Repair WO for Non Serial Part—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Maintenance Organization

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for the following exercises. 

Organization Basic Data /Maintenance Organizations

  1. Create a new maintenance organization.

General exercise for Maintenance Organization

Link Employee to Craft

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for the following exercises. 

Organization Basic Data /Link Employees /Crafts

  1. Link an employee to a craft.

General exercise for Link Employees/Crafts

Enter and Link Employee to Maintenance Organization

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for the following exercises. 

Organization Basic Data /Employees

  1. Enter a new employee.
  2. Link a maintenance organization to the employee.

General exercise for Enter and Link Employee to Maintenance Organization

Create Inventory Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for the following exercises. 

Inventory Part

  1. Open the Inventory Part window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter an appropriate inventory part ID and description.
  4. Choose a planner using the List of Values (F8).
  5. Specify a unit of measure (U/M) for the part. Use List of Values to find an appropriate value (F8). 
  6. Save the new record (F12).
  7. On the Default Locations tab, click New, and enter a default location using the List of Values (F8).

Note: Use the Default Locations tab to connect the inventory part to the default locations that will be used on arrival and receipt. This will facilitate the receipt handling.

  1. Save the new row.
  2. Click the Maint Info tab to enter repair information for the part.

Note: You are not allowed to enter anything on the Maint Info tab unless you have connected a default location on the Default Locations tab.

  1. Select a default maintenance organization, and enter a directive for this repair. 
  2. Select the Repairable and, possibly, the Auto Repairable WO check boxes.

Note: By selecting the Repairable check box, you will be able to create manual repair work orders for the part. By selecting the Auto Repairable WO check box, a repair work order will automatically be created when the part is issued on a work order.

  1. Save the new information.

Required Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the data required for the following exercises. You create a new repair workshop in IFS/Equipment as a regular functional object. 

Functional Object

Define Repair Workshop

  1. Create a new functional equipment object and name it Repair Workshop.
  2. The object level has to allow connecting serial objects.

General exercise for Define Repair Workshop

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to show you how to create a non-serial part and then create a repair work order for this part.

New Repair Work Order for Non Serial Part
Repair Work Orders
Prepare Work Order

Create Repair WO for Non Serial Part

  1. Open the New Repair Work Order for Non Serial Part window.
  2. Specify the object ID you want to carry the repair cost. This could be equipment or a workshop. Use the List of Values.
  3. Specify the part number of the part you want to repair. Use the non serial part that you entered in the exercise above. Use the List of Values.
  4. Enter the planned start and finish dates.

Note: As you can see the directive and maintenance organization is automatically defined based on the inventory part's repair data defined in Inventory Part/Maint Info window.

  1. Use OK to finish the creation of the repair work order. A message displays the work order number that has been created. (If a lot/batch number is requested, enter/select a value in the Lot/Batch field and click OK)
  2. Open the Repair Work Orders window.
  3. Use F2 to retrieve all repair work orders.
  4. In this overview, you can find your work order with the information you entered. The Non Serial Repair WO check box is checked to distinguish this repair work order from the ones for serial objects.
  5. By selecting your repair work order and using the right mouse button option, you can prepare the repair work order further.

Prepare Repair WO for Non Serial Part

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window, and query for the work order that you entered above (F3).
  2. On the General tab, in the Fault Report Information area, you can find the part number of the part to be repaired.
  3. First, you have to change the status on this work order. The status is shown in the top right corner. Right-click, point to Work Order Status and then click Under Preparation.
  4. Add or change the planning schedule information.
  5. Add or change the priority of the work order. 
  6. On the Prepare tab, select an appropriate signature in the Prepared By field. Also add a work leader. Use the List of Values. Save your changes (F12).
  7. On the Free Notes tab, add some notes to the work order. Create a new line (F5), and enter a page number, a title, and some notes. Save your changes (F12).
  8. On the Materials tab, create a new material requirement.
  9. In the Signature field, enter an appropriate value using the List of Values.
  10. Save the new information.
  11. In the table, create a new record.
  12. Find an appropriate part number using the List of Values. 
  13. Enter the date on which the part is required, and a number for the quantity required.
  14. Save the new information (F12).
  15. You have now prepared your work order with material needed for this repair work order. The material preparations can now be found on the Planning tab.
  16. Click the Operations tab to enter one new row.
  17. Enter the row number, description, signature, craft ID, and planned hours. If you are using IFS Applications for Service Management, also enter a sales part. Use the List of Values (F8).
  18. Save the new information (F12).
  19. You have now prepared the work orders with operation requirements that will be used later for scheduling the resources for the work orders.
  20. On the Planning tab, you can now find an overview of the personnel, material, etc., that is needed when performing the repair work.
  21. On the Budget tab, you can find the planned costs, revenues, and margins for the personnel and material.
  22. Right-click, point to Work Order Status and then click Released.

Report In Repair WO for Non Serial Part

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window, and search for the work order in the Released status that you entered above.
  2. Right-click and then click Report In. The Report In Work Order window appears.
  3. Before you begin to report in the work, right-click and change the status to Started. 
  4. On the Report In tab, enter an appropriate class, type, and the performed action. 
  5. Enter the fault cause and a possible cause description. Also enter a description of the work done.
  6. Enter the actual start and finish dates, and save the new information (F12).
  7. Click the Time Report tab to report in hours worked on this work order. Enter the employee ID, craft ID, and hours spent on this work order using the List of Values (F8).
  8. Right-click, point to Work Order Status and then click Work Done.

Create Repair WO upon Issuing Material

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window.
  2. Create a new work order.
  3. Search for an appropriate equipment object using the List of Values.
  4. Enter an appropriate directive and the maintenance organization using the List of Values.
  5. Click the Materials tab to create a new record.
  6. Click New, and search for a signature. Use the List of Values.
  7. Save the new record.
  8. In the table, create a new record.
  9. Search for the non serial part that you entered above in the Create Inventory Part exercise. Use the List of Values (F8).

Note: The inventory part must be defined as auto repairable. You must also have an available quantity on hand to be able to issue the part.

  1. Enter the date required and quantity required.
  2. Enter or modify the values for the object site for repair work order, object ID for repair work order, directive for repair work order, maintenance organization site for repair work order and maintenance organization for repair work order.
  3. Save the new row.
  4. Click the General tab, and change the status to Released.

Note: To issue material, the status must have been set to Released.

  1. Click the Materials tab, and select the newly created row. Right-click and then click Issue.

Note: A work order has now been created to repair the part that the new and issued part has replaced. To process the work order further, you can follow the previous exercises for Prepare and Report in Repair Work Order for Non Serial Part.