Work Order Tender

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Use this page to view all information the vendor needs to enter in order to submit a tender for the work order. In the lower part of the page, all the order quotation lines connected to the particular work order are shown. The price, promised delivery date and other relevant information for submitting the work order tender can be entered on the order quotation.

The links on the header of this page makes it possible to view documents that are connected to the work order and to add documents to the order quotation. Documents added to the order quotation will be available for the B2E (business-to-enterprise) interface user to view when approving the order quotation. These documents will be available to the B2E (business-to-enterprise) end user to be approved or rejected as soon as the quotation is answered. It is possible to add or remove a document file. Adding a document file will create a document record together with the document file and removing the document will remove both the document record and the document file from the system. When a contractor adds a quotation document, admin access for the document is given to the creator, coordinator and buyer.

For the description of each tab in the page, follow the appropriate link: Work Order Operations, Part Quotation Lines, No Part Quotation Lines.

Activity Diagrams

Submit Work Order Tender


Add Documents to Order Quotation