Control Plan - Purchasing

[About Control Plan] [About QM Events] [About Acceptance Sampling]

[To Quality Management]


Use this window to manage Control Plans for purchasing. You can create new plans, or change or remove existing plans. 

For a description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Control Plan Line, Detail, Purchase Order Analysis, and Sample Frequency Trigger.  

Activity Diagrams

Define and maintain control plan 
Calculate and analyze control charts (SPC)
Calculate and analyze capability indices


Define control plan header
Define control plan lines
Define trigger
Connect trigger
Copy control plan
Activate SPC and/or capability indices
Enter values for acceptance sampling
Calculate acceptance sampling plan for attributes
Add specific checklist items

Review checklist questions

Activate control plan

Control chart setup

Create control chart

View and analyze created control charts

Disqualify Skip Lot sampling
Add Specific Checklist Items
Calculate capability indices