Creating Recipe Structure—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Required Data

You should complete the following exercises before you start on the exercise on Creating Recipe Structure.

Setting Up Substances with chemical properties

Entering Part Composition

Entering Inventory Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Copy Parts To Site
Inventory Part
Unit Of Measure

Note: If you already have the racing engine parts in your site, use your existing parts. The parts used for recipe have part numbers with the format 80-nnn. 

  1. Copy all parts from Site 1 to your site using 200 as the value for Commodity Group 2.
  2. Save your changes.

Note: If you already have the manufactured and purchase parts in your site with the unit of measure (UoM) specified as shown in table below, use your existing parts.

  1. Enter the part number in the Inventory Part window as indicated in the table below.
  2. Enter the density in the Manufacturing tab.
  3. Enter the standard lot size and the planning method in Planning tab.
  4. Enter the estimated material cost in the Costs tab.
  5. Save your changes.
Part No Part Description Part Type Planner Unit of Measure Density Std Lot Size Planning Method Estimated Material Cost
80–400 Paint Base Manufactured Recipe  Niki kg 200 A
80–501  Opaque Agent Purchased Niki l 4300 A 2.00
80–502 Paint Solvent Purchase  Niki l 784 A 0.40
80–505 Emulsifier Purchased Niki g 1950 A 0.10
80–510 Paint Stabilizer Purchased Niki kg 1229 A 10.00

Note: The manufactured parts used for recipe should have the part type set to Manufactured Recipe. The estimated material cost is entered mainly so that you can use the structure for other purposes (e.g., as a shop order) if required.

General exercise for Creating Manufactured Inventory Part

General exercise for Creating Purchase Inventory Part

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the functionality for creating and changing a recipe structure with a different unit of measure (UoM).

Recipe Structure
Inventory Part

Creating and Adjusting Recipe Structure in Weight

  1. Open the Recipe Structure window.
  2. Query for the Part 80–400, and click OK.
  3. Click the Recipe Structure tab. 
  4. Enter Standard in the Alternate Description field for the * alternative.
  5. In the Yield field, enter 1.
  6. Do not enter a value in the Batch Size field (a standard size to be manufactured).You will adjust this at the end of the lesson.
  7. In the Display Weight UoM field, select kg from the List of Values. 
  8. In the Enter By list, click Weight
  9. Create a new row in the line item table. 
  10. Using the information in the table below, enter the part numbers in the Component Part column. 
  11. In the Quantity in Display Weight column, enter the values listed in the table below. The values in the Qty UoM, Qty per Assembly, and Print UoM columns appear automatically. 
  12. Right-click Adjust Standard Batch Size. 
  13. Save your changes.
Component Part Part Description Quantity in Display Weight
80–501  Opaque Agent 76.0
80–502 Paint Solvent 64.0
80–505 Emulsifier 44.0
80–510 Paint Stabilizer 16.0

Note: You will find that the weight share changes for each quantity entered. You can now continue changing the recipe structure. When you change values in a recipe, you must adjust its components. Otherwise, you will not be able to save the changes. There are different ways of doing this depending on which values you changed. To build up a recipe, use the following formula:
Standard lot size = Total kg * Yield  equals the following on the Recipe Structure tab:Batch Size = Sum Quantity * Yield

When the recipe saves, a breakdown of the recipe will start and some physical properties for the recipe will be calculated, the result will be visible in the other tabs below the Recipe Structure tab. If there is any problem with the breakdown the Breakdown Failed checkbox will be selected.

Adjust Yield

  1. Select the * (asterisk) alternate.
  2. Change the weight relationship by removing Component Part  80–502 Paint Solvent. Do not save your changes yet.
  3. Right-click and then click Adjust Yield from the component lines. Verify that yield has changed to 1.470588.
  4. Change the quantity in display weight to 0 (zero). Otherwise, you will not be able to save your changes.
  5. Save your changes.
  6. Verify that the batch size is recalculated according to the formula and the sum quantity has changed to:

Adjust Standard Batch Size

  1. Select * (asterisk) alternate.
  2. Change the weight relations by entering Component Part 80–502 Paint Solvent with the value in the Qty in Display Weight field  set to 64.
  3. Right-click and then click Adjust Standard Batch Size from the component lines. Verify that Batch Size has changed to 294.1176.
  4. Save your changes.

Note: The adjust batch size right click option does not create any changes because as soon as you move the cursor from the Qty in Display Weight column, the batch size is changed.

Creating and Adjusting Recipe Structure in Weight Percent

  1. Open the Recipe Structure window.
  2. Query for Part 80–400.
  3. On the Recipe Structure tab, place the pointer in the Alternative field, and create a new record/alternate. Name the alternate 1 and enter Percentage Recipe as the alternate description. 
  4. Set the yield to 1. 
  5. In the Batch Size field, enter 200.
  6. Use the List of Values to enter kg as the unit of measure for the recipe in the Display 
    Weight UoM
  7. In the Enter By list, click Weight Percent
  8. Create a new row in the table. 
  9. Use the information in the table below, enter the part numbers in the Component Part column. 
  10. Enter the quantity as a percentage in the Weight Share column. The values in the Qty UoM, Qty per Assembly, and Print UoM fields appear automatically. 
  11. Save your changes. 
Component Part Part Description  Weight Share
80–501  Opaque Agent 38
80–502 Paint Solvent 32
80–505 Emulsifier 22
80–510 Paint Stabilizer 8

Note: You will find that the quantity in display weight changes for each entered value of weight share. Now you can continue changing the recipe structure.

Adjust Proportionally

This function adjusts the recipe proportionately until the weight percentage totals 100%.

  1. Select Alternate 1.
  2. Change the weight share for paint solvent to 40.
  3. Right-click and then click Adjust Proportionally from the component lines. 
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Verify that the weight shares are adjusted proportionally and that the weight percentage totals 100%.
  6. Change the weight share back to the table values.
  7. Save your changes.

Adjust Largest Share

This function adjusts the greatest percentage proportionately until the weight share totals 

  1. Select Alternate 1.
  2. Change the weight share for paint stabilizer to 16.
  3. Right-click and then click Adjust Largest Share from the component lines.
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Verify that the weight share for opaque agent is adjusted and that the weight percentage totals 100%.

Creating Recipe Structure in Component UoM

  1. Open the Recipe Structure window.
  2. Query for Part 80–400.
  3. On the Recipe Structure tab, place the pointer in the Alternative field, and create a new record/alternate. Name the alternate 2, and enter Qty per Assembly Recipe as the alternate description. 
  4. Set the yield to 1.
  5. Use the List of Values to enter kg as the unit of measure for the recipe in the Display 
    Weight UoM
  6. In the Enter By field, select Component UoM.
  7. In the Batch Size field, enter 200.
  8. Create a new row in the table. 
  9. Using the table below, enter the part numbers in the Component Part column. 
  10. Enter the quantity per assembly in the Qty per Assembly column. The values in the Qty UoM, Weight Share, and Print UoM columns appear automatically. 
  11. Right-click on the row, and then click Adjust Largest Share.
  12. Save your changes. 
Component Part Part Description  Quantity per Assembly
80–501  Opaque Agent 0.628
80–502 Paint Solvent 0.22
80–505 Emulsifier 220
80–510 Paint Stabilizer 0.08

Note: The total weight share is 100%, and all quantities and shares are adjusted to this value. You can now continue changing the recipe structure.

  1. Follow the same steps as in the previous exercise to adjust proportionally and adjust largest share.