Repair Work Order—Key Exercises

Basic Data Setup 

Maintenance Organization

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for the following exercises.

Organization Basic Data/Maintenance Organizations

  1. Create a new maintenance organization.

General exercise for Maintenance Organization

Link Employee to Craft

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for the following exercises. 

Organization Basic Data /Link Employees /Crafts

  1. Link an employee to a craft.

General exercise for Link Employees/Crafts

Enter and Link Employee to Maintenance Organization

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for the following exercises. 

Organization Basic Data /Employees

  1. Enter a new employee.
  2. Link a maintenance organization to the employee.

General exercise for Enter and Link Employee to Maintenance Organization

Required Data 

Define Repair Workshop

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the data required for the following exercises. You will create a new repair workshop in IFS/Equipment as a regular functional object. 

Functional Object

  1. Create a new functional equipment object and name it Repair Workshop.
  2. The object level has to allow connecting serial objects.

General exercise for Define Repair Workshop

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to show you how to move a broken serial object from its position in the facility to the repair workshop for repair, and at the same time create a work order. 

New Repair Work Order for Serial Part
Prepare Work Order

Create Repair Work Order

  1. Open the New Repair Work Order for Serial Part window.
  2. Enter the object ID for the broken serial object that is to be moved from the facility to the workshop for repair. Use the List of Values to find the serial object.

Note: You create a new repair workshop in IFS/Equipment as a regular functional object (see the Basic Data setup for this lesson).

  1. Enter the place where this serial object is to be repaired, i.e., the repair workshop. Use the List of Values to find this functional object.
  2. You can enter a more specific description in the Note field.
  3. Enter the planned start and planned finish date.
  4. Enter additional directives to describe what needs to be done, the maintenance organization, and a suitable signature. Use the List of Values.
  5. To create the repair work order, click OK
  6. A message appears indicating that a repair work order has been created, and displaying its work order number.
  7. From now on, all repair work orders can be found in the Repair Work Orders window, where you can prepare them further. 

Note: You can also find the repair work orders in the Active Work Orders window.

Prepare Repair Work Order

Note: Processing the repair work order is done in the same way as processing a separate work order. 

  1. Open the Repair Work Orders window.
  2. Select the work order that you entered above, right-click and then click Prepare.
  3. In this window, you can prepare your work order further. The Repair Work Order check box is selected. Among other things, this distinguishes the repair work order from a normal work order.
  4. Change the status to Under Preparation using the right mouse button. 
  5. If this work is one of the well-known types, you can choose a standard job on the Prepare tab. Use the List of Values. If operations and materials were connected to this standard job, these values are copied to this work order. 
  6. Enter the person who is preparing this work order on the Prepare tab. Use the List of Values. 
  7. If you did not enter a standard job, or if you would like to enter an additional operations, you should do so on the Operations tab. Enter the signature, maintenance organization, and planned hours. Use the List of Values. 
  8. If you need material to perform this work order, it is appropriate to do this now. Click the Materials tab, enter a signature, and save the new information. Upon saving, an order number is automatically created.
  9. Place the cursor in the first row, and enter a part number and the quantity required. 
  10. Save the new material requirement.
  11. This repair work order is now prepared. Click the General tab, and change the status to Prepared.
  12. Click the Planning tab. You can view the information on cost types that are planned to be connected to this work order. 

Note: The Planning tab can contain one or multiple rows with information on the following cost types: Personnel, Material, External, Expenses, Tools and Facilities and Fixed Price. The last one is used only in IFS Applications for Service Management, where the cost types are combined with invoice types to signify the information to be invoiced. If planning information has been entered in the Separate Standard Job window and the standard job is connected to a work order, then the planning information is automatically displayed for the work order.

  1. To issue the material needed on this work order, the status should be changed to Released. Change the status, and go to the Material tab. Select the material rows, right-click and then click Issue. The work on the work order can now be executed.

Report In Repair Work Order

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window, and search for the work order in the Released status that you entered above.
  2. Right-click and then click Report In. The Report In Work Order window appears.
  3. Before you begin to report in the work, right-click and then change the status to Started.
  4. Click the Report In tab, enter an appropriate class, type, and performed action. 
  5. Enter the fault cause and a possible cause description. Also enter a description of the work done.
  6. Enter the actual start and finish dates, and then save the new information.
  7. Click the Time Report tab to report in hours worked on this work order. Enter the employee ID, craft ID, and hours.
  8. Change the status to Work Done.

Place Serial in Equipment Structure

  1. Before you conclude the repair work order, consider placing the repaired serial object back in the equipment structure, or move it into inventory. This is done on the Report In tab. To place the object back into the facility, right-click and then click Place Serial in Equipment Structure

Note: You can right-click and then click an appropriate option whenever you want to move an object from the workshop to the facility. This is useful if you would like to replace an object with a "new" one. You can also use this window to place an issued and serialized inventory part into the facility and automatically create a serial object. 

  1. When a repair work order is used, the Object ID field is blank. 
  2. Enter the part number of the serial object. Use the List of Values. 
  3. Confirm the movement by clicking OK.

Move Serial to Inventory

  1. Before you conclude the repair work order, you may want to place the repaired serial object in inventory. This is done on the Report In tab. Right-click and then click Move Serial to Inventory.

Note: Use this window to move a serial object from a workshop to inventory. You can, for example, use this function to move a serial object from a workshop into inventory, or to move the object from the facility into inventory. This requires that the object have been created from a serialized inventory part.  Whenever a serial object is moved into inventory, an inventory transaction is created. When a repair work order is used, the Object ID field shows the ID of the object that is connected to the repair work order. 

  1. Enter the inventory location. Use the List of Values. 
  2. Confirm the movement by clicking OK.
  3. The status and position of the serial object now shows In Inventory, but it will still exist as a serial object.