Document Basic — Basic Data Exercises

Key Exercises

Creating a Document Class

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create new document classes.

Document Basic/Document Classes

  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the Document Classes tab.
  2. Create a new row (F5).
  3. Enter your initials in the Doc Class field and enter a short description (e.g., My document class).
  4. Save the new document class (F12).

Creating a Person Group

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create a new document group.

Document Basic/Person Group

  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the Person Group tab.

  2. Create a new document group (F5)

  3. Enter your initials in the Group ID field and enter a description (e.g., My person group).

  4. Click in the table and select the following persons for your group from the List of Values (F8) in the Person ID field: EDDIE, DAMON, ALAIN, MARIO, MIKA, NIKI.

  5. Enter today's date on the Valid From fields and the date 2 months from now in the Valid To fields for each person.

  6. Save the group (F5).

Note: A group can consist of one or several persons, but a group cannot be included in a group.

Creating an Approval Template

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create an approval template.

Document Basic/Approval Template

  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the Approval Template tab.
  2. Create a new template (F5).
  3. Enter your initials as name of your template in the Approval Templ. field and a short description (e.g., Approval of Product Manuals)
  4. Click in the table.
  5. Create three new rows (F5) and enter the following approval process:
Approval Step Description Person ID Group ID Security Checkpoint Required
1 Preview DAMON X
2 Review EDDIE
3 Approve RACING
  1. Save your new template (F5).

Creating an Access Template

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create an access template.

Document Basic/Access Template

  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the Access Template tab.
  2. Populate the window (F2).
  3. Select the document class that you created earlier in the Document Class list.
  4. Click in the table part of the list and create the following access list:
Group ID Person ID Edit Access View Access Admin Access
  1. Save the template (F5).

Note: The access template that you created will define the default access for your document class. When a new document of this class is created, it will automatically have access to  this template.

Note: The access template will authorize all users in the RACE group to view the document files, and DAMON will be able to both view and edit the files. 

Note: Access defined on personal level will override any access on a group level. Therefore, even if EDDIE is part of the RACE group, he will not have access to this document since his access is removed on the personal level.

Note: ALAIN will be able to change a status, modify access rights, and add approval routing steps in addition. 

Editing Default Values

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to edit document default values.

Document Basic/Document Default Values

  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the Document Default Values tab.

  2. Populate the window (F2) to review the existing default values.

  3. Change the default revision number (DOC_REV) from A1 to 1 and save.

Note: More information about the different default values and how to set them up can be found in the on-line help (F1).

Note: You can have different default value settings for different document classes. This is monitored in the Document Class Management window.

Editing History Settings

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to edit history settings.

Document Basic/History Settings

The history settings monitors which events that should be logged for the document revisions. 

  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the History Settings tab.
  2. Populate the window (F2).
  3. Review the current settings.
  4. Disable the history logging by clearing the Status Change check box.

Note: You can have different history settings for different document classes. This is monitored in the Document Class Management window.

Creating a New Format

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create new formats.

Document Basic/Formats

It is possible to have different formats that are valid for different document classes, i.e., the format List of Values is different for different classes. This is monitored in the Document Class Management  window. All formats must first be created in the Document Basic/Formats tab before they can be copied into the Document Class Management window and used for a specific document class.

  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the Formats tab.
  2. Create a new row (F5) and enter the following format:
Format Description
A0 Large drawings
  1.  Save the new format (F12).

Note: To make this format available for your document class, you must import into the Format tab in the Document Class Management window.

Extended Exercises

Creating a New Medium

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create a new medium.

Document Basic/Media

It is possible to have different media that are valid for different document classes, i.e., the media List of Values is different for different classes. This is monitored in the Document Class Management window. All media must first be created in the Document Basic/Media tab before they can be copied into the Document Class Basic window and used for a specific document class.

  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the Media tab.
  2. Create a new row (F5) and enter the following medium:
Medium Description
P Photo
  1. Save the new medium (F12).

Note: To make this new medium valid for your document class, you must import it into the Media tab in the Document Class Management window.

Creating an Association Categories

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create new Association Categories.

Document Basic/Association Category

  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the Association Category tab.
  2. Create a new row (F5) and enter the following association category: 
Association Category Description


  1. Save the new association category (F12).

Creating a Document Milestone Template

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create a new document milestone template.

Document Basic/Document Milestone Template

  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the Document Milestone Template tab.
  2. Create a new milestone template (F5).
  3. Enter your initials as a name of the template in the Milestone Templ. field.
  4. Enter a short description of the template in the Templ. Description field (e.g., My milestone template).
  5. Click in the table and create four new rows (F5).
  6. Enter the following milestone template: 
Milestone No. Description Cumulative 
10 Contents finished 60% 80%
20 Contents review 70% 85%
30 Inserted pictures 80% 90%
40 Linguistic review 85% 95%
50 All comments and corrections included 100% 100%
  1. Save your new milestone template (F12).

Note: Progress measures the progress of the work, i.e., how much of the total work has been finished, and duration measures the amount of time that this work took.

Creating a New Reason For Issue

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create a new reason for issue.

Document Basic/Reason for Issue

It is possible to have a reason for issue that is valid for different document classes, i.e., the list of Reasons For Issue is different for different classes. This is monitored in the Document Class Management window. All reasons for issue must first be created in the Document Basic/Media tab before they can be copied into the Document Class Management window and used for a specific document class.

  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the Reason For Issue tab.
  2. Create a new row (F5) and enter the following reason for issue:
Reason Description
INT For Internal Use Only
  1. Save your new reason for issue (F12).

Note: To make this new reason for issue valid for your document class, you must import it into the Reason For Issue tab in the Document Class Management window.

Create a Scale

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create a new scale.

Document Basic/Scale

  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the Scale tab.
  2. Create a new row (F5) and enter the following scales:
  1. Save your new scales (F12).

Create a Number Counter

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create a new Number Counter.

Document Basic/Number Counter

  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the Number Counter tab.

  2. Create the following two Number Counters:

ID1 ID2 Description Start Value Length Shown Prefix Suffix
(where XX are your initials)
 - Race Car Documents 1 6 R GEN
(where XX are your initials)
X2000 X2000 Project Documents 1 6 R X

Note: To use a number counter for a specific class you must set the NUMBER_GENERATOR default value for that class to ADVANCED (instead of STANDARD) and also enter the ID1 of the selected number counter in the NUMBER_GENERATOR default value. This is done in the Document Class Management/Document Default Values tab

Note: These two Number Counters will result in two different number series with first number R100000GEN and R1000000X respectively. Which series that is used on a specific document title is decided of the ID2 entered for the title. If no ID2 is entered when creating the title, the default ID2= - is automatically used.

Create a Booking List

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create a new Booking List.

Document Basic/Booking List

In this exercise you are going to reserve some numbers from the X2000 Project Documents number counter that you created in the previous exercise. These numbers are going to be reserved for project documentation made by an external consultant named Acme Consultants. 

  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the Booking List tab.

  2. Click New (F5) to create a new Booking List and enter the following information:

Booking List Description Number Counter ID1 Number Counter ID2
ACME Acme Documents in X2000 project XXRACE
(where XX are your initials)
  1. Save the information (F12).
  2. Click Generate Numbers.
  3. Enter how many numbers that should be reserved (e.g., 10) and a remark (e.g., Reserved by XX, where XX are your initials).
  4. Click Ok.

Note: A list of reserved numbers are now displayed in the table part of the window. When a number in this list is used for a document title, it will disappear from this window.

Create a Document Archive

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create a document archive. This is used for informational purposes for documents.

Document Basic/Document Archive

  1. Open the Document Basic window.

  2. Click the Document Archive tab.

  3. To create a new archive, create a new record (F5) and enter the following information:
Archive No  Archive Description
A Archive A
  1. Save the information (F12).

Create Document Archive Statuses

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to create a document archive status. This is used for informational purposes for documents.

Document Basic/Document Archive Status

  1. Open the Document Basic window.

  2. Click the Document Archive Status tab.

  3. To create a new archive status, create a new record (F5) and enter the following information:

Document Archive Status Description
Filed The documents is filed.
Not filed The document is not filed.
  1. Save the information (F12).

Create Quick Object Connect

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to enter keys to be used for quick object connections.

Document Basic/Quick Object Connect

  1. Open the Document Basic window.

  2. Click the Quick Object Connect tab.

  3. To create a new quick object connection, create a new record (F5) and enter the following information:

Object Type Object Description Keys
PlantObject Design Object KEYA
Project Project PROJECT_ID

Note: The Plant Design and Engineering Project functionalities must be available in your system for these object types to be displayed. 

  1. Save the information (F12).

Define Object Types for Access Control

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to enter object types to be used to control access for documents.

Document Basic/Object Types for Access Control

  1. Open the Document Basic window.

  2. Click the Object Types for Access Control tab.

  3. Create a new record (F5) and enter the following information:

Enabled Object Type Package Name Method


Project Project_Api Get_Document_Access

Note: The Engineering Project functionality must be available in your system and the project object must be made document-aware for this object type to be displayed. 

  1. Save the information (F12).

Enter Default Object Access Level

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to enter the default access levels to be used for object types when objects are connected to documents.

Document Basic/Default Object Access Levels

  1. Open the Document Basic window.

  2. Click the Default Object Access Levels tab.

  3. Create a new record (F5) and enter the following information:

Document Class Object Type Administrator View Access Edit Access
* Project X X X

Note: The Engineering Project functionality must be available in your system and the project object must be made document-aware for this object type to be displayed. 

  1. Save the information (F12).