part.
Repair Code Part No
  1. Associate repair Codes to service type
Service Type Repair Code

General exercise for Defining Services and Pricing

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to enter and handle a component repair order and component repair order lines. In the first exercise you will use the user assistant. In the second exercise you will practice how to manually enter the component repair order. You will also list accessories that the customer will send together with the part to be repaired.

New CRO Assistant
Component Repair Order
Component Repair Order/General
Component Repair Order/CRO Lines
Component Repair Order/Accessories

Enter Component Repair Order by Assistant

The customer has sent five chain saws that need to be repaired. The reason for the breakdown is a mechanical problem caused by a collision. The customer noticed the problem by the built-in alarm accompanied with a noise. The customer has also sent five guide bar covers that should be returned.

  1. Open the New CRO Assistant. The first step out of three opens.
  2. Verify that it is your site in the Site field. If not, change to your site.
  3. Verify that it is your user name in the Reported By field. If not, change to your user.
  4. In the Directive field, enter CRO Test.
  5. Use customer XX-CMRO. The customer name is automatically retrieved from the customer record.
  6. Set the required start date to system date (i.e., today's date) and the required end date to the last day of the year.
  7. Verify that you are the default coordinator. If not, enter yourself.
  8. Click Next.
  9. In the second step, specify the fault information. (This is an option step.)
  10. In the Discovery, Symptom, Class, Cause, Fault Type fields, use the List of Values to fill in the fault information. Optionally you can enter a description of the issue in the Fault Desc field.
  11. Click Next.
  12. In the third step, the upper table, create a record for part XX-187-CS with a quantity of 5.
  13. In the lower table, enter an accessory line for guide bar covers (scabbards) with a received quantity of 5. Indicate that these are return parts that should be shipped back. Enter an acquisition value. This is an optional step.
  14. Click Finish.
  15. At this point the system should return a message identifying the component repair order number.
  16. In the Component Repair Order window, query for the component repair order number.
  17. On the General tab, verify that the information shown matches what you entered in the Create Component Repair Order Assistant.
  18. On the CRO Lines tab verify that a component repair order line is created for your part with a quantity of 5. Check also the Accessories tab and secure that a line is defined with a quantity of 5 for the guide bar covers (scabbards) expected to follow the chain saw part.

Manually Enter Component Repair Order

The customer has sent five chain saws that need to be repaired. The reason for the breakdown is a mechanical problem caused by a collision. The customer noticed the problem by the built-in alarm accompanied with a noise. The customer has also sent five guide bar covers that should be returned.

  1. Open the Component Repair Order window.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. In the Directive field, enter CRO Test.
  4. Verify that it is your site in the Site field. If not, change to your site.
  5. Verify that it is your user name in the Reported By field. If not, change to your user.
  6. Click the General tab.
  7. Use customer XX-CMRO. The customer name is automatically retrieved from the customer record.
  8. Enter the current date as the start date and a latest completion date within two months.
  9. In the Discovery, Symptom, Class, Cause, Fault Type fields, use the List of Values to fill in the fault information. Optionally you can enter a description of the issue in the Fault Desc field.
  10. Save your record.
  11. Click the CRO Lines tab.
  12. Create a new record.
  13. Select part XX-187-CS as the part to be repaired. Enter 5 as the quantity.
  14. Check that the fault information defined in the General tab also is inherited to this line.
  15. Save your record.
  16. Check that the repair order type is Not Decided.
  17. Click the Accessories tab.
  18. Enter an accessory line for guide bar covers (scabbards) with a received quantity of 5. Indicate that these are return parts that should be shipped back. Enter an acquisition value. This is an optional step.
  19. Save your record.

Note: In the Repair Order Type list it is possible to select the repair order type best suited to execute the requested service. Work order and repair shop order is best suited for simple services. External service order can be used for both simple and advanced services while disposition shop order is appropriate for advanced services.