BDR for Employee Performance Management—Exercises

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show how the basic data required for employee performance management can be created.

Predefined Objectives and Activities
Performance Periods
Performance Rating
Performance Status
Employee Access Setup

Define General Performance Criteria and Performance Areas

  1. Log into the system as ALAIN.
  2. Open the General Performance window.
  3. Go to the Performance Area and create a new record.
  4. Enter a value for the performance area and a description.
  5. Save the information.
  6. Repeat the steps to create more options.
  7. Go to the Performance Criteria tab and create a new record.
  8. Enter a value for the performance criterion and a description.
  9. Save the information.
  10. Repeat the steps to create more options.

Create Predefined Employee Objectives and Activities

  1. Log into the system as ALAIN.
  2. Open the Predefined Objectives and Activities window.
  3. Create a new record and enter an objective ID, objective description and also describe the expected targeted from the objective in the Target field.
  4. Save the information.
  5. Repeat the steps to create more objectives.
  6. If predefined activities are to be defined for an objective, create a new record and enter the activity ID and activity description.
  7. Select the Default check box if the activity is to be automatically assigned to the employee when the objective is assigned using the  Connect Objectives to Multiple Employees right-click option.

Create Periods for Performance Evaluation

  1. Log into the system as ALAIN.
  2. Open the Performance Periods window.
  3. Create a new record and specify a period name. E.g. 2012-QUARTER-01.
  4. Enter the validity start and end dates to define a period.
  5. Save the information.
  6. Repeat the steps to define more periods.

Create Rating Options for Performance Evaluation

  1. Log into the system as ALAIN.
  2. Open the Performance Rating window.
  3. Create a new record and enter a rating option in the Rating field.
  4. Specify a rank for the rating in the Rank field.
  5. Save the information.
  6. Repeat the steps to create all the required rating options.

    Note: Define the rating options so that employee's can be categorized according to the rating. E.g. Poor, Average, Good, Excellent. Also, specify the rank for each rating option to reflect the weight of the rating. E.g. The rank for Excellent should be higher than the rank for Good.

Create Status Options for Performance Evaluation

  1. Log into the system as ALAIN.
  2. Open the Performance Status window.
  3. Create a new record and enter a status option in the Status field. Ensure that this is the lowest status that can be used for objectives and activities. E.g. The status that could be used for objectives and activities at the stage where it is being defined could be Initial.
  4. Specify 10 as the sequence in the Sequence field.
  5. In the Available In field, specify whether the status should be usable for employee objectives, employee activities or general performance or all. Enter All for the initial status.
  6. Save the information.
  7. Repeat the steps to create all the required status options. E.g. You can have status options as Initial, Ongoing, Completed etc. to reflect the various stages of the process.
  8. In the sequence of statuses, you may indicate the last status of the sequence by selecting the Final Status check box. (It is vital to have a final status as the system would calculate the performance index only when the objective/activity/general performance criterion reaches the the final status for an employee).
  9. If you select the Exclude From Final Result check box you may exclude the respective objective/activity/general performance criterion scores from the final calculation.

    Note: Specify the sequence numbers for the status options in the required order. This will ensure that employees will only be able to change the status of one's own objectives or activities in the ascending order.

Define Information with controlled Access

  1. Log into the system as ALAIN.
  2. Open the Employee Access Setup window and populate.
  3. Enter a predefined status in the Status field. Select a value using the list.
  4. Create a new record in the below table window and in the Container Window field, enter Employee Objectives using the list.
  5. In the Column Name field, enter the field in the Employee Objectives window which should have restricted employee access based on the status of the employee objective. You can select the field from the list.
  6. Repeat the steps to specify other fields.
  7. Now, create a new record and enter Employee Activities in the Container Window field.
  8. In the same way as you did for employee objectives, specify the fields to which employee access should be restricted based on the status of the employee activity.
  9. Similarly you could follow the same procedure to specify the field list in the General Performance window.

    Note: See the Create Status Options for Performance Evaluation section to understand how status options can be created with restricted access.