Define Access Controls for Employee Performance Information—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Setup Status Values

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create status values for objectives, activities and general performance.

Performance Status

  1. Create the following status values for objectives and activities.
    Status Applicable
    Initial For All
    Planned For All
    Ongoing Only for activities
    Intermediate Only for objectives
    Completed For All
    Done For All
  2. Completed and Done should be defined as final status values.

Basic data exercise for creating status options for performance evaluation

Setup Information with Restricted Access based on Status

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to specify the information on objectives, activities and general performance which should not be editable for the self evaluator when a certain status is reached.

Employee Access Setup

  1. The following information on employee objectives should not be editable unless they have Planned status:
    Employee Objectives window Employee Activities window
    Objective ID. Description of the activity.
    Objective Description. Activity assigned date.
    Objective start and end dates. Activity start and end dates.
    Objective assigned date. Course ID.
    Weight Activity weight.
    Person who assigned the objective. Person who created the activity.
    Person who is responsible for the objective. Person who is responsible for the activity.

Basic data exercise for defining information with controlled access.

Required Data

Employee Objectives and Activities

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you the required data that is used in the exercises below.

  1. Ensure that at least one objective is assigned to employee ALEX.
  2. Ensure that activities are created for the objectives assigned to employee ALEX.

General exercise for assigning objectives and activities to employees

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show how the ability to edit selected information on employee objectives and activities is controlled depending on the status of the objectives and activities.

Employee Objectives
Employee Activities
Employee Objectives and Activities

Change Status for Employee

  1. Log into the system as ALAIN.
  2. Open the Employee Objectives and Activities window.
  3. Promote the status of objectives and activities assigned to employee ALEX from Initial to Planned.
  4. Save the information.

Check Access Controls based on Status

  1. Log into the system as ALEX.
  2. Open the Employee Objectives and Activities window.
  3. Select employee ALEX in the Employee ID field.
  4. Select one objective (Sales Target or Sales Avenues) in the Objective ID field. Note that in order to view the required objectives, you must select the period relevant to the objective in the Performance Period field.
  5. Change the objective status to Intermediate.
  6. Change the status of activities to Ongoing to indicate that the activities have started.
  7. Save the information.
  8. Note that self Evaluator is not allowed to edit the information that is listed in the Employee Access Setup window.
  9. Now, try to demote the status of the objective and/or an activity to Planned. This is not allowed because employee's are never allowed to demote the status of one's own objective or activity.
  10. Try to promote the status of the objective and/or activity to Completed or Done. This is not allowed because Completed and Done are final status values. Only the supervisor can promote objectives and/or activities to the final status when the change is required.

    Note: Refer the Evaluate Employee Performance exercise to understand how two final status values (Completed and Done) can be used for specific purposes.