Historical Work Orders | Activity/Work Orders/Historical Work Orders | Equipment Object Navigator/Historical Work Orders | Project Navigator/Work Orders/Historical Work Orders | Project/Work Orders/Historical Work Orders  | Shop Visit/Historical WO's

[About Work Order History] [To WO Processing


Use this window to get an overview of all historical separate work orders. Work orders become historical as soon as their status is set to Finished. A work order is also stored with all other information you linked to it during preparation and reporting in. This makes the work order history a large information bank, where you can go in and retrieve information about a certain work order. Historical records can only be viewed and cannot be modified. If you need to modify a historical work order, you can right-click and click  Reopen and enter the necessary changes. After saving the information, the status must be reset to Finished.

When accessing through Shop Visit window this displays all historical work orders connected to the particular customer. This includes the historical MRO work orders used in a Complex Assembly MRO flow.

Note: To view MRO work order information IFS/Complex Assembly MRO must have been installed.

Activity Diagram

Conclude Separate WO 
Conclude Maintenance Visit


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