Material Requirements—Exercises

Basic Data Setup 

Purchase Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the purchase part that you will need for the following exercises. 

Purchase Part

  1. Open the Purchase Part window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter a part number and part description.
  4. Enter the unit of measure for the purchase part in the Default Purch U/M field using the List of Values (F8).
  5. Save the new record (F12).


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the supplier that you will need for the following exercises. 


  1. Create a new supplier.

General exercise for Supplier

Supplier for Purchase Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the supplier for purchase part that you will need for the following exercises. 

Supplier for Purchase Part

  1. Link supplier to a purchase part.

General exercise for Supplier for Purchase Part

Inventory Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the inventory part that you will need for the following exercises. 

Inventory Part

  1. Create a new inventory part.

General exercise for Inventory Part

Required Data

Create Work Order

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the required data that is used in the exercises below. To be able to plan and prepare material requirements on a work order, you should first create a work order. 

Prepare Work Order

  1. Create a new work order (F5).

General exercise for Prepare and Plan WO

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to guide you through different possibilities for planning and preparing material on a work order. 

Prepare Work Order

Prepare Inventory Parts

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window.
  2. Query (F3) for a work order that has the Work Request status.
  3. Change the status to Under Preparation.
  4. On the Materials tab, create a new material requirement (F5).
  5. In the Signature field, enter an appropriate value using the List of Values (F8).
  6. Save the information.
  7. In the table, create a new record.
  8. Select an appropriate part number from the List of Values (F8). 
  9. Enter the date on which the part is required and a number for the quantity required.
  10. Save the information (F12).

Note: The Status field shows the current status of the material requirement. The material requirement can have one of the following statuses: Planned, Released, or Closed. When all the material is issued, the status of the requirement is changed to Closed. If you are using IFS Applications for Service Management, a sales part can be connected to the inventory part. When you are about to issue an inventory part, the work order is booked with not only a cost but also a sales price that later will be invoiced on the customer. This is booked automatically if you have connected the sales part with the inventory part.

  1. You now have prepared your work order with material. Change the status to Prepared using the right mouse button menu on the work order header.
  2. You can now find the material preparations on the Planning tab. If you are using IFS/Preventive Maintenance, the material list is inherited from the PM to this work order.

Reserve Material

  1. Return to the Materials tab.
  2. You would now like to check the present and future availability of all inventory parts/materials on the material list. To do this, right-click and then click Query – Inventory Part Availability Planning
  3. Close the window.
  4. Make a reservation on the inventory parts in your table by right-clicking and then clicking Reserve or Reserve Manually.

Note: The Reserve Manually option is often used when you want to reserve serials or parts at a specific location. If you are about to use a registered inventory part, you just enter the required amount that you need for the operation, and you can either reserve it or just enter the required value. For each part, you can see how many have already been issued and how many are available in inventory. 

  1. If you choose the Reserve Manually option, click OK to confirm the manual reservation.

Create a Requisition

  1. On the same work order, enter a material demand for a non inventory part. This material is unavailable. Therefore, you must prepare a purchase requisition (see the next step).
  2. Establish a new requisition on the Requisitions tab. 
  3. Click New, and save. When saving, the system automatically generates a requisition number and the status is then set to Planned. 

Note: At new entry, the status is automatically set to Planned. To continue the flow, it must be released by using the Release Requisition operation. Before doing this, you must first enter a requisition line.

  1. In the table, create a new record.
  2. Enter at least one Part Requisition Line with all the required data. If you already have connected the part to a supplier, you can find the supplier using the List of Values. Conclude the requisition by right-clicking and then clicking Release Requisition Line. The status is set to Released.

Note: The Released status means that the requisition can be converted to a purchase order by using the Requisition to Order operation. When the cursor is placed in the this field, you can also reset the status from Released to Planned using the Plan Requisition operation.  

  1. On the Budget tab, you can verify that the accumulated requisition cost price is shown in the External Under Planned Cost field. You have now completed the preparation of material demand for the work.
  2. Click the General tab, and change the entire work order status to Released.

Note: You can create also a purchase order using the right mouse button menu. If you have not connected a supplier to the part, an error message appears when you release the line. See the steps 8–12 below, for information on how to connect the part to a supplier.

  1. Select the line, right-click, and then click Supplier per Part.
  2. Create a new record, and enter the part number, supplier, and price. Save the transaction, and close the window.
  3. In the Supplier field, select the supplier for the part from the List of Values. 
  4. Save your changes (F12).
  5. Select the line, right-click, and then click Requisition to Order.

Create a Pick List

When the status for the material order is set to Released, you can create a pick list to be used when picking material from the warehouse.

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window, click the Materials tab, and retrieve the work order you planned and prepared above, right-click, and then click Create Pick List
    It is also  possible to create a pick list from the work order header in the Prepare Work Order window for for several work orders in the Active Work Orders window. You can also create a pick list from a route work order in the Report In Route window.  
  2. The Create Pick List dialog is opened
  3. The pick list description is retrieved from the work order directive by default but can be modified. Select the option to view the pick list before printing it (there is also an option to release/print the pick list automatically). Select the Reserve All Unreserved Lines check box if you want to reserve all unreserved material order lines automatically for the work orders/material orders you are creating the pick list from. Click OK.
  4. The Pick List window is opened.
  5. Preview the pick list, right-click, and then click Release to make it possible for someone to print the pick list report. The pick list is set to Released status.
  6. Select Print Pick Lists to make a printout of the pick list report. The pick list is set to Printed status
  7. If all the lines on the pick list have been fully picked according to the quantity to be picked, right-click, and then click Pick All. This will set the pick list to Picked status and the value in the Quantity Picked field will be set to the same value as the value in the Quantity to Pick field for all pick list lines.
  8. If all the lines on the pick list have not been fully picked according to the original quantity to be picked, right-click, and then click Pick with Difference. This will launch the Report Picking with Differences dialog box where you can manually enter a value in the Quantity Picked field for each of the pick list lines. After clicking the Report Picking, the pick list will be set to Picked status.

Issue and Unissue Material

When the status for the entire work order is set to Released, you can issue material. 

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order/Materials window, and retrieve the work order you planned and prepared above with the Released status.
  2. Select one row in the table, right-click, and then click Issue. This part is now automatically issued.

Note: If you choose the Issue Manually option, you can make the issue yourself. This function can be used when you want to issue serials or parts at a specific location. If you choose this option, you can simply enter the quantity that you will issue. Confirm the issue manually by clicking OK

  1. To unissue a requisition, select the row, right-click, and then click Material Requisition Unissue
  2. Enter the quantity that you want to unissue, and then save the information. 
  3. Close the window, and refresh the Prepare Work Order/Materials window. The value in the Quantity Issued field is changed from now on.

Create a No-Part Requisition

  1. Click the Requisitions tab and then the No Part Requisition Lines tab.

Note: Use this tab when you want to enter and view information on the requisition lines for the noninventory parts, and external services that should be purchased. 

  1. In the table, create a new record. Enter an appropriate description of the work or noninventory part.
  2. Enter the supplier using the List of Values.
  3. Estimate the original quantity, select an appropriate unit and unit price, and retrieve a sales part using the List of Values.
  4. Save the new record.
  5. Select the row, right-click, and then click Choose the Release Requisition Line. The requisition on this work order is now fully prepared.