Match Supplier Invoices with Sub Contract—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Supplier Invoicing Basic Data and Requirements

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Invoice Series
Invoice Payment Authorizers
Posting Control
Tax Codes

  1. Create basic data for supplier invoicing.

General exercise for Supplier Invoicing Basic Data and Requirements

Required Data

Create Sub Contract Posting Types

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you the required data that is used in the exercises below.

  1. Create the following posting types.
Posting Type Posting Type Description
SCV3 Certified Application Cost
SCV4 Accrued Certified Applications
SCV13 Certificate Final Posting
SCV14 Certificate Discount Final Posting
SCV15 Certificate Deduction Final Posting
SCV16 Certificate Retention Final Posting
SCV17 Certificate Retention Released Final Posting

General exercise for Posting Types

Certifying Valuation

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you the required data that is used in the exercises below.

  1. Certify a sub contract valuation.

General exercise for Certifying Valuation

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to match supplier invoices with an existing sub contract.

Manual Supplier Invoice
Authorize Invoices for Payment
Sub Contract Valuation

Match Supplier Invoice with Sub Contract

  1. Open the Manual Supplier Invoice window and query for your sub contract (in your company).
  2. Fill in the required information on the header, such as Invoice Identity, Authorizer ID and Gross Amount. The Gross Amount should match the certified amount in the valuation being worked on.
  3. Save the record (F12). Observe that after saving, a line record is created in the Line Information table (upper table) of the window.
  4. Right-click on this line record, then click Match Certificates per Line.
  5. In the Post from Sub Contract dialog that appears, select the Matched check box, then click OK. Note that the balance becomes zero.
  6. When the dialog closes, it goes back to the Manual Supplier Invoice window. Go to the Posting Information table (lower table), and observe that postings have been created when the certificates have been matched. Save the postings (F12).
  7. Check the taxes charged to the sub contract by right-clicking on the same line record (as point 3) then clicking Tax Lines. If the sub contract is withholding tax, check the tax being withheld by selecting the Tax Lines, Withholding menu option instead.
  8. Post the invoice by going to the header, then right-clicking and clicking Post Invoice. Check that the status of the invoice becomes Posted.
  9. In order for the invoice to be ready for payment, it has to be authorized. To do that, go to Authorize Invoices for Payment window and query for your supplier (in your company).
  10. Select the invoice record you have to authorize, then check the Authorized check box.
  11. Go back to the Manual Supplier Invoice window and refresh the record. Check that the status of the invoice becomes PostedAuth (in this status, the invoice is ready for payment).
  12. Go to Sub Contract Valuation window and query for your sub contract. Check the status. 
  13. Go to the Invoice tab and check that information on the supplier invoice you just worked on has been retrieved.