Instant Invoicing—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own company and with your own customer to maintain your data integrity. If you work with any other objects, your exercises will not function as intended and the data of other students might be affected. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own company.

Basic Data Setup

Sales Object

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the sales objects used in instant invoices. Sales objects may either be services—for example, rent or consulting—or material that is not used in inventory. Note that the sales object description, price, and code string may be changed during invoice entry.

Sales Objects

  1. Open the Sales Objects window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter the following information:
Object ID Object Description Price Taxable Tax Code Tax Class Account
Rent Office rental 500 Select this check box if the object is a taxable object Specify either a VAT Tax Code or a Tax Class only if the company's tax regime is VAT or Mixed Specify either a VAT Tax Code or a Tax Class only if the company's tax regime is VAT or Mixed Select a revenue account from the List of Values
Consulting Consulting hours 1000 See above See above See above See above
  1. Save the information (F12).

Invoice Texts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up invoice texts for use in instant invoices.

Invoice Texts

  1. Open the Invoice Texts window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter the following information:
Text ID Text
10 Thank you for your order. Note that an invoice fee is added for purchases under 50,-
20 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  1. Save the information (F12).

Main Exercise

Instant Invoice Using Tax Regime Sales Tax 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create an instant invoice using Sales Tax.

Company/Invoice/Tax Information
Instant Invoice

  1. Open the Company window and query for your company. In the Invoice/Tax Information sub tab, select Sales Tax from the list for the Tax Regime field, and save.
  2. Open the Customer window and query for the customer you want to use in this exercise. In the Address/Delivery Tax Information sub tab, select Sales Tax from the list for the Tax Regime field.
  3. Create a new record (F5) in the Instant Invoice window.

Note: Invoice type, invoice date, and delivery date are proposed values.

  1. In the Customer field, enter the ID of the customer for whom you selected the tax regime Sales Tax in step 2.

Note: All customer data will be filled in automatically.

  1. Click the Lines tab.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Object ID field, select one of the existing sales objects from the List of Values (F8). 
  4. In the Quantity field, enter 10.
  5. Select the invoice line. Then right-click and click the Tax Lines.
  6. The dialogue box shows the tax lines that were created for the current invoice line. You may add, edit, or remove this information. 
  7. Close the dialogue box.
  8. Save the information (F12).
  9. Write down your instant invoice number PR.

Note: You will receive a preliminary invoice number according to the settings in General Invoice and General Customer. The invoice now has Preliminary status. If you specify  only one sales tax code in the customer's delivery address, it will be fetched to the Tax Code field in the invoice line.

If the Tax Amount Limit, Customer Invoice Lines check box in the Invoice/Tax Information tab of the Company window is selected, the tax amount of the invoice will be compared against the tax amount limit for the tax code. If the tax amount for the invoice is within the tax amount limit for the tax code used, then the tax amount will not be posted for the invoice. 

Instant Invoice Using VAT Tax Regime 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create an instant invoice using VAT.

Tax Information
Instant Invoice

  1. Open the Company window and query for your company. In the Invoice/Tax Information sub tab select VAT from the list for the Tax Regime field, and save.
  2. Open the Customer window and query for the customer you want to use in this exercise. In the Address/Delivery Tax Information sub tab, select VAT from the list for the Tax Regime field.
  3. Create a new record (F5) in the Instant Invoice window.

Note: Invoice type, invoice date, and delivery date are proposed values. 

  1. In the Customer field, enter the ID of the customer for whom you selected the tax regime VAT in step 2.

Note: All customer data will be filled in automatically.

  1. In the General tab, change the entry in the Payment Term field from 30 to 10
  2. The Supply Country will default to the Company country. 
  3. Click the Lines  tab.
  4. Create a new record (F5).
  5. In the Object ID field, select one of the existing sales objects from the List of Values (F8).
  6. In the Quantity field, enter 5.
  7. Create a new record (F5).
  8. In the Text Id field, select one of the existing text types from the List of Values (F8).
  9. In the Description field, change the description to Thank you for your order!.
  10. Change the Tax Code if necessary. If you select a multiple VAT tax code that has a Surcharge VAT code attached to it, right-click and then click the Tax Lines to see the tax details ( Surcharge VAT is calculated only if your customer  is liable for surcharge taxes).
  11. Save the information (F12).

Note: You will receive a preliminary invoice number according to the settings in General Invoice and General Customer. The invoice now has Preliminary status.

  1. Write down your instant invoice number PR.

Note: If the Tax Amount Limit, Customer Invoice Lines check box in the Invoice/Tax Information tab of the Company window is selected, the tax amount of the invoice will be compared against the tax amount limit for the tax code. If the tax amount for the invoice is within the tax amount limit for the tax code used, then the tax amount will not be posted for the invoice.

Instant Invoice Using Mixed Tax Regime 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create an instant invoice using both VAT and Sales Tax.

Tax Information
Instant Invoice

  1. Open the Company window and query for your company. In the Invoice/Tax Information sub tab, select Mixed from the list for the Tax Regime field, and save.
  2. Open the Customer window and query for the customer you want to use in this exercise. In the Address/Delivery Tax Information sub tab, select Mixed from the list for the Tax Regime field.
  3. Create a new record (F5) in the Instant Invoice window.

Note: Invoice type, invoice date, and delivery date are proposed values. 

  1. In the Customer field, enter the ID of the customer for whom you selected the tax regime Mixed in step 2.

Note: All customer data will be filled in automatically.

  1. In the General  tab, change the entry in the Payment Term field from 30 to 10. 
  2. The Supply Country will default to the Company country.
  3. Click the Lines tab.
  4. Create a new record (F5).
  5. In the Object ID field, select one of the existing sales objects from the List of Values (F8).
  6. In the Quantity field, enter 5.
  7. Create a new record (F5).
  8. In the Text Id field, select one of the existing text types from the List of Values (F8).
  9. In the Description field, change the description to Thank you for your order!.
  10. Select the invoice line. Then right-click and click Tax Lines.
  11. The dialogue box shows the tax lines that were created for the current invoice line fetched from both the sales object and delivery address. You may add, edit, or remove this information. You can select both VAT and Sales Tax codes here.
  12. Close the dialogue box.
  13. Save the information (F12).

Note: You will receive a preliminary invoice number according to the settings in General Invoice and General Customer. The invoice now has Preliminary status.

  1. Write down your instant invoice number PR.

Note: If the Tax Amount Limit, Customer Invoice Lines check box in the Invoice/Tax Information tab of the Company window is selected, the tax amount of the invoice will be compared against the tax amount limit for the tax code. If the tax amount for the invoice is within the tax amount limit for the tax code used, then the tax amount will not be posted for the invoice.

Create Instant Invoice from an Instant Invoice Template

Instant Invoice Template

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create an instant invoice template.

Instant Invoice
Instant Invoice Template

  1. Open the Instant Invoice window.
  2. Query for the customer invoice that you want to create the invoice template from.
  3. Right-click and click Create Invoice Template.
  4. In the Create Instant Invoice Template dialogue box, enter Template No, Template description, Valid From and Valid To.
  5. Click OK

Create Instant Invoice from an Invoice Template

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a customer invoice from an invoice template.

Instant Invoice
Instant Invoice Template

  1. Open the Instant Invoice window.
  2. Right-click and click Use Invoice Template.
  3. In the Create Instant Invoice dialogue box, enter Template No and Invoice date.
  4. Click OK.

Note: Date on the general tab, line tab and preposting tab from the instant invoice template should be copied exactly over to the instant invoice form. An instant invoice created from a template will always get status preliminary. The normal process to post and pay the instant invoice remains the same.

Create Recurring Instant Invoice

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a recurring instant invoice, i.e. a duplicate of an invoice into future periods.

Instant Invoice

  1. Open the Instant Invoice window.
  2. Query for the instant invoice you want to create the recurring invoice from.
  3. Right-click and click Create Recurring Invoice.
  4. Select the Month option if you want the invoices to be printed recursively on a monthly basis.
  5. Enter the recursive value in the Recurrence Frequency filed. For e.g., If you have selected month as the Recurrence Pattern and entered 3 as the recurrence frequency then the invoice will be created every three months.
  6. Enter a value for the number of invoices to be created in the Number of Invoices field. For e.g., If you have selected the Month option and the recurrence frequency is 3 ,and the number of invoices to be printed is 4 then, an invoice will be created every third month and the total number of invoices created will equal to 4.
  7. Select the Day option if you want the invoices to be printed recursively on a daily basis and enter the recursive value in the Recurrence Frequency field. For e.g., if the recurrence frequency is set to 3 then an invoice will be printed every third day.
  8. In the Create Instant Recurring Invoice(s) dialog box, enter a date for the First Invoice Date field. This date will be taken automatically as the First Pay Term Base Date. You can change the date given for the First Pay Term Base Date field manually if required.
  9. The Last Invoice Date will be displayed automatically and this date cannot be changed.
  10. Click OK. A message appears indicating that the invoice was created. The message also specifies the invoice series, invoice number, invoice date, and total number of invoices that were created.

Print Instant Invoice

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to print instant invoices. One or several vouchers are created based on the Collective Voucher parameter, in the Customer Groups window. The voucher is validated in accordance with the rules in Accounting Rules. If something is incorrect, the voucher will not be created. In that case, the voucher must be created in a separate step (for details, see the Handle Posting Errors exercise below).

Note: This exercise can be carried out only if no message setup information is entered for the customer in the Customer/Message Setup tab. If message setup information is entered, you can send the invoice as a message instead of printing it as shown in the main exercise for sending invoices.

Link to Send Instant Invoice

Print Invoice

  1. Open Print Invoice and populate the window (F2).
  2. Select the invoices you created in the steps above.
  3. Right-click and then click Printout.
  4. Close the window.

Note: A background job will now print out the invoices and automatically create vouchers. The invoices will be set to PostedAuth status, which means that they are completed. The preliminary invoice numbers are replaced by a final instant invoice number.

Open the Customer Invoices with Errors window and populate it (F2). If no errors occurred during the voucher creation, this window should be empty. If it is not empty, you need to correct the identified errors (see the Handle Posting Errors exercise below). You may also use the Customer Invoice Postings Analysis window to see whether there were any problems with your invoices.

Reprint Instant Invoice

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to reprint an instant invoice that is already printed.  If a change is made to basic data (e.g. the customer's delivery address), IFS Applications allows you to reprint the modified invoice (which is updated with the changes) as well as the original invoice (which is not updated with the changes). Therefore, if you want to perform the exercise using both options, change the address information of the relevant customer before you carry out the following exercises for easy identification purposes.

Instant Invoice

  1. Open the Customer window and query for the customer to which the invoice you previously printed belongs. In the Address tab, make a change to the address entered.
  2. Open the Instant Invoice window and query for the instant invoice that you previously printed.
  3. Right-click in the background of the window and click Reprint Original. The Print Report dialog box will open. Click Preview to view the invoice printout. Note that the address on the invoice is the same address that was there before you modified it for the purpose of this exercise.
  4. Right-click in the background of the Instant Invoice window and click Reprint Modified. The Print Invoice dialog box will open. Select the Invoice option and click OK to close the dialog box.
  5. The Print Report dialog box will open. Click Preview to open the invoice printout. Note that the address printed on the invoice is the changed address.

Handle Posting Errors

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to handle any posting errors that may occur at the time the invoice is printed or sent. When one or more posting errors occur when an invoice is printed/sent, no voucher is created. Therefore, you are required to correct the invalid data which caused the error in order to ensure that a voucher is created for the invoice.

Customer Invoices with Errors

  1. Open the Customer Invoices with Errors window and populate (F2). The Posting Error check box will be selected for any invoice for which no voucher was created due to posting errors.

  2. Select an invoice for which the Posting Error check box is selected, right-click and click Postings to open the Customer Invoice Postings Analysis window. The posting error that has occurred will be described in the Text field. (e.g. You may have specified an account with an invalid time interval when entering posting information for the invoice.)

  3. Change the relevant information in IFS/Accounting Rules. (In the case of the example cited in step 2, change the time interval of the relevant account)

  4. Select the invoice again in the Customer Invoices with Errors window, right-click and click Process Invoice.

  5. Populate the window again. If the voucher is created, the invoice would have been removed from the window. If the error was not effectively corrected or if there are more posting errors, the invoice would reappear. If the invoice reappears, check the Text field in the Customer Invoice Postings Analysis window again and do the relevant corrections.

Basic Data Setup

Enter Document Management Information for Company

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up your company to send invoice images and attachments when invoices are sent as messages to the customer. Note that this exercise is required only if the E-INVOICE media code is used to send an instant invoice since that is the only media code in IFS Applications that allows invoice images and attachments to be sent in messages.

Document Basic/Document Classes
Company/Invoice/Document Management

  1. Open the Document Basic window and create a new record in the Document Classes tab. Enter a new document class as shown below and save.

 Document Class Document Class Description
Attachment Invoice Attachment
  1. Open the Company window and query for your company.

  2. Create a new record in the Document Management sub tab and enter the following information.

Invoice Image Document Class Invoice Image Document Prefix Attachment Document Class Attachment Document Prefix 
INVOICE Invoice Image ATTACHMENT Invoice Attachment
  1. Save the information.

Enter Our ID at Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to match your company ID with the ID that a customer has specified for you in his/her own system. In this exercise, it is assumed that the ID specified for your company by the customer is RACING. This ID is used by the customer as a cross reference when he/she receives invoice messages from your company.


  1. Open the Customer window and query for the customer to whom you want to send invoices as messages.

  2. Create a new record in the Our ID at Customer table in the General tab.

  3. Enter the ID of your company in the Company field and enter RACING in the Our ID field.

  4. Save the information.

Enter Message Setup Information for Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise to enable invoices created for a given customer to be sent as messages.

Message Setup

  1. Open the Customer window and query for the customer to whom you want to send invoices.

  2. Enter a new record in the Message Setup tab as follows.

Message Class Media Code Address Message Default
  1. Save the information.

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to send an instant invoice to a customer. Sending an invoice is an alternative to printing the invoice. If you want to send invoices to a particular customer, you are required to enter message setup information for that customer.

The way in which an invoice is physically processed is determined by the media code selected to send the invoice. In this exercise, you will be using E-INVOICE media code which allows you to send the invoice image as well as invoice attachments to customers.

Send Instant Invoice

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to send an instant invoice to a customer as a message. An instant invoice can be sent from the Instant Invoice window as well as from the Print Invoice window. One or several vouchers will be created based on whether the Use Collective Voucher check box in the Customer Groups window is selected or not.

Instant Invoice
Sent Invoices
Report Archive

  1. Open the Instant Invoice window and create a new invoice or query for an invoice with Preliminary status.
  2. Right-click in the background of the window and click Send Invoice to open the Send Invoices dialog box.
  3. Select E-INVOICE from the list for the Media Code field.
  4. Connect a document to the invoice by adding it to Additional Files field. This can be done by clicking Add and selecting the location where the relevant document is stored.
  5. Click OK to send the invoice.
  6. Open the Sent Invoices window and query for the invoice you just sent.
  7. Check whether the following information is available.
    Status Send Status Send Time Media Code Attachments 
    PostedAuth Transferred The date and time at which the invoice was sent E-INVOICE Selected
  8. Select the invoice, right-click and click Attachments to open the Attachments window. You will see the name of the file you attached to the invoice in step 5, and it's original location displayed in the Attachments window.
  9. Select the attachment, right-click and click View Attachment. The document that you attached to the invoice will be displayed.
  10. To view the invoice image, open the Report Archive window or use the Attachments pane from the Instant Invoice window.

Resend Invoice

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to resend an instant invoice that is already sent to a customer.

Sent Invoices
Instant Invoice

  1. Open the Sent Invoices window and query for the invoice that you previously sent.
  2. Select the invoice, right-click and click Resend Invoice.
  3. Check the invoice image from the Report Archive window or use the Attachments pane from the Instant Invoice window. Note that the address on the invoice image is the changed address.

Reprint Invoice

Purpose: The purpose  of this exercise is to reprint an instant invoice that was previously sent to a customer. A sent invoice can be reprinted from the Instant Invoice window or in the Sent Invoices window.

Sent Invoices
Instant Invoice

Link to Reprint Instant Invoice

Handle Send Errors

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to handle send errors of instant invoices. When a send error occurs, the invoice is not received by the customer. Therefore, it is important to check the system for send errors and correct them once an invoice is sent.

Customer Invoice with Errors

  1. Open Customer Invoices with Errors and populate the window (F2). 
  2.  The Send Error check box will be selected if no voucher has been created due to an error that occurred when sending the invoice.
  3. If the Send Error check box is selected, read the message in the Send Error Message field and make the required changes or contact the system administrator depending on the cause of the error.
  4. Once the errors are corrected, select the invoice in the Customer Invoices with Errors window, right-click and click Process Invoice to send the invoice again.

Handle Posting Errors

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to handle posting errors that occur for sent invoices.

Customer Invoice with Errors

Link to Handle Posting Errors