Registering In and Out Clockings—Exercises 

Basic Data Setup

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this functionality. To enter this data, follow the instructions in the Administering Employees, Administering Wage Codes, Administering Work Hour Rules, Administering Working Hours Schedules exercises. If you have completed these exercises, the data you need should already be in the database, and you can proceed directly to the main exercises.

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to create or change clockings and results in the Time Card – Day and Time Group Reporting windows.

Time Card-Day
Time Group Reporting
Time Card-Week
Remove Time Group Reporting

Manual Registration of Clockings and Results

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is show you how to create clocking records and results, and how the calculation program works.

Time Card – Day

  1. Open the Time Card – Day window. Select a day for which no time has been registered.
  2. Click the Result tab.
  3. Enter eight normal hours using the wage code in the day type. What is the calculation status of that day?
  4. Click the Interval tab.
  5. Register an absence for the entire day. What happened to the manually entered result and calculation status? Why?
  6. Delete the absence, and enter a normal clocking according to the schedule. 
  7. Return to the Result tab.
  8. Manually enter two hours of overtime. What happened to the calculation status? 
  9. Right-click and select Recalculate. What happened to the manually entered overtime?
  10. Repeat step 8. This time, use row protection and set the Row Protection option to "Not Removed at Recalculation" 
  11. Right-click and select Recalculate. What happened to the manually entered overtime?
  12. Select another day for which no time has been entered.
  13. Return to the Interval tab.
  14. Enter a clocking two hours before normal hours begin.
  15. Select the Overtime Cash time type, and look at the calculated result on the Result tab.
  16. Change Overtime Cash to Overtime Comp, and look at the calculated result on the Result tab. Has the result changed?

Note: Manually entered results are always deleted when a recalculation is made, unless row protection is used. If you don't use row protection, manually entered additions to the result must be made after calculation is complete, otherwise they will be lost.

Making Corrections

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to use corrections to add and change clockings and results. 

Time Card – Day

  1. Open the Time Card – Day window. Find a day for which an Out stamp has been made with Overtime Comp. Right-click and then click Corrections to change the Out time type to Overtime Cash. 
  2. Find a day for which no stamps have been made, or delete a clocking. Use the Corrections option to enter both In and Out stamps for that day. Which method or methods can you use to do this using this dialog only once?
  3. Use the same day and register an absence for the entire day instead of normal hours.
  4. Create clockings according to the schedule. Use the Corrections option to enter lunch time. Set the In time to half an hour after the normal lunch In time according to the schedule.

Time Group Reporting

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter and remove time group reports for a group of employees.

Time Group Reporting
Time Card-Week
Remove Time Group Reporting

  1. Open the Time Card-Week window, and find a week for which you and your employees have no clockings. 
  2. Open the Time Group Reporting window, and select yourself and your employees.
  3. Right-click and select Register Clocking.
  4. Enter the normal clockings according to the schedule for all employees. Choose dates in the two fields in the top part of the window. The In/Out type is Normal.
  5. Open the Time Card-Week window, and view the results. There should be normal clockings for all the employees you selected.
  6. Return to the Time Group Reporting window, and repeat the registration exactly as before. What happens?
  7. Select the same employees again, but this time right-click and select Register Result. Enter hours of Overtime 100% on Monday of the same week that you used in the exercise above. 
  8. Return to the Time Card-Week window, and view the results.
  9. Open the Remove Time Group Reporting window. Remove Time Group Reporting window, and remove the overtime results from your employee.
  10. Select the row with the correct data.
  11. Right-click and then click List of Employees.
  12. Select your employee ID, and click Delete.
  13. Return to the Time Card-Week window, and make sure that your own overtime is the only one removed.
  14. Right-click and select Corrections. Add the overtime to the day again, and then select Register Out Time.