After Sales—Key Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Maintenance Organization

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for the after-sales flow. 

Organization Basic Data/Maintenance Organizations

  1. Create a new maintenance organization.

General exercise for Maintenance Organization

Enter and Link Employee to Maintenance Organization

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for the after-sales flow. 

Organization Basic Data/Employees

  1. Enter a new employee.
  2. Link a maintenance organization to the employee.

General exercise for Enter and Link Employee to Maintenance Organization

Work Types

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required for the exercises below. 

Work Order and PM Basic Data/Work Types

  1. Create a new work type.

General exercise for Work Types

Customer Order Type

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required to conclude a service work order. 

Sales Basic Data/Order Types

  1. Create a new customer order type.

General exercise for Customer Order Type

Create Coordinator

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create a coordinator. The coordinator will be the person responsible for creating the invoices for the service work orders. 


  1. Create a new coordinator.

General exercise for Coordinator

Required Data

Create Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data required to create a customer. These steps describe what is necessary to set up a customer to be able to invoice service work orders. 


  1. Create a new customer.

General exercise for Create Customer

Create Object

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create a service object (functional object), which you will use as a superior object on a customer order line to define the object to which a delivered SM object should belong.

Functional Object

  1. Create a new record.
  2. Enter the object ID, description, and site.
  3. Select an object level using the List of Values. 

Note: If you want to use the object as a superior object for a part that will create an SM object, the object level for the superior object must allow serials. If you want to use the superior object to capture cost and revenue information for the sold spare part,  you can use any object level.

General exercise for Create Functional Object

Create a Sales Part (Spare Part)

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create a spare part that you can connect to a superior object to capture cost and revenue information in IFS/Service Management.

Sales Part

  1. Create a new sales part.

General exercise for Create a Sales Part (Spare Part)

Create a Serialized Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create a serialized part from which you will eventually be able to create SM objects.


  1. Create a new serialized part.

General exercise for Create a Serialized Part

Create an Inventory Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create an inventory part for the part that you created in the Part Catalog.

Inventory Part

  1. Create a new inventory part.

General exercises for Create an Inventory Part

Create a Sales Part (SM Object)

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create a sales part that will create an SM object in IFS/Equipment once it is delivered on a customer order line.

Sales Part
Inventory Part

  1. Create a sales part that will create an SM object.

General exercises for Create a Sales Part (SM Object)

Receive Parts into Inventory

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you a quick way to receive parts into inventory so that you can deliver SM objects or spare parts on a customer order. This exercise requires that an inventory part be established and an inventory location exist on the site.

Receive Inventory Part

  1. Receive an inventory part into inventory.

General exercise for Receive Parts into Inventory

Main Exercises

Deliver SM Object on Customer Order

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to deliver a sales part so that it automatically creates serial object.  This exercise requires that you have a serialized part available in inventory.

Customer Order
Serial Object
Receive Inventory Part

  1. Open the Customer Order window.
  2. Create a new customer order, e.g., using customer ID 1000, coordinator SAMI, and order type SEO..
  3. Create a customer order line for the serialized sales part you entered, or use sales part 8800/Epson Copy Machine
  4. Look at the Create SM Object field on the customer order line. Is the check box checked? If not, select it.
  5. Save your changes.

Note: If the checkbox is not checked, you can use the Zoom feature to get to the sales part and select the Create SM Object check box. Alternatively, you can select it directly on the customer order line.

  1. Release the customer order.
  2. Select the customer order line, right-click and then click Manual Reservations

Note: Here you can see the serial numbers that will be delivered. The combination of the part number and serial number will be the new SM object's ID. 

Note: To process the customer order, parts must be available to reserve for the customer order. If there are not enough parts, you need to receive some in the Receive Inventory Part window.

  1. Refresh the customer order (Shift+F5). Make sure that the status is Delivered or Invoiced/Closed.
  2. Open the Serial Object window.
  3. Query (F3) for the object ID 8800-% (if you delivered part 8800/Epson Copy machine on the customer order). In the object ID list, click the object ID with the correct serial number (the one that was reserved for the customer order line in step 7).
  4. Click the Parties tab. Make sure that the customer ID has been added. 
  5. Right-click and then click Address for Objects. Make sure that the delivery address from the customer order has updated the object's address.
  6. Return to the Serial Object window.
  7. Right-click and then click Serial Object History. Here you can see the history of the object, such as the customer order on which it was delivered and when.

Deliver SM Object to Superior Object

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to deliver a sales part so that it creates a serial object and connects the object to an existing object or object structure. This exercise requires that you have a serialized part available in inventory and that an object exist that allows serials beneath it.

Customer Order
Object Structure

  1. Open the Customer Order window.
  2. Create a new customer order, e.g., using customer ID 1000, coordinator SAMI, and order type SEO.
  3. Create a customer order line for a serialized sales part, i.e. 8800/Epson Copy Machine..
  4. Look at the Create SM Object field on the customer order line. Is this check box checked? If not, select it.
  5. In the Superior SM Object field, select an object to which you want to connect the SM object, e.g., object ID 1000.

Note: The List of Values for Superior object only displays objects which belong to the customer order's customer. If the Superior object you wish to use does not appear in the List of Values you can either manually enter the object ID and site on the customer order line, or go the the (Superior) object's Parties tab and enter the customer order's customer as a party.

  1. Save your changes.
  2. Release the customer order.
  3. Select the customer order line, right-click and then click Manual Reservations

Note: Here you can see which serial numbers will be delivered. The combination of the part number and serial number will be the new SM object's ID.

  1. Refresh the customer order (Shift+F5). Make sure that it has the Delivered or Invoiced/Closed status.
  2. Open the Object Structure window.
  3. Query (F3) for the object that you defined as the superior SM object on the customer order line. Has the object structure been updated with the part delivered on the customer order line?

Note: If you deliver more than one part on the customer order line, all parts are placed beneath the superior object.

Deliver Spare Parts to Superior Object

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to sell spare parts on a customer order and have the cost/revenue update a superior object's material cost/revenue for analysis. This exercise requires that you have a sales part available in inventory and that an object exist that you can define as a superior object.

Customer Order
Equipment Object Cost/Revenue Analysis

  1. Open the Customer Order window. 
  2. Create a new customer order, e.g., using customer ID 1000, coordinator SAMI, and order type SEO.
  3. Create a customer order line for a (non serialized) sales part, e.g., 7100/Spare parts.
  4. Look at the Create SM Object field on the customer order line. Make sure that this check box is not selected. If it is, clear it.
  5. In the Superior SM Object field, select an object for which you want to update the material cost and revenue with the cost and revenue information from the customer order line. Preferably, this will be a new object that does not have any previous material cost/revenue information (or use the object ID 1000)
  6. Save the new information.
  7. Release the customer order.
  8. Refresh the customer order. Make sure that the status is Delivered or Invoiced/Closed.
  9. Open the Equipment Object Cost/Revenue Analysis window.
  10. Query (F3) for the superior object ID. Have the object's material cost and revenue been updated with the correct cost and revenue information from the customer order line?

Note: The material cost for spare parts will not be visible as a posting line. To analyze spare part cost/revenue in greater detail, you can query, for example, in Customer Order Lines for order lines where the create SM object field is '-' (Not checked)  and the superior object is '%' (Any value). This displays all customer order lines for spare parts.

Connect Service Request to Customer Order Line

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to connect a service request to a customer order line so that a service department can see the customer orders' status and planned delivery date. This exercise requires that you have a serialized sales part available in inventory.

Customer Order

  1. Open the Customer Order window.
  2. Create a new customer order, e.g., using customer ID 1000 and order type SEO.
  3. Save your changes.
  4. Create a customer order line for a serialized sales part, e.g., sales part ID 8800/Epson copy machine.
  5. Make sure that the Create SM Object check box is selected.
  6. Specify a superior SM object and superior SM site on the customer order line, e.g., Superior Object ID 1000 and Superior Object Site 70. This step is optional.
  7. Save your changes.
  8. Select the customer order line, right-click and then click Service Request. This opens the Service Request window in which you can create a new service request.
  9. On the service request, enter a short description, work type, and maintenance organization.
  10. Save the new service request.
  11. Click the CO Information tab. On this tab, you can view information about the customer order, such as order number, part that will be delivered, status of the customer order and order line, planned delivery date (for the customer order line), and the object to which the SM object will belong once it is delivered.
  12. Return to the customer order, and refresh it (Shift+F5). The SM Connection check box in the table should be selected, indicating that a service request is connected to the customer order line.
  13. Process the customer order to Delivered status. If you use order type SEO, the order will automatically be processed to the Invoiced/Closed status as soon as you release it.

Note: If you have used a different order type, you can process the customer order from the Quick Order Flow Handling window. By right-clicking and then clicking the appropriate options, in this window, you will be able to select all the steps in the order flow.

  1. When the customer order line has the Delivered or a higher status, return to the service request. Has an object ID been added in the Service Request window? Has the CO Information tab been updated with the status of the customer order? The service request can now be processed as normal, i.e., prepared, scheduled, reported, concluded, and invoiced.

Note: If you deliver more than one serial part on the customer order line, the service request uses the first delivered SM object on the service request as the object ID. If you would like to create one service request for each part that will be delivered, you can split the customer order line so that only one part is delivered per line and then connect one service request to each line.

Connect Service Request to Customer Order Header

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn you how to connect a service request to a customer order header so that a service department can have visibility to the customer orders' status and planned delivery date. This way of connecting a service request to a customer order is useful if the parts you deliver should not create SM objects, or if the service that will be provided is not directly related to a delivered part.

Customer Order

  1. Open the Customer Order window.
  2. Create a new customer order, e.g., using customer ID 1000 and order type SEO.
  3. Save your changes.
  4. Create a customer order line for any type of sales part, e.g., sales part ID 7100/Spare parts.
  5. Save your changes.
  6. In the customer order header, right-click and then click Service Request. The Service Request window appears.
  7. Enter a short description, work type, and maintenance organization. It is also a good idea to define an object ID, although this can be done later.
  8. Save your changes.
  9. Click the CO Information tab. On this tab, you can view information about the customer order, such as order number, status of the customer order, and planned delivery date (for the customer order). The customer order and the service request can now be processed further.

Invoice Service Request Connected to Customer Order

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how a service order that was created from a customer order is invoiced. This is valid for service requests connected to customer order lines as well as for those connected to customer order headers.

Customer Order
Report in Work Order

  1. Complete steps 1–6 of any of the two previous exercises.
  2. Open the Report In Work Order window.
  3. Report in some hours and/or issue material, report expenses, external costs, or fixed price lines. Make sure that the lines have defined sales parts.
  4. Click the Postings tab.
  5. Authorize the lines by right-clicking and then clicking Authorize All Non-Authorized Lines.
  6. Select an appropriate signature, and click OK to confirm the authorization.
  7. Click the Report In tab.
  8. Right-click and then click Transfer to Customer Order. A new window appears showing the posting lines that you want to invoice.
  9. Select the lines that you want to invoice, right-click and then click Create Customer Order Line.
  10. Select these lines again, right-click and then click Customer Order. This opens the customer order to which the posting lines were added for invoicing. Have the posting lines been added to the same customer order to which you connected the service request?

Note: If the customer order to which the service request is connected was Invoiced/Closed, the customer order will be reopened and the posting lines will be added. The customer order can now be processed to Invoiced/Closed. Use the Quick Order Flow Handling window to process the customer order to invoicing.