Incident Reporting—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Define Incident Reporting Basic Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to setup the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Incident Basic Data

  1. Create the following basic data values required in order to register the basic details of the incident.
    Internal Chemical leak
    Equipment overheating
    Equipment falling
  2. Create the following severity values.
    Severity Level
  3. Create the following basic data values required in order to register details of personnel injuries/illnesses as well as damages to property caused by incident.
    Finger Burn Skin disorder Client Materials
    Hand Fracture Disorders due to
    physical agents
    Company Equipment
  4. Create the following basic data required in order to analyze the causes for the incident.
    Predefined Cause Categories Causes
    Immediate Causes (Unsafe Acts) Not following procedures.
    Manual Handling
    Indirect Causes (Personnel Factors) Lack of concentration
    Lack of knowledge or skills
    Basic Conditions Inadequate Supervision
    Inadequate Training/Experience
    Substandard Conditions Poor lighting
    Defective tools or conditions
    Job Factors Work stress
    Peer pressure
  5. Create the following basic data required in order to perform and record a safety department check on the incident.
    Safety Department Questions
    Has an Accident Book been Completed?
    Are all Actions Completed Satisfactorily?
    Has a Copy been sent to HSEQ?
    Is Incident reportable to Statutory Body?
    Are there any Implications for Other Sites?
    Has the reply from HSEQ been received?

General exercise for incident reporting basic data

Create Safety Actions

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define safety action templates which can be used when evaluating an incident.

Safety Action Basic Data

  1. Ensure that the following safety action template is created.
    Safety Action
    Safety Actions
    Safety Training Actions Employee Training - Safety procedures in office building
    Employee Training - Safety procedures in main warehouse
    Employee Training - Emergency procedures in office building
    Employee Training - Emergency procedures in main warehouse

General exercise for creating safety actions

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show the steps in which a complete incident report can be created.


Define Basic Incident

  1. Open the Incident window and create a new record.
  2. In the Incident Case Reference Name field, enter 'Bone fracture due to falling object'.
  3. Go to the General tab.
  4. In the Incident Class field, enter Internal. Select value from the list.
  5. In the Incident Type field, enter Equipment Fall. Select value from the list.
  6. Enter the date of incident in the relevant field.
  7. In the Coordinating Department field, enter the organization which coordinates the operations at the location.
  8. In the Responsible Organization field, enter the organization which is responsible for handling the incident.
  9. In the Detail Description, Incident Location and Environment Conditions fields, enter the relevant information to explain the incident.
  10. Save the information.

Register Personnel Injuries and Illnesses

  1. Open the Incident window.
  2. Search or populate to find the incident case you created in the previous procedure.
  3. Go to the Personnel Injuries and Illness tab and create a new record.
  4. In the Person ID field enter the person ID by selecting a value from the list. E.g. ALEX.
    The personal details as well as employment related details of the employee will show in the relevant fields.
  5. Enter the relevant information in the Pre Incident and Involved Objects fields.
  6. Create a new record in the table of the tab.
  7. In the Personnel Incident Type field select Injury.
  8. In the Personnel Incident field, enter Fracture. Select value from the list.
  9. In the Injured Part field, enter Finger. Select value from the list.
  10. In the Number of Lost Work Days Away from Work field, enter the number of days.
  11. Enter the severity level of the injury, e.g. Major in the Severity Level field. Select value from the list.
  12. Select the Loss of Consciousness check box, if the injury caused the employee to loose consciousness.
  13. Save the information.

Define Damages from Incident

  1. Open the Incident window.
  2. Search or populate to find the incident case you created in the previous procedure.
  3. Go to the Damages tab and create a new record.
  4. Enter Company Equipment as the damage type.
  5. Describe the damage to the client material in the Damage Description field.
  6. Select the site in which the damaged object was in use.
  7. Enter the ID of the object that was damaged in the Functional Object ID field.
  8. Describe the impact of the damage in the Damage Impact field. E.g. Production slowed down due to the damage to material.
  9. Enter the estimated cost to repair the damage in the Estimated Damage Cost field. Specify the currency in which the cost is measured in the Currency Code field.
  10. In the Estimated Days for Damage Repair field, enter the number of days that is required in order to repair the damage.
  11. Save the information.

Register Investigation Details

  1. Open the Incident window. 
  2. Search or populate to find the incident case you created in the previous procedure.
  3. Go to the Investigation tab and create a new record.

    Assign an internal investigator for the incident:
  4. Select person ALEX in the Person ID field.
  5. Save the information. All the personal and employment details of ALEX in the company will show in the relevant fields.

    Assign an external investigator for the incident:
  6. Create a new record in the Investigation tab and select the External check box.
  7. Enter the name of the investigator in the relevant fields.
  8. Save the information. A person ID and employee ID with prefix EXT will be created for the investigator.

Register Investigation Results

  1. Open the Incident window. 
  2. Search or populate to find the incident case you created in the previous procedure.
  3. Go to the Investigation/Investigation Details tab.
  4. Create a new record and enter the investigation details in the relevant fields.
  5. Save the information.

Register Cause Analysis Details

  1. Open the Incident window. 
  2. Search or populate to find the incident case you created in the previous procedure.
  3. Go to the Cause Analysis tab.
  4. Specify the various causes for the incident in the relevant categories:
    Predefined Cause Categories Causes
    Immediate Causes (Unsafe Acts) Not following procedures.
    Indirect Causes (Personnel Factors) Lack of knowledge or skills
    Basic Conditions Inadequate Training/Experience
    Substandard Conditions Poor lighting
    Job Factors Work stress

Register Recommendations and Action Plan

  1. Open the Incident window. 
  2. Search or populate to find the incident case you created in the previous procedure.
  3. Go to the Recommendation tab.
  4. Describe your recommendations for the prevention and handling of the incident in the relevant fields: Incident Correction Action, Incident Preventive Action, Source of Help etc.
  5. Right-click in the table of the window and click Get Actions from Template to open the Select Safety Action Template dialog box.
  6. Enter Safety Training Actions in the Safety Action Template field.
  7. Click OK to save the actions.

Perform Safety Department Check

  1. Open the Incident window. 
  2. Search or populate to find the incident case you created in the previous procedure.
  3. Go to the Safety Department tab and create a new record.
  4. In the Reviewer field, enter the person ID of the person performing the safety check.
  5. The question defined in the Incident Basic Data/Safety Department Questions tab will be listed in the table.
  6. Enter the relevant answer to each question in the Answer field.
  7. Save the information.