Working with Requests for Quotations in Project Delivery—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Required Data

Creating a PQL for a Delivery Project

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the data that must be in place before you can do the the exercises below.

  1. Create a project quotation list (PQL) for some project items in the delivery project.

General exercise for Creating a PQL for a Delivery Project  

Copying Standard Parts to Own Site

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the data that must be in place before you can do the the exercises below.
Because you must work in your own site, you need to copy the standard planned parts to your site. These parts will be used in the request for quotations (RFQ). 

  1. Copy the standard parts from the engineering transfer site to your own site. 
  2. Enter the parts' estimated material value.

General exercise for Overview of Design Project Delivery Product Data

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to show you how to create requests for quotations in IFS/Project Delivery, handle them together with the changes in the project quotation list, and how to handle these requests in IFS/Purchasing.

Project Product
Project Product/Quotation List
Request for Agreement Quotation
Request for Agreement Quotation/Part Request Lines
Agreement Quotation
Agreement Quotation/Part Quotation Lines
Agreement Quotation Approval
Supplier Agreement

Creating Request for Quotation (RFQ)

  1. Open the Project Product window and query for your project XXPD–01.
  2. Click the Quotation List tab.
  3. Verify that a record exists for part 20–122 (Camshaft 1600). 
  4. Select this row, right-click, and then click Create Request for Quotation. The Create Request for Quotation window appears.
  5. Enter an asterisk (*) in the Buyer field, if it does not appear by default, and an expiry date of five working days from today's date. Click OK.
  6. Return to the Quotation List tab.
  7. Verify that a request for quotation number is shown for the part.
  8. Select this row, right-click, and then click View Request for Quotation.

Handling Request for Quotation (RFQ) 

  1. Open the Project Product window and query for your project XXPD–01.
  2. Click the Quotation List tab.
  3. Verify that a request for quotation number is shown for part 20–122 (Camshaft 1600).
  4. Select this row, right-click, and then click View Request for Quotation. The Request for Agreement Quotation window appears.

Note: The View Request for Quotation right mouse button option is available only if IFS/Purchasing is installed and existing in the executable.

  1. Verify that a part request line has been created for part 20–122.
  2. Click the Suppliers tab.
  3. Connect Suppliers 5000 (Supplier 5000) and 5010 (Swedish Supplier).
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Release the blanket request for quotation by right-clicking anywhere in the header portion of the window and then clicking Release.
  6. Return to the Quotation List tab in the Project Product window.
  7. Select the row containing the same part, right-click, and then click ReportsProject RFQ Supplement. The Print Report window appears.
  8. Click Preview. This enables you to view the report, but not print it.
  9. Review the report, and then close it. 

Handling Changes in the Project Quotation List (PQL)

  1. Open the Project Product window and query for your project XXPD–01.
  2. Click the Quotation List tab.
  3. Verify that a request for quotation number is shown for part 20–122 (Camshaft 1600).
  4. In the Order Quantity field, enter 2.
  5. In the From Date for Blanket field, enter tomorrow's date.
  6. Save your changes.
  7. Select the same row, right-click, and then click Modify Request for Quotation. A message appears prompting you to confirm whether you want really want to change the RFQ.
  8. Click Yes.
  9. Select the row again, right-click, and then click View Request for Quotation. The Request for Agreement Quotation window appears.

Note: The View Request for Quotation right mouse button option is available only if IFS/Purchasing is installed and existing in the executable.

  1. Click the Part Request Lines tab.
  2. Verify that the values in the Quantity and From Date fields have changed accordingly.
  3. Review the header, and note that a new revision number has been created. Also note that the status has changed from Released to Revised.

Handling Request for Quotation (RFQ) in Purchasing

  1. Open the Project Product window and query for your project XXPD–01.
  2. Click the Quotation List tab.
  3. Verify that a request for quotation number appears for part 20–122 (Camshaft 1600).
  4. Select this row again, right-click, and then click View Request for Quotation. The Request for Agreement Quotation window appears.

Note: The View Request for Quotation right mouse button option is available only if IFS/Purchasing is installed and existing in the executable.

  1. Click the Suppliers tab.
  2. Select the rows containing the suppliers selected for the part, right-click, and then click Quotations. The Agreement Quotation window appears.
  3. On the Part Quotation Lines tab, enter a price of 80 (USD) for Supplier 5000.
  4. Save your changes.
  5. In the Request No list, select the next supplier, 5010 (Swedish Supplier).
  6. Enter a price of 1,000 (SEK).
  7. Save your changes.
  8. Select the record, right-click, and then click Blanket Quotation Approval. The Agreement Quotation Approval window appears.
  9. Select the row containing the first supplier, 5000. Right-click and then click Approve. The Create Supplier for Purchase Part window appears.
  10. Click Yes. You are prompted to indicate whether you want to create a supplier blanket for the approved quotation.
  11. Click Yes. The Quotation to Supplier Agreement - Parameters dialog box appears.
  12. Click Create New. You are prompted to confirm that a supplier blanket has been created. 
  13. Click OK. You are prompted to indicate whether you want to print a rejection letter for all other quotations.
  14. Click No.
  15. Verify that the status of the row containing the first supplier, 5000, has been changed to Converted while Rejected on the remaining supplier. This means that a blanket has been created for the blanket quotation.
  16. Select the row containing the first supplier, 5000, and right-click and then click Blanket. The Supplier Agreement window appears.

Note: The Supplier Agreement window appears only if IFS/Purchasing and its folder Supplier Blanket are installed and existing in the executable.

  1. Click the General tab.
  2. In the Project ID field, verify that the blanket has been posted with your project.