Register Document Original — Key Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Creating a Document Class

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a new document class that will be used when registering the document original.

Document Basic/Document Classes

  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the Document Classes tab.
  2. Create a new row (F5).
  3. Name your new class XXDRAWING (where XX is your initials).
  4. Enter a short description, e.g. Original Drawing.
  5. Save your new document class (F12).

General exercise for Document Basic

Defining a Storage Medium

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define a new storage medium, which will be used when registering the document original.

Document Basic/Media

  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the Media tab.

  2. Create two new media and enter the following data:

Media Media Description
40 Micro Film
50 Punch Card
  1. Save (F12).

General exercise for Document Basic

Defining a Document Class Management

Purpose: Some basic data can be defined for each document class. The purpose of this exercise is to define the valid selection of Storage Medium for the document class you previously created.

Document Class Management/Storage Media

  1. Open the Document Class Management window and click the Storage Media tab.
  2. Populate the window (F2).
  3. In the Document Class list, click XXDRAWING (where XX is your initials).
  4. Click in the table, and right-click and then click Copy All Media.

Note: Both the Micro Film (40) media and Punch Card (50) media are copied to the window. For this particular document class, however, we do not want the Punch Card media (50) to be a valid choice.

  1. Select the row with the Punch Card (50) media and click Remove.
  2. Save (F12).

Result: The Punch Card media (50) should not be part of the List of Values in the Media field for a document of the XXDRAWING class.

General exercise for Document Class Management

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to demonstrate how to register a document original.

Document Titles
Document Revision/Originals

On the Originals tab, you can enter information for documentation that is kept off-line, e.g., typical old-style paper archives. In this exercise, you are going to register a document original, a drawing of the rear shaft, that is stored on paper.

Registering a Document Title

First, you must register the title of the paper document.

  1. Open the Document Titles window.
  2. Create a new line (F5).
  3. Enter the following document data:
Document Class Document Title
(in the List Of Values)
Rear Shaft
  1. Verify that the Object Connection and View Copy fields are both set to Optional.
  2. Save the new title.

Registering a Document Original

In this case, we do not have a document file to attach to the document revision. Instead, we are going to register a document original, since the document itself is stored on paper and located in an old fashioned paper archive. It is, of course, possible for a document revision to have both a document file and a paper original registered.

  1. Select the title you created above in the Document Titles window, and right click and then click Document Revision.
  2. Open the Document Revision window and click the Originals tab.
  3. Create a new row.
  4. Enter the following information:
ID No Media Department Location ID
DRW112 30
(use F8)
MECH 112
  1. Save (F12).

Result: You have now registered the paper original of this document. 

If somebody wishes to view the document, he or she must look on the Originals tab for the storage location and then go to the paper archive to retrieve the document. When borrowing the document original from the paper archive, the name and department of the borrowing person must be entered on this tab.

General exercise for Loan Document Original