Define Media Library - Key Exercises


If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site

Note: Throughout this document, please replace any occurrences of XX with your initials, group ID, user ID or other unique prefix, in order to separate your training data from that of other students.

Required Data

Configuration Characteristic

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create configured characteristics that will be used in succeeding exercises.

Configuration Characteristic

  1. Open Configuration Characteristic feature.
  2. Query for characteristic GDHANDLE.
  3. Duplicate the record and rename it as XXGDHANDLE and save.
  4. Copy each of the option values from GDHANDLE  to XXGDHANDLE.
  5. Repeat the steps 2 to 3 for characteristics GDWIDTH & GDHEIGHT as in the following table.
    Characteristic ID New Characteristic ID

General exercise for Creating Configuration Characteristics

Configuration Family

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a configuration family which will be used in succeeding exercises.

Configuration Family

  1. Open Configuration Family window and create a new record.
  2. Enter XXEASYFLEX as the Config Family ID and XX-Easyflex Garage Door Product Line in the Description field.
  3. Add all the characteristics defined in the previous exercise to the family you created.
  4. Add the default values as in the following table.
    New Characteristic ID Default Value
    XXGDWIDTH 3000

General exercise for Creating Configuration Family and Attaching Characteristics

Inventory Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create an inventory part which will be used in the succeeding exercises.

Inventory Part

  1. Open Inventory Part window and query for the part 10.
  2. Duplicate the record and change the inventory part to XX10 and save.
  3. Select the Configurable in Settings for New Part in Part Catalog dialog box and click OK.
  4. Right-click in the header and then click Part Catalog to open the Part window.
  5. Click on the Config Part Catalog tab and enter XXEASYFLEX in the Config Family ID field and save.
  6. Click Yes to confirm the message.

General exercise for Creating Configuration Family and Attaching Characteristics

Print Control Code

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a print code, which will be used to print media items in succeeding exercises.

Sales Basic Data/Print Controls

  1. Open Sales Basic Data window and go to Print Controls tab.
  2. Create a new record in the header and enter XX30 in the Print Control Code field and Print Configuration Information in the Description field.
  3. Save the record and change the settings in the lower table as follows:
    Printouts Characteristics Print Configuration Print Media
    Customer Order Confirmation 1 Print With Price All Characteristics Select
    Quotation 1 Print With Price All Characteristics Select
  4. Save.



  1. Open the Customer window and create a new record.
  2. Enter XX_CUST in the Customer field and Customer for XX10 in the Name field.
  3. Enter values for the Default Language, Country, Company and Our ID fields in the General tab and save.
  4. Go to the Address tab and create a new record.
  5. Enter a value for the Address Identity field and save.
  6. Enter values for the Country and Address fields in the Address/General Address Info tab and enter today's date (system date) in the Valid From field. Save.
  7. Go to the Address/Order Address Info tab and create a new record.
  8. Enter values for the Del Terms and Ship Via fields and save.
  9. Click the Address/Tax Information tab. Create a new record for Company 10 with the values in the following table:
    Company Tax Regime Tax Liability Tax Withholding
    10 Mixed TAX Blocked
  10. Save.
  11. Click the Order/General tab and create a new record.
  12. Enter 30 in the Cust Stat Grp field and USD in the Currency field. Also select the Allow Part Ownership Transfer check box. Save.
  13. Go to Order/Misc Customer Info tab.
  14. Enter NO (Normal Order) in the Order Type field and XX30 in Print Code field and save  the record.
  15. Click the Invoice/General tab and create a new record.
  16. Enter the values as in the following table:
    Company Customer Type Customer Group Currency Payment Terms
    10 External 0 - External USD 30 Days Net
  17. Save.

General exercise for creating a Customer

Sales Part

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to create a sales part which will be used in a later exercise.

Sales Part

  1. Open Sales Part window and create a new record.
  2. Enter XX10 in the Sales Part No field.
  3. Select Shop Order from Sourcing Option list.
  4. Enter G1 in the Sales Price Group and 10 in the Sales Group field.
  5. Enter 100 in the Price field and 0 in the Tax Code field.
  6. Save the record.

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to teach how to define media items, connect them to IFS business objects and to print them in reports.

Media Item
Media Items

Create Media Items

You can attach different types, for instance an image or a text file to each media item.

Create an image type media item

  1. Open the Media Item window and create a new record.
  2. Enter XX10-PC-Im in the Name field and Image for XX10 - Part Catalog in the Description field.
  3. Select Image from Media Item Type list and save.
  4. Click Browse and locate the required image and click Open.

Create a text type media item

  1. Open the Media Item window and create a new record.
  2. Enter XX10-PC-Tx in the Name field and Text for XX10 - Part Catalog in the Description field.
  3. Select Text from Media Item Type list and save.
  4. Click Browse and locate for the text file, which contain the details of the media item, and click Open.
    Note: You can type the contents in the text box if you wish instead of attaching a text file.
  5. Similarly, create 2 media items for each of the objects as in the below table:
    Media Item Name Description Media Item Type Image/Text
    XX10-PC-Img Image for XX10 - Part Catalog Image Add your own image
    XX10-PC-Txt Text for XX10 - Part Catalog Text Add some descriptive text
    XXGDHANDLE-Char ID-Img Image for XXGDHANDLE - Characteristic ID Image Add your own image
    XXGDHANDLE-Char ID-Txt Text for XXGDHANDLE - Characteristic ID Text Add some descriptive text
    XX10-Classic Char Option-Img Image for Classic - Characteristic Option Image Add your own image
    XX10-Classic Char Option-Txt Text for Classic - Characteristic Option Text Add some descriptive text
    XX10-Classic BP Option-Img Image for Classic - Base Part Option Image Add your own image
    XX10-Classic BP Option-Txt Text for Classic - Base Part Option Text Add some descriptive text
    XX10-Standard Char Option-Img Image for Standard - Characteristic Option Image Add your own image
    XX10-Standard Char Option-Txt Text for Standard - Characteristic Option Text Add some descriptive text

Create Media Library

A media library can be created in different ways and depends upon the connected object source.

Object Source Window/Tab Media library creation method 1 Media library creation method 2 Media library creation method 3
Part catalog Part Click Media in Attachments pane and then click Manage Media Library. Drag an image to the Media image box in Attachments pane.  
Base Part Revision Base Part Characteristics Click the Part No., click Media inAttachments pane and then click Manage Media Library. Right-click in the header and select Manage Media Library. Drag an image to the Media image box in Attachments pane.
Base part Characteristics Base Part Characteristics\Base Part Characteristics Select the record, click Media in Attachments pane and then click Manage Media Library. Select the record, right-click and select Manage Media Library. Drag an image to the Media image box in Attachments pane.
Base Part options Base Part Characteristics\Base Part Option Select the record, click Media in Attachments pane and then click Manage Media Library. Select the record, right-click and select Manage Media Library. Drag an image to the Media image box in Attachments pane.
Configuration Characteristics Configuration Characteristic Select the record, click Media in Attachments pane and then click Manage Media Library. Right-click in the header and select Manage Media Library. Drag an image to the Media image box in Attachments pane.
Configuration Options Configuration Characteristic/Options Select the record, click Media in Attachments pane and then click Manage Media Library. Select the record, right-click and select Manage Media Library. Drag an image to the Media image box in Attachments pane.

Create a media library using an existing media items.

  1. Open Part window and query for the part XX10.
  2. Click in the Part No field.
  3. Click on the link Manage Media Library in the Attachments pane. This will open the Media Library Manager window with the header already created.
  4. Create a new line in the table window and get the List of Values for Item ID. Select the media item you created in the previous exercise with XX10-PC-Im in the Name field.
    You can use the Icon View tab to query media items with images.
  5. Select Print from Media Print Option list and save the record.
    Notice that the default image has been set for the first image type of the media library item. You can set another image as default using the context menu item Set as Default Image if you wish to do so.
  6. Similarly, add another media library item to this library with the media item you created with XX10-PC-Tx in the Name field.
  7. In a similar way, create media libraries for the objects in the following table. Use media items created in the previous exercise.
    Object Object Description Object Source
    XXGDHANDLE Type of handle Characteristic ID
    CLASSIC Classic handle Characteristic option value
    CLASSIC Classic handle Base part characteristic option value

Create a media library with new media items.

  1. Open Base Part Characteristics window and query for XX10 in the Part No field.
  2. Click in the Part No field.
  3. Click Manage Media Library in the Attachments pane. This will open the Media Library Manager window with the header already created.
  4. Create a new line in the table window and enter XX10-BPR-Im in the Name field and Image for XX10 - Base Part Revision as the Description field.
  5. Select Image from Media Item Type list.
  6. Select Print from Media Print Option list and save the record.
  7. Click Browse and locate the image that you saved earlier.
  8. Similarly, add another text type media library item to this library.

Create a media library by dragging and dropping images.

  1. Open Configuration Characteristics window and query XXGDHANDLE in the Characteristic ID field.
  2. Select the record from the table with STANDARD in the Option Value ID field.
  3. Make sure the Attachments pane is displayed at the bottom.
  4. Open the windows explorer and open the location where you have the images stored.
  5. Select the required image file(s) and drag them.
  6. Drop the files to the left image box in the Attachments pane.

Note: You can only drag and drop images.

Copy media library item(s) from one library to the another library.

  1. Open Base Part Characteristics window and query for XX10 in the Part No field.
  2. Right-click in the header and then click Copy Config Part Spec Rev.
  3. Enter a date two months ahead from today in the Phase in field for the destination revision and click OK. Click OK to proceed with the information message.
  4. Click on the Part No field and then click Manage Media Library link in Attachments pane.
  5. Right-click in the Media Library Manager header and select Copy From. This will open the Copy Media Library dialog box.
  6. Enter XX10 as the Part No and 1 as the Spec Revision No and click OK.

Now you can see that all the media library items which belong to the media library created for revision 1 have been copied to the revision 2. Notice all the media library items belonging to revision 2 have Do Not Print as the Media Print Option. You have to manually change the values if you wish to do so.

Set Print Details

A media library item in a certain media library may be printed in several reports. Order confirmation and sales quotation are such reports. The setting Media Print Option will determine the way media items printed in all reports. If you need to set different settings for various reports, then you have to define it as follows.

  1. Navigate to the Media Library Manager window.
  2. Select a record in the table, right-click and then click on Print Details. This will open the Print Details dialog box.
  3. Set the values for Media Print Option as follows.
    Report Title Media Print Option
    Confirmation of Customer Order Print
    Order Quotation As Attachment
  4. Click OK.

Printing Image Items in Reports

Media Items are being printed on reports as defined in the above exercises.

  1. Open the Customer Order window and create a new record.
  2. Enter XX_CUST in the Customer field and a date one week ahead of today as the Wanted Delivery Date/Time.
  3. Save the record and note down the value in the Order No field.
  4. Go to Document Information tab and verify that the value in the Print Code field is XX30.
  5. Create an order line and enter XX10 in the Sales Part No field and 1 in the Sales Quantity field.
  6. Save the record.
  7. Right-click on the order line and then click Configuration/Create.
  8. Click OK on the Create Configuration dialog box.
  9. Right-click in the header and then click Print Order Confirmation.
  10. Open Background Jobs window and populate.
  11. Verify that the related background job has been completed successfully.
  12. Open the Archived Reports window and populate.
  13. Select the record with your order number.
  14. Right-click and then click on Print.
  15. Click on Preview in Print Report dialog box.
  16. Observe the following facts in the report.
  17. Change the configuration in the order line so that the option STANDARD is selected for XXGDHANDLE.
  18. Repeat the steps 9 to 15 and verify that the media items belonging to the characteristic option STANDARD are printed.

Language Handling in Media Items

You can attach a language-specific description and an image/text for each of your media items. Reports will use those language-specific data when available.

  1. Open Media Item window and query for the record where the value in the Name field is XX10-BPR-Im.
  2. Click Media Item Language tab and create a new record in the table.
  3. Select a different language from Language list.
  4. Enter a description for base part revision in language XXXXX in the Description field and save the record. Here XXXX is the language you selected in step 3.
  5. Click Browse in the Media Item Language tab and locate a picture.
  6. Open the Customer Order window and query for the order you created in the previous exercise.
  7. Click on Misc Order Info tab and change the value in the Language Code field to XX and save the record. Here XX is the language code related to the language you selected in step 3.
  8. Repeat the steps 9 to 15 from the previous exercise. Observe the generic image of the media item has replaced with the language specific image.