Using Consolidated Picking Lists—Exercises

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create customers and stored sales parts and receive them into inventory. 

Enter Customer


  1. Enter C.S.C. New York as customer with XX1000 as Customer No.
  2. Enter C.S.C. Paris as customer with XX1002 as Customer No.

General exercise for Enter Customer  

Create Stored Sales Parts

Sales Part
Inventory Locations
Inventory Part
Receive Inventory Part

  1. Enter Race Car as Sales Part and with XX18-105 as Sales Part No.
  2. Enter Street  Car as Sales Part and with XX18-305 as Sales Part No.
  3. Create relevant Inventory Locations.
  4. Create corresponding Inventory Parts
  5. Receive a sufficient number of parts of each into stock. Make sure that the two different types of car are in two different inventory locations.

General exercise for Sales Part

General exercise for Inventory Locations

General exercise for Purchased Inventory Part

General exercise for Receive Inventory Part

Required Data

Entering Customer Order

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

  1. Enter a customer order with C.S.C. New York (XX1000) as customer and wanted delivery date in a month's time. The order type should be NO, and you should use your User ID as the coordinator. Note the order number: __________.
  2. Enter an order line with 20 pcs of the sales part Race Car (XX18-105).

  3. Enter a second order line with 15 pcs of the sales part Street Car (XX18-305).

  4. Enter a second customer order with C.S.C. Paris (XX1002) as customer and with the same wanted delivery date as the above order. The order type should be NO, and you should use your User ID as the coordinator. Note the order number: __________.
  5. Enter an order line with 20 pcs of the sales part Race Car (XX18-105).

  6. Enter a second order line with 15 pcs of the sales part Street Car (XX18-305).

  7. Reserve the order lines manually (for both the orders) by using the Operations menu on each order line. Make sure to reserve the Race Cars in one inventory location and the Street Cars in another.

  8. Release the two orders.

General exercise for Entering Customer Order

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to create picking lists, covering more than one customer order, per warehouse location.

Create Consolidated Pick List for Customer Orders
Archived Reports
Report Picking of Pick Lists

Create Consolidated Picking List

  1. Open the Create Consolidated Pick List for Customer Orders window, enter the customer ID, select the Print Pick List check box, and click Bay in the Pick List(s) Per list. Enter the planned ship date in the Until Planned Ship Date field, and create the picking lists by clicking OK.
  2. Review the created picking lists in the Archived Reports window.
  3. Open the Report Picking of Pick Lists window, and report the picking lists as picked.