Create Document Title and Revision — Key Exercises 

Basic Data Setup

Document Class

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality. In this exercise, you will create a document class for use in categorizing  documents. The document class and document number are part of a unique key for a document.

Document Basic/Document Classes
Document Revision

  1. Open the Document Basic window from the Navigator and click the Document Classes tab.
  2. Create a new row (F5).
  3. Enter a class called XXINSTR (where XX is your initials) and a short description (e.g., Assembly Instruction). 
  4. Save the new document class record.

General exercise for Document Basic

Create a Document Archive

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up a document archive for your document.

Document Basic/Document Archive

  1. Open the Document Basic window from the Navigator and click the Document Archive tab.
  2. Create a new row (F5).
  3. Enter a archive called A and a short description (e.g., Archive A)  
  4. Save the new document archive (F12).

General exercise for Document Basic

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to create a new document and enter document data into the system.

Document Titles
Document Revision

You are about to create an assembly instruction for a racing car. In this exercise, you will register the instruction as a new document title in IFS/Document Management. The document will be registered under the previously created class. When the title is created, you will enter data about the document and its first revision.

Creating a Document Title

  1. Open the Document Titles window from the Navigator. You are now ready to register a new document.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. In the Class field, select XXINSTR (where XX are your initials) from the List of Values. 
  4. In the Document No field, enter a document number. To have a system-assigned number, leave the field empty and note the document number for your new title.
  5. In the Title field, enter Assembly Instruction, and set the View Copy field to Optional. 
  6. Save the record (F12). A new document title, along with its first sheet and revision has been created.

Adding Additional Document Revision Information

  1. Open the Document Titles window.
  2. Select your new record, and right-click and then click Document Revision. The Document Revision window opens.

Note: The Document Revision window is the main window for IFS Document Management in which most document operations are performed. Each tab represents different properties for the selected document issue.

  1. Click the General tab. Review the information or enter additional information about the document revision.
  2. In the Attributes area, verify that the language is set to English.

Note: When the File Status field is empty, no document files are attached to the document revision.

Enter Correspondence and Archive Information

  1. Open the Document Revision window and query for your record.
  2. Click the Correspondence tab.
  3. Verify that your user ID is set in the Responsible Person field. If not select your user ID using the List of Values.

Note: The responsible person is used when automatically distributing documents using the Distribute check box.

  1. Enter today's date in the Letter Date field. (Field format: YY-MM-DD.)
  2. Enter a date 2 weeks from now in the Latest Response Date field.
  3. Select A in the Archive No field.
  4. Select the In check box.
  5. Save the record (F12).

Viewing Document History

  1. Open the Document Revision window and click the History tab. This tab logs events that happen to the document revision, like status changes, checked in or out, and access modified. 
  2. What has happened with your document revision so far?