Creating Sales Rule Condition and Action — Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Configuration Characteristics

Configuration Characteristics

BDR Exercise for Creating Configuration Characteristics

Configuration Family and Configuration Characteristics

Configuration Family

BDR Exercise for Creating Configuration Family and Attaching Characteristics

Configuration Parts

Part Configuration Revision

General Exercise for Creating Configuration Part

Sales Rule Formula

Sales Rule Formula

BDR Exercise for Creating Sales Rule Formula

Sales Rule Combination

Sales Rule Combination

BDR Exercise for Creating Sales Rule Combination

Sales Rule Message

Sales Rule Message

Message Id Message Description
WIDTH Width must be between 2500 - 5000 mm. Change the value to be within the valid range
HEIGHT Height must be between 2500 - 5000 mm. Change the value to be within the valid range.
HEIGHTBEF Height value before rounding:
HEIGHTAFT Height value after rounding:
HEIGHT5000 Entered or calculated value for Height was not between 2500-5000.
Height was automatically set to 5000 mm.
STOPHEIGHTWIDTH Invalid value has been entered or calculated for width.
Sales rules will not be executed until the values has been changed to valid values.
Current value for Width is :

BDR Exercise for Creating Sales Rule Message

Sales Rule Template

Sales Rule Template

BDR Exercise for Creating Sales Rule Template


Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to show you how to enter a sales rule condition so the action is performed according to the specified configuration.

Part Configuration Revision
Sales Rule

Note: When working with CTO parts and sales rules, you connect sales rules with conditions and actions as a layer on part configuration revision. The sales rules should be setup in such a way to make it impossible to create an invalid configuration which could not be produced. In IFS Applications you connect specific sales rules for the connected characteristics and options.

Creating Sales Rule Conditions to handle width and height

  1. Open the Sales Rule window either from the Part Configuration Revision window or directly from the navigator.
  2. Query for part XX-10 (EasyFlex Garage Door).

Note: You will enter the conditions and actions for part 10, so the width and height for the garagedoor will be valid during configuration. We will also calculate the height based on the value from Width and round the value.

  1. Create a new sales rule, enter the name AutomaticCheckWidth in the Sales Rule Name field. Enter a description which specifies that the valid value is between 2500-5000mm.
  2. Create a new condition line for the sales rule.
  3. Enter the condition as shown in the table below. (You can use the List of Values in the Value1 field to enter both Type 1 and Value 1. You can also use List of Values to select Value 2.)
    Operator (Open Parenthesis Type 1 Value 1 Relation Type 2 Value 2 )Close Parenthesis
      (Open Parenthesis Char Value GDWIDTH Greater Than Value 0  
    AND   Char Value GDWIDTH Less Than Value 2500 )Close Parenthesis
    OR   Char Value GDWIDTH Greater Than Value 5000  
  4. Note: If you have the same condition row with minor differences like the value, you can select the condition row/s and use the copy/paste object Condition section.
  5. Continue and add the following action. 
    Action Type Item Value Type Value Quantity Type Quantity
    Message WIDTH        
  6. Continue to create a new sales rule named AutomaticCheckHeight with same conditions but for GDHEIGHT. The rule is a check that height is between 2500-5000mm.
  7. Continue and add the following action. 
    Action Type Item Value Type Value Quantity Type Quantity
    Stop HEIGHT        
  8. Right-click on the Sales Rule window and then click Test Sales Rules to use the test window.
  9. A dialog appears where order information can be added. Click OK.
  10. Set values in the configuration window for Width and Height, then check whether the messages are displayed correctly. Why is the message for Width only displayed one time?
  11. Continue to create a new sales rule named HeightCalculation, which will decide when the calculation for height will be done.
  12. Enter the condition as shown in the table below. 
    Operator (Open Parenthesis Type 1 Value 1 Relation Type 2 Value 2 )Close Parenthesis
        Char Value GDWIDTH Greater Than or Equal to Value 2500  
    AND   Char Value GDWIDTH Less Than or Equal to Value 5000  
  13. Continue and add the following action. 
    Action Type Item Value Type Value Quantity Type Quantity
    Attach Required GDHEIGHT Formula HEIGHTCALC    
    Message HEIGHTBEF Char Value GDHEIGHT    
    Attach Required GDHEIGHT Formula HEIGHTCHECKROUND    
    Message HEIGHTAFT Char Value GDHEIGHT    
  14. Right-click on the Sales Rule window and then click Test Sales Rules to use the test window.
  15. A dialog appears where order information can be added. Click OK.
  16. Set values in the configuration window for Width and check what happens.
  17. Continue to create a new sales rule named HeightCheck5000, which will check that the height is not above 5000mm.
  18. Enter the condition shown in the table below. 
    Operator (Open Parenthesis Type 1 Value 1 Relation Type 2 Value 2 )Close Parenthesis
        Char Value GDHEIGHT Greater Than Value 5000  
  19. Continue and add the following action. 
    Action Type Item Value Type Value Quantity Type Quantity
    Attach Required GDHEIGHT Value 5000    
    Message HEIGHT5000        
  20. Right-click on the Sales Rule window and then click Test Sales Rules to use the test window.
  21. Test the sales rule by adding a width of 3500mm or greater.
  22. Continue to create a new sales rule named STOP, which will check that a minus value is not entered.
  23. Enter the condition shown in the table below.
    Operator (Open Parenthesis Type 1 Value 1 Relation Type 2 Value 2 )Close Parenthesis
        Char Value GDWIDTH Less Than Value 0  
  24. Continue and add the following action. 
    Action Type Item Value Type Value Quantity Type Quantity
    Stop STOPHEIGHTWIDTH        
  25. Right-click on the Sales Rule window and then click Test Sales Rules to use the test window.
  26. Test the sales rule by adding a minus value for width.

Creating Sales Rule Actions to use attach optional and set a quantity for characteristic

  1. Open the Sales Rule window either from the Part Configuration Revision window or directly from the navigator. Query for part XX-10 (EasyFlex Garage Door).

Note: You will enter the conditions and actions for part 10, so a quantity is automatically set for a characteristic. We will in this exercise use attach optional which means that the action type row is executed the first time the condition is evaluated to true, the action row will not be executed unless the condition is reset to true.

  1. Create a new sales rule, enter the name RemoteQty in the Sales Rule Name field, and enter a description.
  2. Create a new condition line for the sales rule.
  3. Enter the condition as shown in the table below. 
    Operator (Open Parenthesis Type 1 Value 1 Relation Type 2 Value 2 )Close Parenthesis
        Char Value GDLOCK Equal To Value ASSA  
  4. Continue and add the following action. 
    Action Type Item Value Type Value Quantity Type Quantity
    Attach Optional GDREMOTE Value RADIO Value 2
  5. Right-click on the Sales Rule window and then click Test Sales Rules to use the test window. Configure GDLOCK = ASSA.

Creating Sales Rule condition on a template

  1. Open the Sales Rule window either from the Part Configuration Revision window or directly from the navigator. Query for part XX-10 (EasyFlex Garage Door).

Note: You will enter a condition for the template OrderInfo which means the connected sales rules on template OrderInfo will only be executed when the condition for the template is true.

  1. Create a new sales rule, enter the name OrderInfo in the Sales Rule Name field, and enter a description.
  2. Use the List of Values in the Template ID field and select the template CONDTEMPL.
  3. Save.
  4. Create a new condition line for the sales rule.
  5. Enter the condition shown in the table below.
    Operator (Open Parenthesis Type 1 Value 1 Relation Type 2 Value 2 )Close Parenthesis
        Order Info Customer No Equal To Value 1000  
    AND   Order Info Delivery Country Equal To Value GB  
    AND   Order Info Sales Quantity Equal To Value 10  
  6. Right-click on the Sales Rule window and then click Test Sales Rules to use the test window. In the order info dialog, enter Customer 1000, Country GB, sales qty 1. Click OK.
  7. Configure GDPowersys = 400. What happens?
  8. Start a new test configuration and this time enter the sales quantity as 10.

Creating Sales Rule with Allowed Combination

  1. Open the Sales Rule window either from the Part Configuration Revision window or directly from the navigator. Query for part XX-10 (EasyFlex Garage Door).

Note: You will enter a sales rule with an allowed combination table connected to the action section that will handle which characteristic values to be available to choose during configuration.

  1. Create a new sales rule, enter the name RestrCountry in the Sales Rule Name field, and enter a description.
  2. Save.
  3. Create a new action line for the sales rule and add the following. 
    Action Type Item Value Type Value Quantity Type Quantity
    Allowed Combination CPC        
  4. Save.
  5. URight-click on the Sales Rule window and then click Test Sales Rules to use the test window. Configure with the characteristics GDCOUNTRY, GDESTOP and GDPOWERSYS.
  6. Check the line status and also check the values available in the List of Values for each characteristic during configuration.

Creating Sales Rules with use of Combination Function and a Formula

  1. Open the Sales Rule window either from the Part Configuration Revision window or directly from the navigator. Query for part XX10 (EasyFlex Garage Door).

Note: In this exercise you will set a quantity of the number of sections that can be configured. This will be done by using a combination function table and a sales formula. The first sales rule will set the height of a section to a hidden characteristic. The second sales rule will use the hidden value and set the number of sections for a characteristic.  

  1. Create a new sales rule, enter the name SectionHeight in the Sales Rule Name field, and enter a description.
  2. Save.
  3. Create a new condition line for the sales rule.
  4. Enter the condition as shown in the table below. 
    Operator (Open Parenthesis Type 1 Value 1 Relation Type 2 Value 2 )Close Parenthesis
        Combination SECTIONHEIGHT Equal To Value %  
  5. Continue and add the following action. 
    Action Type Item Value Type Value Quantity Type Quantity
    Attach Required GDSECTIONHEIGHT Combination SECTIONHEIGHT    
  6. Save.
  7. Create a new sales rule, enter the name Sections in the Sales Rule Name field, and enter a description.
  8. Save.
  9. Create a new condition line for the sales rule.
  10. Enter the condition as shown in the table below. 
    Operator (Open Parenthesis Type 1 Value 1 Relation Type 2 Value 2 )Close Parenthesis
        Char Value GDFINISH Equal To Value %  
    AND   Char Value GDHEIGHT Equal To Value %  
  11. Continue and add the following action. 
    Action Type Item Value Type Value Quantity Type Quantity
    Attach Required GDSECTION Value   Formula SECTIONCOUNT
  12. Save.
  13. Right-click on the Sales Rule window and then click Test Sales Rules to use the test window. Configure valid values for height and finish.
  14. Check that the characteristic GDSECTION is added to the configuration with the correct quantity.