Create Document Title And Revision — Extended Exercises

Required Data

This exercise requires that you have completed the following exercises:

Basic Data Setup

Creating a Document Class

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a document class that will receive advanced number generator settings. This class will be used when creating new document titles using the advanced number generator functionality. 

Document Basics/Document Classes

  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the Document Classes tab.
  2. Create a new class XXAdvanced (where XX is your initials).
  3. In the Description field, enter a short description (e.g., Advanced Race Car documents).

 General exercise for Document Classes

Creating a Number Counter

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a number counter, which is a list consisting of a customized series of numbers. When creating a new title later on, you will pick a document number from this list.

Document Basics/Number Counter

  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the Number Counter  tab.
  2. Create a new row and create the following Number Counter 
ID1 ID2 Description Start Value Length Shown Prefix Suffix
(where XX are your initals)


XX's Numbers (where XX are your initials)


6 XX 
(where XX are your initials)


  1. Save the number counter (F12).

Result: You have created a number counter which will generate document numbers with prefix XX (your initials), suffix RACE and a series of numbers that is 6 characters long in-between. The first document number in this counter will look like this:

XX000001RACE (where XX are your initials).

Setting the Default Values

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set the default settings of the new document class to advanced so that the Advanced Number Generator functionality can be used when creating new document titles of that document class.

Document Class Management/Document Default Values

  1. Open the Document Class Management window and click the Document Default Values tab.
  2. Put the cursor in the Document Class field in the window header and query (F3) for the class that you created earlier, XXAdvanced (where XX are your initials).
  3. Right-click and click Copy All Defaults to copy all the standard default values to the new class.
  4. In the DB Column for NUMBER_GENERATOR check the Override Default check box and enter ADVANCED in the Override Value column.
  5. In the DB Column for NUMBER_COUNTER, check the Override Default check box and enter the ID1 value of your number counter into the Override Value column, i.e., XX (where XX are your initials).
  6. Save.

Creating a Booking List

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a booking list, which is a way of reserving a series of number from a specific Number Counter. When creating a new document title you can pick numbers from this booking list.

Document Basic/Booking List

  1. Open the Document Basic window and click the Booking List tab.
  2. Select New (F5) and enter a name of your booking list in the Booking List field, e.g., XXBook (where XX are your initials).
  3. Enter a short description in the Description field, e.g., XX's booking list (where XX are your initials).
  4. In the ID1 field, use the List of Values to select XX (where XX are your initials).
  5. Enter - in the ID2 field by using the List of Values.
  6. Save the new Booking List (F12).
  7. Now click Generate Numbers to create a list of reserved numbers.
  8. In the dialogue that opens, enter the amount of 10 numbers to be generated, and type Reserved for XX in the Remark field. Then click Ok.

Result: A list of 10 numbers has been generated and reserved from the Number Counter for your use. If you do not specify this booking list to be used when creating a new document title, the numbers in this list will be skipped.

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to practice on how create document titles using advanced number generator, create new document sheets and how to copy an existing title.

Document Titles

Create a new document title using Number Counter

In this exercise, you will create a new document title and generate its document number by using the Number Counter you created earlier.

  1. Open the Document Titles window.
  2. Create a new title (F5) with the following attributes:
Document Class Title
XXAdvanced Main Drawing Race Car
  1. Save.

Note: The document number generated for your new document title is the first available number from your number counter, i.e., XX000011RACE (where XX are your initials), since the first 10 numbers in that series is reserved by the booking list that you created earlier.

Create a new document title using Number Counter

In this exercise, you will create a new document title and generate its document number by using the Booking List you created earlier.

  1. Remain in the Document Titles window.
  2. Create a new title (F5) with the following attributes:
Document Class Title Booking List
XXAdvanced Project description Race Car X2000 XXBook 
(where XX are your initials)
  1. Save.

Note: The document number generated for this new document title is the first available number in you booking list.

Create a new document sheet

When creating a new document tile, the title's first sheet is automatically created. You will not use more than a single sheet for most documents, but some types of documents require that you create several sheets. In this exercise you will create a couple of new sheets for your document title.

  1. Highlight the document title Main Drawing Race Car that you created earlier, in the Document Titles window.
  2. Select Document Revision in the Operations menu. 
  3. Click the Sheets/Descriptions tab.
  4. Review the Sheets field, informing you that there is only one sheet for this document title.
  5. Click Create New Sheet from the Operations menu to create a second sheet.
  6. The Create New Sheet assistant is opened. In the first step, check the Change Revision On Title check box to signal that a major change has been made to the document title.
  7. Enter 2 in the New Title Revision field and type Created new sheet in the Title Revision Note field.
  8. Check the Make the new sheet copy of this sheet check box to inherit the attributes from the existing sheet.
  9. Click Finish.

Note: A second sheet has been created on the document title and the detailed form for that sheet is now displayed (i.e., the Document Revision window). Also note that the No of sheets field, in the Sheets/Descriptions tab, for both sheet 1 and 2 has changed.

  1. In the Document Revision window, for sheet no. 2, click Edit to connect the new sheet to a document file.
  2. In the Document Application list, click WORD.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Enter the following text into the MS Word document that is opened: This is sheet no. two
  5. Save the document as a .doc file by pointing to Save As on the File menu.
  6. Close the file in the Word application.
  7. In the Document Revision window in IFS/Document Management, click Check In.
  8. Repeat step 10 - 16 for sheet no. 1, but enter the following text in the first sheet's document file: This is sheet no. one

Copy Document Title

In this exercise you will use the sheet structure that you created in the previous exercise as a base for making new document title, using the Copy Title functionality.

  1. Open the Document Titles window.
  2. Query (F3) for Title: Main Drawing Race Car.
  3. Highlight the document title and click Copy Document Title from the Operations menu.
  4. In the New Document Class, the same class as the original title is suggested. Change the value to 100 instead.
  5. In the New Document Title field, the same title as the original is suggested. Enter the following title instead: Main Drawing Race Car X2000.
  6. Click Finish.

Note: That a new document title with two sheets has been copied.