Querying Time & Attendance Information—Exercises

Required Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter the required data for running this functionality. To enter this data, follow the instructions in the Registering In And Out Clockings and in the Creating Compliance Rules exercise. If you have completed this exercise, the data you need should already be in the database, and you can proceed directly to the main exercises. If additional data is needed, the registration of such data will be included in the exercise. 

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to become familiar with the tools used for follow up and analysis of employee clockings, results and balances.

Wage Hours Analysis
Current Balances Summary
Current Balances Details
Employee Intervals
Employee Results
WorkTime Schedules
Employee Schedules and Rules
Time Card-Week
Time Group Reporting
Work Time Analysis
Work Time Analysis Log

Querying Wage Code Hours

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to perform follow up and analysis of employee clockings and results.

  1. Open the Wage Hours Analysis window. Populate and select yourself as Supervisor, as well as the dates that you used in the previous exercise when creating clockings.
  2. Query for the number of normal and overtime hours that were worked that week. Populate the window. 
  3. Save the query.
  4. Select Monday only, and use the same query to see the number of hours for that day.
  5. Query for the entire month to perform follow-up on employee absence. 

Note: The Absence should be summarized with the total number of absence hours and a specification of the number of hours separated by wage code.

Viewing and Changing Balance Values

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to perform follow-up on and change employee balances.

  1. Open the Current Balances Summary window, and query for your employee ID. Assume that the current comp time balance is inaccurate and that you should have ten more hours than the amount currently shown.
  2. Select the row, right-click, and then click Current Balances Details. Select the comp balance, and add ten hours to it.
  3. Return to the Current Balances Summary window, and verify that the change went through.
  4. Make the same change to the switch balance. This time, the balance contains too many hours.  

Viewing and Changing Clockings and Results

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to perform follow-up on and change employee clockings and results.

  1. Open the Employee Intervals window, and select today’s date. Populate the window.
  2. Enter two hours of absence on your employee ID and on one of the other employee IDs to which you have access. The absence should occur at the end of the workday.
  3. Open the Employee Intervals window, and select today’s date. Populate the window.
  4. Add two hours of overtime to two of your employees.

Note: These two windows contain the same information as the Interval and Result tabs in the Time Card-Day window, except that they allow you to view more than one employee at a time.

Perform Work-Time Compliance Analyses

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to analyze registered work and rest time. 

Note: The following exercises are based on prior knowledge of how to perform compliance comparison analyses. It is recommended that you, to attain this knowledge, complete both the Checking Schedule Compliance and the Checking Employee Schedule Compliance exercises before proceeding with this exercise. 


  1. WorkTime Schedules.
    a.) Locate an 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. schedule that is built of a work day Day Type that contains eight normal hours and one hour of lunch or break. If such a schedule does not exist, create one.
  2. Go to Employee Schedules and Rules window. Select two of your employees to work with during this exercise and assign them to the 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. schedule.
  3. Go to the Time Card-Week window and locate a week in which no clockings have been registered previously.
  4. Go to Time Group Reporting window and select your employees.
  5. Use the right mouse button option Create Clockings... and create normal time clockings for the selected week.
  6. Repeat and create overtime clockings between 6 P.M. and 10 P.M.. 
  7. Go to the Rules window. Modify the limit for 48 hours Presence to be valid for one week instead of four.


  1. Go to the Employee Intervals window, select the week you've been working with and populate the window. 
  2. Select the employees that you registered time for and use the right mouse button option Start Work Time Compliance Comparison to open the Work Time Compliance Comparison dialog box, populated with the selected employee numbers.
  3. Use the compliance rule that you created in the Creating Compliance Rules exercise and the start/end dates that was fetched automatically from the Employee Intervals window.
  4. Use the default comparison parameters and Click OK.
  5. The Work Time Analysis window contains the result of your analysis. Verify that the result contain:
    a.) A presence time alert row for each employee
    b.) A daily rest alert row for each employee
  6. Go to Employee Intervals window and delete all the overtime rows. 
  7. Go back to the Results window, right-click and then click Rerun Work Time Comparison. There should be no remaining alerts in the Work Time Analysis window.
  8. Go to the Employee Intervals and delete all the rows.
  9. Go to Time Group Reporting window and use the right mouse button option Register Results to add 15 hours of normal time to all days in the week, including the weekend. 
  10. Go back to the Results window and repeat the analysis. There should be alerts for presence and normal time, but none for rest since clockings are needed for such comparisons.

Analyze Absence

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how absence affects the work-time compliance analysis



  1. Go to the Rules window. Modify the limit for 48 hours presence to be valid for four weeks instead of one.
  2. Go to the Employee Intervals and Employee Results windows, define a time period of four weeks and delete all clockings and results that exist during this period.
  3. Go to Time Group Reporting window.
    a.) Select one of your employees and use Create Clockings to create a week of absence, using an absence wage code that is calculated as presence (based on the absence categories you created in the Creating Compliance Rules exercise).
    b.) Select the other employee and repeat, but use a wage code that is calculated as absence.
    c.) Add normal time to the other 3 weeks.
    d.) Add overtime between 8 A.M. and 6 P.M. to both days during two weekends. 


  1. Create a new analysis in Work Time Analysis
  2. Name the analysis and use the four-week period you worked with in the preparations exercise.
  3. Use the default parameters and Click OK.
  4. Verify that one of the rows in the result is a warning that the employee whose absence was registered with the Presence wage code, has been present more than the weekly average of 48 hours.  

Working with the Employees Only Parameter

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to analyze registered work time for all your subordinates’ employee numbers.


  1. Go to Employee Files. Create a new employee with the same person ID and the same position assignment as one of the employees you worked with in the previous exercises.
  2. Go to Working Hours Schedules window.
    a.) Create a day type that contains four normal hours per day.
    b.) Create a seven-day cycle schedule and connect the day type to it.
  3. Go to Employee Schedules and Rules window and assign both employee numbers to the new schedule, and assign a rule type to the new employee as well.
  4. Go to Employee Intervals window and delete all previously registered clockings.
  5. Go to Time Group Reporting window and register normal time for both employees during a period of one whole month.
  6. Go back to the Employee window and reassign one of the employee numbers to a position outside of your access. 
  7. Go to Time Card-Week window and verify that you no longer have access to the employee.


  1. Go to in Work Time Analysis in the web client and create a new analysis.
  2. Name the analysis and select the employee number you still have access to.
  3. Modify the date intervals to cover a month.
  4. Clear the Alerts only parameter. 
  5. Clear the Employees only parameter. Click OK.
  6. Verify that you are able to analyze both employee numbers assigned to the same person ID.