Creating New Part Revisions—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Required Data

Entering Inventory Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Inventory Part

Note: If you already have the racing engine parts in your site, use your existing parts. These parts all have part numbers with the format 20-nnn.

  1. Copy Part 20–250 from Site 1 to your own site ( use F6).
  2. Save your changes.

General exercise for Creating Inventory Part

General exercise for Copying Parts to Site

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create a new part revision.

Part Revisions
Part Revision
Inventory Part
Note: Press the Tab key to move between columns. 

Creating New Part Revision

  1. Open the Part Revisions window, and query for Part 20–250 on your own site.

  2. Create a new line (F5) after the last revision.

  3. Enter Part 20–250. In the Revision No field, enter 3 (or the previous revision number plus one).

  4. In the Phase In field, enter the current date. Leave the Phase Out field blank.

  5. Enter information in the Revision Text and Eng Revision fields, if desired.

  6. Save your changes (F12). You have now entered a new part revision for a manufactured part. This means that a structure header with the same revision number has been created but is empty, i.e., no components are connected. This applies to recipe, plan, and configure structure as well.

Note: The above information can also be entered in either the Part Revision window or the Inventory Part/Revision tab.

General exercise for Establishing New Part