One-Time Customers—Key Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Basic Data Requirements for One-Time Customer Invoicing

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up basic data required for invoicing of one-time customers. 

Note: The basic data required will be found in the following links and will be the same as the data required for the invoicing process. The data will differ according to the company you are using,

Basic Data for Instant Invoicing

Basic Data for Manual Customer Invoicing

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to enable users to set-up mater records for one-time customers, and to handle invoicing and payment processes for one-time customers.


Create a One-Time Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to set up a one-time customer master record which can be used for various customer names and addresses. These various addresses represent discrete customers for which you do not need to follow-up total sales. The addresses of one-time customers can be added at invoice entry. When you open up the window you will see both the general tabs and one tab per installed component. One-time customers are only supported in Finance, i.e. you cannot enter information in the Project Report Parameters tab, in the Customer Project tab and in the Order tab. Make sure to save the information you have entered before changing to another tab.

Create Identity

  1. Open the Customer window.
  2. Add a new record (F5).
  3. Enter an identity, e.g. 9999999, and a general description, e.g. One-time customer home country, for your master record. 

One-Time Customer General Information

  1. Click the General tab.
  2. Set a default language and select a country from the drop-down list.
  3. Select the One-Time Customer check box. Note: IFS/PAYLED must be installed to select a customer as one-time customer.
  4. Save (F12).

One-Time Customer Default Address Information

Purpose: The purpose of this step is to learn how to define a default address for a one-time customer identity to get appropriate tax information suggested at invoice entry.

  1. Click the Address tab.
  2. Add a new record (F5).
  3. Enter an Address Identity, e.g. D for Default.
  4. Fill in default information for mandatory address parts in the General Address Information sub tab. To be able to change information in the Address field, double-click in the address box.

Note: How the address is presented is defined in Address Presentation. You can specify which fields will be displayed and in which order. 

  1. Select the Default Address check box for all available address types.  
  2. Save (F12).
  1. Click the Delivery Tax Information sub tab and add a new record (F5) with the following information:
Company Tax Regime Tax Withholding Tax Rounding Method Tax Rounding Level
Your own company ID Tax regime defaulted from the company Blocked Round to Nearest Specified on Company
  1. Save (F12).
  2. Make sure to have this information in the Supply Country sub tab:
Supply Country Tax Liability Tax Book Reference
Your own company ID TAX -

Note: It is not necessary to enter Document Tax Information like Tax ID number as this information will be added for each one-time customer at invoice entry.  

One-Time Customer Invoice Data

  1. Click the Invoice tab
  2. Add a new record (F5).
  3. Enter the following default information for the customer using VAT or Mixed Tax Regime. If you want to define a customer using Sales Tax, do not enter any values in field Tax Code, Manual Customer Invoice.
Company Customer Type Currency Customer Group Payment Term Tax Code, Manual Customer Invoice
Own company ID External Currency in which to invoice customer Customer group for external customers, home country 20, 20 Days Net Tax code (for tax disbursed), full rate of your home country
  1. Save the information.

One-Time Customer Payment Data

  1. Click the Payment tab.
  2. Add a new record (F5) and enter the following information:
Company Reminder Template Interest Template Payment Advice Percent Tolerance Amount Tolerance
Own Company ID 1 1 At Proposal 2% 20
  1. Save (F12).
  2. To be able to connect a payment method to later registered invoices, you must specify all needed payment methods in the Payment Methods sub tab of the window.
  3. Go to the Payment Methods sub tab and add a new record (F5).
  4. Use the List of Values to select the payment methods shown in the table below.
Payment Method Description Default
MAN (or other payment method with EMPTY format) Description for manual payment method will be displayed Checked
CHECK (or other payment method with CHECK format) Description for payment method CHECK wll be displayed Unchecked
SEPA-CORE  (or other payment method with SEPADD format) Description for SEPA-CORE will be displayed Unchecked
  1. Save your entry.

Note: Payment addresses will be registered later as part of the one-time specific information when the invoices are entered.


Create Invoice with new One-Time Information

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to enter an invoice for a one-time customer with new one-time specific information.

Instant Invoice

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create an instant invoice for a one-time customer and register the one-time specific information after the invoice is saved.

Instant Invoice

  1. Open the Instant Invoice window.
  2. Add a new record (F5).
  3. Enter the identity of your one-time customer master record, e.g. 9999999, in the Customer field. The default information from the master record, like currency, default address IDs and tax liability, is fetched.  
  4. Click the Lines tab, enter object ID and quantity. Description, price and tax code are fetched from the sales object.
  5. Save (F12). A preliminary invoice number is created.
  6. The One-Time Specific Information dialog box appears.  
  7. Enter the name of the customer, to whom this invoice shall be sent, in the Customer Name field.
  8. Enter all parts of the address in the respective fields, and select a country from the drop-down list in the Country field.
  9. If a tax ID type is defined for the address country, select a tax ID type from the List in the Tax ID Type field.
  10. Enter the tax ID number for this customer in the Tax ID Number field. If the tax ID number is an EU tax ID number, click the Validate Tax ID button. If the tax ID number is a valid EU tax number, the Validated Date field will be filled with the current date, else an information will be raised that the tax ID number is not valid.
  11. Click Save: The one-time address ID is automatically created and shown in the Address ID field.
  12. Click the Payment Information tab. Default values are displayed.
  13. Enter the name of the customer contact person in the Name field in the AR Customer Contact group box.
  14. Select E-Mail from the drop-down list in the Comm.Method field, and enter the email address of the customer contact in the Value field.
  15. Select E-Mail from the drop-down list in the Output Media field.
  16. Let the default payment method MAN unchanged. Click OK to save and close the dialog box.
  17. In the Instant Invoice window, the one-time address ID is shown in the Inv Address field and in the Del Address field. Payment method MAN is displayed in the Payment Method field.
  18. Right-click and click Print Invoice: The invoice is printed with the name, address and tax ID number which were entered as one-time specific information.

Manual Customer Invoice

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a manual customer invoice for a one-time customer and register the one-time specific information after the invoice is saved.

Manual Customer Invoice

  1. Open the Manual Customer Invoice window
  2. Add a new record (F5).
  3. Enter the identity of your one-time customer master record, e.g. 9999999, a, in the Customer field. The default information from the master record, like currency and default delivery address ID, is fetched.  
  4. Enter the invoice number in the the Invoice Identity field.
  5. Click the Lines tab and enter a negative amount to create a credit invoice.
  6. Click the Postings tab and enter the posting.
  7. Save (F12).
  8. The One-Time Specific Information dialog box appears.  
  9. Enter the name of the customer, to whom this invoice shall be sent, in the Customer Name field.
  10. Enter all parts of the address in the respective fields, and select a country from the drop-down list in the Country field.
  11. If a tax ID type is defined for the address country, select a tax ID type from the List in the Tax ID Type field.
  12. Enter the tax ID number for this customer in the Tax ID Number field. If the tax ID number is an EU tax ID number, click the Validate Tax ID button. If the tax Id number is a valid EU tax number, the Validated Date field will be filled with the current date, else an information will be raised that the tax ID number is not valid.
  13. Click Save: The one-time address ID is automatically created and shown in the Address ID field.
  14. Click the Payment Information tab. Default values are displayed.
  15. Enter the name of the customer contact person in the Name field in the AR Customer Contact group box.
  16. Select E-Mail from the drop-down list in the Comm.Method field, and enter the email address of the customer contact in the Value field.
  17. Select E-Mail from the drop-down list in the Output Media field.
  18. Change the suggested default payment method to CHECK to be able to connect a payment address for a repayment check. The one-time address ID from the header is automatically fetched into the Payment Address ID field and cannot be edited.
  19. Click OK to save and close the dialog box.
  20. In the Manual Customer Invoice window, the one-time address ID is shown in the Delivery Address field and in the Payment Address Identity field. Payment method CHECK is displayed in the Payment Method field.

Connect existing One-Time Information to a new invoice

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to connect exisitng one-time information to a new invoice if a second invoice has to be created for the same one-time address, e.g. in the case that a credit invoice has to be created for a one-time customer

Instant Invoice

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to connect exisitng one-time information to a new invoice after the invoice is saved.

Instant Invoice

  1. Open the Instant Invoice window
  2. Add a new record (F5).
  3. Enter the identity of your one-time customer master record, e.g. 9999999, in the Customer field. The default information from the master record, like currency, default address IDs and tax liability, is fetched.  
  4. Click the Lines tab, enter object ID and a negative quantity which is less then the quantity of the first instant invoice for your one-time customer. Description, price and tax code are fetched from the sales object.
  5. Save (F12). A preliminary invoice number is created.
  6. The One-Time Specific Information dialog box appears.  
  7. Click the List button in the Customer Name field and select the Address ID of the first instant invoice for your one-time customer: Customer Name, address information and document tax information are fetched into the dialog box.
  8. Click Save and then the Payment Information tab to view AR Customer Contact Information fetched from the connected one-time address ID.
  9. The default payment method from the master record is suggested. Click OK to save the suggested payment method to the invoice and to the installment(s), and to close the One-Time Specific Information dialog box.
  10. In the Instant Invoice window, the one-time address ID is shown in the Inv Address field and in the Del Address field. Payment method MAN is displayed in the Payment Method field.
  11. Right-click and click Print Invoice: The invoice is printed using the name, address and tax ID number from the one-time address ID. 

Create Reminders for One-Time Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create and analyze reminders for one-time customers.

Reminder Proposal and Reminder Reports

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create reminders for one-time customers. 

Note: Before you create a reminder proposal, repeat exercise Create Invoice with new One-Time Information several times with positive amounts to have several one-time customer invoices to be included in the reminder proposal.


Customer Reminder Proposals
Report Archive

  1. Open the Customer Reminder Proposals window.
  2. Right-click and click Create Proposal: The Create Reminder Proposal dialog box appears.
  3. Change the suggested date in the Reminder Date field to a date after the due dates of the invoices you created for your one-time customer.
  4. Enter selection criteria which include your one-time customer.
  5. Click OK. A new proposal is created.
  6. Highlight the new proposal, right-click and click Reminder Proposal Details.
  7. In the Reminder Proposal Details window, each one-time address ID is a distinct reminder recipient, i.e. within a one-time customer identity, separate reminders will be created for each one-time address ID. The address specific customer names are shown in the Name field.
  8. Go back to the Customer Reminder Proposals window, highlight the new proposal, right-click and click Acknowledge Proposal. The proposal gets Acknowledged status.
  9. Highlight the proposal, right-click an click Print Reminder. The Order Reminder Report dialog box appears.
  10. Fill in the appropriate information, but do not select the Batch Printout check box.
  11. Click OK to create the reports.
  12. Open the Report Archive window and query for the just created reminders. In the Notes field, the names of the respective one-time customers are dispalyed for each reminder report.

Create Reminder Analysis

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to analyze reminders for one-time customers.  


Customer Reminder Analysis

  1. Open the Customer Reminder Analysis window and query for your one-time customer. The Zoom-In dialog box appears.
  2. Select the Recipient ID check box and click OK.
  3. The Customer Reminder Analysis window appears.
  4. Information is grouped be one-time address ID. The names of the one-time addresses are shown in the Name field.

Create Interest Invoices/Notes for One-Time Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create interest invoices/notes for one-time customers and create credit interest invoices/notes.

Interest Proposal and Interest Invoices/Notes

Note: Before you create the interest proposal, make sure that the invoices of your one-time customer have an interest template calculating interests with method WhenDueForPayment.


Customer Interest Proposals
Customer Interest Invoices/Notes

  1. Open the Customer Interest Proposals window.
  2. Right-click and click Create Proposal: The Create Interest Proposal dialog box appears.
  3. Change the date in the Int.Calc.Date field to a date after the due dates of the invoices you created for your one-time customer.
  4. Enter selection criteria which include your one-time customer.
  5. Click OK. A new proposal is created.
  6. Highlight the new proposal, right-click and click Interest Proposal Details.
  7. In the Interest Proposal Details window, each one-time address ID is a distinct recipient, i.e. within a one-time customer identity, a separate interest invoice/note will be created for each one-time address ID. The address specific customer names are shown in the Name field.
  8. Go back to the Customer Interest Proposals window, highlight the new proposal, right-click an click Acknowledge Proposal. The proposal gets Acknowledged status.
  9. Highlight the proposal, right-click an click Create and Print interst Invoices/Notes. The Create and Print Interest Invoices/Notes dialog box appears.
  10. Fill in the appropriate information and click OK to create the interest invoices/notes.
  11. Open the Interest Invoices/Notes window and query for your one-time customer: For each one-time address ID, a distinct record is shown with the respective name.
  12. Highlight one record in PostedAuth status, right-click and click Create Credit Invoice/Note and Offset with Debit. The Create Credit Invoice/Note dialog box appears.
  13. Fill in the appropriate information and click OK.


Create Repayment for One-Time Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create repayments for one-time customers.

Repayment Proposal

Note: Before you create the customer payment proposal, make sure that the credit invoice with the CHECK payment method which was created in exercise Create Manual Invoice with New One-Time Information  is still open. Take care that the setup for check repayments is correct.


Customer Payment Proposals

  1. Open the Customer Payment Proposals window.
  2. Right-click and click Create Repayment Proposal: The Create Repayment Proposal dialog box appears.
  3. Change the date in the Until Plan Pay Date field to a date after the due dates of the credit invoice(s) you want to repay.
  4. Enter selection criteria which include your one-time customer.
  5. Click OK. A new proposal is created.
  6. Highlight the new proposal, right-click an click Details.
  7. In the Customer Payment Proposal Details window, items of each one-time address ID with a negative balance are included even if the balance of the one-time customer identity is not negative. The address specific customer name is shown in the Customer Name field.
  8. Highlight the credit invoice of your one-time customer, right-click and click One-time Specific Information. The One-Time Specific Information dialog box appears.
  9. Add information which might be missing and click OK to save and close the One-Time Specific Information dialog box.
  10. Go back to the Customer Payment Proposals window, highlight the new proposal, right-click and click Acknowledge. The proposal gets Acknowledged status.
  11. Highlight the proposal, right-click an click Create Repayment Order. The Create Customer Repayment Order dialog box appears.
  12. Enter CHECK in the Payment Method field and select the payment institute.
  13. Click OK. The Cash Accounts dialog box appears.
  14. Verify the information and click OK to create the order. The Create Order Results dialog box with the created order number appears.
  15. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Create Repayment Check


Customer Payment Orders
Customer Repayment Check

  1. Open the Customer Payment Orders window and populate.
  2. Highlight the payment order with the CHECK payment method, right-click and click Create Check Payment. The Print and Create Check Repayment dialog box appears.
  3. Fill in the needed information and click OK. The check is created and can be displayed.
  4. Open the Customer Repayment Check window and query for the Payee Name used in the repayment check for your one-time customer. The check is displayed.


Create Difference Item for One-Time Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to enter difference items for one-time customers.
Note: In order to enter a Mixed Payment, the basic data for mixed payment should be set up.

Basic Data for Mixed Payment

Mixed Payment
Difference Notice Proposals


  1. Open the Mixed Payment window and create a new record.
  2. Enter your cash account or use the List of Values for the Cash Account field. You will get default values for currency, currency rate, and balance method if you have defined a default balance method for this account, else set the Balance Method to Detailed.
  3. Click the Transactions tab.
  4. Create a new record.
  5. In the Mixed Payment Transaction Type list, select Enter Customer Payment.
  6. Enter your one-time customer identity in the Payer/Payee Identity field.
  7. Select the New Item check box, enter an amount in the Amount field and save the transaction. A new record is created in the Matching Transactions sub tab.
  8. Select the applicable address ID from the List of Values in the Invoice Address ID field in the Matching Transactions sub tab.
  9. Enter a difference code which has the Generate Difference Notice check box selected in the Difference Code field.
  10. If not suggested and your tax regime is VAT or Mixed, enter a tax code in the Tax Code field.
  11. Save. You see the name of the selected invoice address ID both in the Name field in the lump sum transaction and in the matching transaction.
  12. In the window header, right-click and click Approve. The Create Voucher dialog box appears.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Open the Difference Notice Proposals window.
  15. Right-click and click Create Difference Notice Proposal. The Create Difference Notice Proposal dialog box appears.
  16. Click OK. A new difference notice proposal is created.
  17. Right-click and click Details.
  18. The Difference Notice Proposals Items window with the just created difference item for your one-time customer appears.
  19. Return to the Difference Notice Proposals window.
  20. Right-click and click Acknowledge Proposal.
  21. Right-click and click Print Difference Notice. The Print Report dialog box appears.
  22. Print or Preview the difference notice report.


Analyze One-Time Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to analyze items of one-time customers.

Customer Analysis
Report Archive
Customer Ledger Open Items


  1. Open the Customer Analysis window.
  2. Select the Auto Populate checkbox, and query for your one-time customer.
  3. In the Ledger Items tab, you can see, order by and search in context for the names, one-time addresses and AR customer contact names of the invoices.
  4. Highlight a ledger item, right-click and click One-Time Specific Information. The One-Time Specific Information dialog box appears.
  5. Add information which might be missing and click OK to save and close the One-Time Specific Information dialog box.
  6. In the header of the window, right-click and click Print Statement of Account. The Customer Statement of Account dialog box appears.
  7. As the identity of the one-time customer is already selected, click OK to order the report.
  8. Open the Report Archive window and populate. In the Notes field of the just created reports, the output media of the respective one-time information are dispalyed.
  9. Open the Customer Ledger Open items dialog box.
  10. Make sure that your one-time customer is included in the selection criteria.
  11. Click the Options tab and select Customer Name for Grouping.
  12. Click OK to order the report.
  13. In the Print Report dialog box, you can print or preview the report: You see that the grouping by customer name does not use the name from the one-time address but the general name from the master record. The one-time information is printed in additional lines for each invoice.