Work Order Concluding—Exercises

Basic Data Setup 

Maintenance Organization

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for the following exercises. 

Organization Basic Data/Maintenance Organizations

  1. Create a new maintenance organization.

General exercise for Maintenance Organization


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for the following exercises. 

Organization Basic Data/Craft Catalog

  1. Create a new craft row. 

General exercise for Craft

Performed Actions

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for the following exercises. 

Maintenance Basic Data/Performed Actions

  1. Create a new performed action.

General exercise for Performed Actions


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for the following exercises. 

Maintenance Basic Data/Causes

  1. Create a new cause.

General exercise for Causes


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for the following exercises.

Work Order and PM Basic Data/Classes

  1. Create a new class. 

General exercise for Classes

Fault Types

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for the following exercises. 

Work Order and PM Basic Data/Fault Types

  1. Create a new fault type.

General exercise for Fault Types

Tools and Facilities Type

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the tools and facilities type required for the exercise below. 

Tools and Facilities Basic Data/Tools and Facilities Type

  1. Create a new tools and facilities type.

General exercise for Tools and Facilities Type

Tools and Facilities

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the tools and facilities required for the exercise below. 

Tools and Facilities Basic Data/Tools and Facilities

  1. Create a new tools and facilities.

General exercise for Tools and Facilities

Connect Tools and Facilities

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to connect tools and facilities required for the exercise below. 

Tools and Facilities Basic Data/Connect Tools and Facilities

  1. Create a new connection for tools and facilities.

General exercise for Connect Tools and Facilities

Aviation Authorities

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the aviation authority data required for the exercise below.

Part Certificate Basic Data/Authority

  1. Create a new authority.

General exercise for Authority   

Aviation Authorized Approvers

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up data for the aviation authorized approvers required for the exercise below. 

Part Certificate Basic Data/Authorized Approvers

  1. Create a new authorized approver.  

General exercise for Authorized Approvers    

Work Progress Template

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for the following exercises. 

Note: Defining a default template is optional. If a progress template has not been defined for the site, the default values for progress on operations will be applied.

Operation Basic Data/Work Progress Template

  1. Enter a new work progress template and connect it to your site as the default template.

General exercise for Work Progress Template

Operation Filter

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for the following exercises. 

Operation Basic Data/Operation Filters
Organization Basic Data/Employees/Operation Filter

  1. Enter a new operation filter and connect it to your employee ID as the default filter.

General exercise for Operation Filter

Required Data

Create WO

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you the required data that is used in the exercises below.

Prepare Work Order

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window. 
  2. Create a new work order for objects on which you will be preparing and planning maintenance.
  3. Create a new record.
  4. Choose an appropriate object. Use the List of Values.
  5. In the Reported by field, choose the person who created the work order. Use the List of Values.

    Note: The reported by value will appear automatically if you already have connected a person with the user ID with which you are logged on.

  6. In the Directive field, write a brief description of what needs to be corrected on this work order.
  7. Choose an appropriate maintenance organization for the work. Use the List of Values.
  8. Save your changes. The status changes to Work Request.

    Note: The value in the Progress Template field in the Prepare tab appears automatically if you have defined a work progress template and connected it to the work order site as the default template. Alternatively, you can use the right mouse button option Change Template and Calculate Progress on the work order.

  1. Right-click and point to Work Order Status and click Under Preparation.
  2. Set an appropriate planned start and execution time. The planned finish date will be calculated automatically.
  3. On the work order, enter new data in the following fields on the General and Prepare tabs: Priority, Work Leader, Work Master (as required), Prepared By. Use the List of Values to find appropriate values.
  4. Create an operation on the Operations tab and allocate employees to it. Allocate yourself as one of the employees. This is because, when clocking in to operations, you will be able to see only the operations allocated to you.
  5. Save the new information. Your work order is now prepared with the most important general information and an operation.
  6. If you do not want to prepare the work order further (material etc.), change the status to Prepared.

General exercise for Prepare and Plan WO 

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to execute and conclude the work on a work order.

Active Work Orders
Report in Work Order
Work Order Operation List

Execute Work Order

  1. Open the Active Work Orders window.
  2. Query the data (F3). Enter the Prepared status, and click OK. All work orders with the Prepared status are shown.
  3. Find a work order ID that you prepared above or in the Prepare and Plan WO exercise.
  4. Right-click, point to Work Order Status and then click Release.
  5. The status indicates that the work order is readily planned and should be executed whenever the required personnel is available and/or the start date is reached.
  6. Select the necessary work order line, right-click and click Report In to navigate to the Report In Work Order window.
  7. Click the Operations tab and find the operation number 5 that you prepared above or in the Prepare and Plan WO exercise.
  8. Right-click, point to Operation Status, and then click Started. Observe, the status of the work order will be changed automatically to Started, if this is the first operation to be started and if the work order is not already in this status.
  9. Navigate back to the header then right-click and click Work Order Report Control. The Work Order Report Control dialog box opens.
  10. Select all the check boxes shown in the Work Order Reports group box.
  11. Click the Work Orders tab and select the Include? check box for the work order(s) you want included in the Work Order Structure report.
  12. In the Operations and Connected Documents tabs select the Include? check box for the work order operations and reference documentation you want included in the report. Note that work orders must be selected for the belonging operations to be displayed in the Operations tab.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Verify that the print settings are correct and then click OK to print the report.
  15. Open the Work Order Operation List Window. Press the Refresh button. This will show all the work order operations allocated to you. Alternatively, you can define a filter to limit the operations displayed. Refer the Operation Filter exercise for information on how to define a filter.
  16. Select one of the operations you created in the previous exercise. Select the Clock In check box and then press the Clock In button. Alternatively, you can right-click on the operation line, and then click Clock In. Enter the time you started working on the operation in the Start Time field. By default, the system date offset by the offset for the work order site is displayed here. Click OK. The Clockings tab is populated with this information.

    Note: You can only clock in to operations that are in either the Released or Started status. When clocking in to an operation that is in the Released status, the status will be changed automatically to Started. 

  1. Select the operation you clocked in. Press the Clock Out button. Enter a suitable time in the Stop Time field. (Preferably at least one hour after the time you clocked in.) Press OK. Note that the Clockings tab is populated with this information and a new line is created in the Time Report tab with this number of hours.
  2. Once the work is done, change the status of the operation to Work Done. In the text-editor that opens enter information on the actions taken when performing work on the operation. This information will be retained in the Action Taken field on the operation record.
  3. The Progress in the Report In Work Order/Operations tab and the Work Progress in the Report In Work Order/Report In tab are updated according to the progress template you added in the Prepare and Plan Work Order exercise.

Note: If Executor sign off is defined on the operation, this will be performed automatically when setting the operation to the Work Done status. If a license requirement is defined on the sign off requirement type Executor, you must have the relevant license to be able to set the status to Work Done.

  1. If Independent or Inspector sign off requirements have been defined, these need to be performed before you can set to operation to the Finished status. A different user with the required license should perform Inspector/Independent sign off.
  2. Once all the required sign offs are performed, the operation will be set automatically to the Finished status.

Note: If sign off requirements have not been defined on the operation, the operation is automatically moved to the Finished status when setting to Work Done. 

  1. When all operations on the work order are in the Work Done, Finished or Cancelled status you can change the status of the work order to Work Done. To do this, right-click on the work order, point to Work Order Status, and then click Work Done.

Conclude Work Order

General Information

  1. Open the Report In Work Order window.
  2. Search for the work order that you entered above with the Work Done status (F3). You are now finished with the job and have to report the activities. 
  3. On the Report In tab, enter all information on the job that you have done. Enter an appropriate class, performed action, and type of work you have done. Use the List of Values (F8).
  4. Select a cause code to describe what caused the problem. Use the List of Values (F8). 
  5. Also enter text in the cause description to describe in greater detail what actually caused the problem. 
  6. Select an action code to describe how you solved the problem. Use the List of Values (F8).
  7. In the Work Done field, enter a more detailed description of the work that you did.
  8. If the work was performed on a particular test point, you can define that by using the List of Values (F8). A test point will be available only if it was defined for the object ID.
  9. Enter an actual start and actual finish date for the work. 
  10. You may also consider whether you want to add more text about the work that was done in the Free Notes tab.

Note: It is important to enter as much detailed information as possible about the work done. This will make it easier to plan the work the next time a similar problem appears.

Report Time

  1. Click the Time Report tab. Here you can enter the time you and/or other employees have spent on this job. You can enter time in many ways as described below.
  2. To enter time manually, create a new line on the tab and enter the identity of the employee who did the work. 
  3. Enter the number of hours the employee spent on the work order.
  4. The employee's default maintenance organization and craft will be retrieved automatically. Change the value if required.
  5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 as required. Save the information.
  6. To create the time report based on the planning information, right-click on the Time Report tab and then click Create From Planning. Select the operation for which you want to report time and click OK. Specify the number of hours to be reported on the Time Report tab. Save the information (F12).
  7. To report time based on allocations made for an operation follow the steps below:

    Note: If you clocked in to and clocked out of operations in the previous exercise, the time you spent on these operations are reported automatically as time reported based on allocations in the steps described below.

Note: It is important that you use the correct maintenance organization and craft because the rate connected to the maintenance organization or craft will be used to calculate the internal cost for the time spent on the work order.

Report Material

  1. Click the Materials tab. 
  2. When concluding the work order, you also need to make sure that you have issued all the material that you used so that it reflects on the inventory balance and the cost for the work order is calculated correctly.
  3. If the material you used was planned for when preparing the work order, the material appears as lines on the Materials tab. Make sure the quantity issued on the material line correctly reflects the quantity that you used on the work order.
  4. If you used less than what was issued, you can un-issue material: right-click and then click Material Requisition Un-issue.
  5. If you have reserved more material than you used, you can un-reserve the remaining material.
  6. If the quantity issued is less than what you used, you need to issue the remaining material. You can either enter a new line for the remaining material, or change the quantity required on the existing line and issue.

Note: If you are going to invoice for your material, you need to make sure that the material lines have sales part information.

Report Tools and Facilities

  1. Click the  Tools and Facilities tab.
  2. In the Tool/Facility ID field, use List of Values to enter the tool/facility ID used. 

Note: If you have prepared the work order with only a tool and facility type you will have to enter a tool and facility ID before changing the work order status to “Prepare” or higher.

  1. In the Quantity field, specify the quantity of the tool/facility used for the work order. 
  2. In the Report Hours field, specify the number of used hours. The used hours specified is then accumulated to the value in the Reported Hours field. 
  3. Save the information.

Report Additional Expenses

Note: If you have had any additional expenses with the work order, such as travel expenses, you can enter that as postings on the Postings tab.

  1. Click the Postings tab.
  2. Create a new line, and in the Cost Type list, click Expense.
  3. Define a quantity and a cost amount.
  4. Save the new line.
  5. If you are going to invoice this line, you also need to make sure you define a sales part, quantity to invoice, and a sales price for the line.

Authorize Postings

Note: Before the work order's expenses can be posted to the ledger, all transactions (posting lines) must be authorized. This most often done by a work leader or someone else with authorization permission.

  1. Click the Postings tab. Verify that the cost information is correct and complete. 
  2. For service work orders, you must also make sure that the sales part information and price information is correct and complete on the posting lines if they are going to be invoiced.
  3. Once you have verified the expenses, right-click and then click Authorize all Non-Authorized.
  4. Use the List of Values to find an appropriate signature.
  5. Click OK to confirm the authorization.
  6. The work order is now completed and can be sent to history. 
  7. Right-click, point to Work Order Status and then click Finished.

Note: If the work order has a requisition that is not converted into a purchase order, you cannot set the historical work order to the Finished status.  If the material or service that you were planning to purchase is no longer needed, you can delete the requisition and then change the work order status to Finished. From now on, this work order can be found in the Historical Work Orders window. Here you can see all planning and report in information, but you cannot change anything. If you need to make changes to an historical work order, you can reopen it, make all necessary changes, and then change the status back to Finished. This is useful, for example, if you have forgotten to enter some expenses, but need to correct this for financial, analytical, and revenue purposes.