Creating and Managing Design Object Structures—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Creating Classes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create classes.


  1. Create several classes, e.g. pump centrifugal design object and design part class, sub system design object class, system design object class, detail area design object class, facility equipment design object class, pipe design object and design part class, relief valve design object and part class, flowmeter mass design object and design part class, process stream design object class, instrument loop design object class, and a signal digital input design object class.

General exercise for Creating Classes

Creating Class Relations

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Class/Class Relations

  1. Create Class Relations with the values defined in the table rows for the columns (fields) defined below:
Class Class Relation Description Sub Class
PUMP CENTRIFUGAL can have a free functional parent SUB SYSTEM
PUMP CENTRIFUGAL can have a free functional parent SYSTEM
PUMP CENTRIFUGAL can have a free locational parent DETAIL AREA
PUMP CENTRIFUGAL can have a free locational parent FACILITY EQUIPMENT
PIPE can have pipe parts RELIEF VALVE
PIPE can have pipe parts FLOWMETER MASS
PUMP CENTRIFUGAL can have arriving at PIPE
PUMP CENTRIFUGAL can have leaving from PIPE

General exercise for Creating Class Relations

Creating Design Objects

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a design object.

Design Object
Design Objects

  1. Create design objects for the following classes to use in the exercises to come:
    Class Design Object ID
    PIPE F1
    PIPE F2

General exercise for Creating a Design Object.

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to create and manage the different types of design object structures.

Business Object Explorer Tree View
Design Object
Design Objects
Linear Assets

Creating a Functional Object Structure

  1. On the Business Object Explorer Tree View, navigate to and highlight the design object A.
  2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the design object through the navigator structure, opening nodes as required to locate the functional parent object, B. 
  3. Place the mouse pointer (with connected object, A) over the object B's Functional Parts folder.
  4. Drop A onto the folder by releasing the mouse button. You can now observe that A is displayed as a functional part for the the design object B.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 to define object C as the functional parent for object B.

Alternatively you can open the Design Object, Design Objects or Linear Assets window, query for a required design object and enter the object ID of functional parent in the Functional Parent field.

Creating a Locational Object Structure

  1. On the Business Object Explorer Tree view, navigate to and highlight the design object A.
  2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the design object through the navigator structure, opening nodes as required to locate the locational parent object, D. 
  3. Place the mouse pointer (with connected object, A) over the object D's Locational Parts folder.
  4. Drop A onto the folder by releasing the mouse button. You can now observe that A is displayed as a locational part for the design object D.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 to define object E as the functional parent for object D.

Alternatively you can open the Design Object, Design Objects or Linear Assets window, query for a required design object and enter the object ID of the locational parent in the Locational Parent field.

Creating a Pipe Part Structure

  1. On the Business Object Explorer Tree View, navigate to and highlight the design object G.
  2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the design object through the navigator structure, opening nodes as required to locate the pipe system parent object, F1. 
  3. Place the mouse pointer (with connected object, G) over the object F1's Pipe Parts folder.
  4. Drop G onto the folder by releasing the mouse button. You can now observe that G is now displayed as a pipe part for F1.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 to define object H as the pipe part for object F1.

Alternatively you can open the Design Object, Design Objects or Linear Assets window, query for a required design object and enter the object ID of the pipe system parent in the Pipe System field.

Creating From and To Relations

  1. Open the Design Object, Design Objects or Linear Assets window.
  2. Search for the design object A, for which you want to create From and To Relations.
  3. In the From Object field, enter the ID of the From Object as F1.
  4. In the To Object field, enter the ID of the To Object as F2.
  5. Click Save.
  6. On the Business Object Explorer Tree View, locate and navigate to the design object A.
  7. Expand the object node, and expand the Arriving folder to view From Object F1. 
  8. Expand the object node, and expand the Leaving folder to view To Object F2.

Creating a Process Object Relation

  1. Open the Design Object or Design Objects window.
  2. Search for the design object A, for which you want to define a process object.
  3. In the Process Object field, enter the ID of the process object as I.
  4. Click Save.
  5. On the Business Object Explorer Tree View, locate and navigate to the design object I.
  6. Expand the object node, and expand the Process Data For folder to view A as the Process Data For object I.

Creating a Circuit Object Relation

  1. Open the Design Object or Design Objects window.
  2. Search for the design object J, for which you want to define a circuit object.
  3. In the Circuit Object field, enter the ID of the circuit object as K.
  4. Click Save.
  5. On the Business Object Explorer Tree View, locate and navigate to the design object J.
  6. Expand the object node, and expand the Signals folder to view K.

Copying an Object Structure

  1. Open the Design Object window and locate the design object C.
  2. Right-click and click Copy Object Structure. The Copy Object Structure dialog box opens.
  3. In the New Object ID - ID fields, enter the ID as C2. 
  4. Select the Copy Functional Structure check box.
  5. Click OK
  6. On the Business Object Explorer Tree View, locate and navigate to the design object C2.
  7. Expand the object node, and the Functional Parts folder and observe that it the functional parts are the same as that of the design object C.

Changing the Status on an Object Structure

  1. Open the Design Object window and locate the design object C.
  2. Right-click and click Change Status on Structure. The Change Status on Structure dialog box opens.
  3. In the Change Object Status to field, select the Completed status.
  4. In the Select Structure to Change group of fields, select the Functional Structure check box.
  5. Select the Ignore Objects with Invalid Status check box to apply the status change on those objects in the structure for which the change is possible and to disregard those for which it is not.
  6. Select the Refresh Client check box to refresh the form from which the status change is being performed so that the change will be visible immediately after the operation is complete.
  7. Click OK.
  8. On the Business Object Explorer Tree View, locate and navigate to the design object C2.
  9. Expand the object node and select the objects in the object structure and observe their design statuses.

Deleting an Object Structure

  1. Open the Design Object window and locate the design object E.
  2. Right-click and click Delete Object Structure. The Delete Object Structure dialog box opens.
  3. Select the Delete Locational Structure check box.
  4. Select the Refresh Client check box.
  5. Click OK.
  6. On the Business Object Explorer Tree View, locate and navigate to the design object E.
  7. Expand the object node, and the Locational Parts folder to observe that there are no longer, locational parts listed for this object.