Handling Picking, Component MRO--Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain you data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Required Data

Creating Component Repair Order

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create and process a component repair order for being able to study how to process a customer order.

Component Repair Order

  1. Create a component repair order for customer XX-CMRO.
  2. Add a component repair order line for XX-187-CS with a quantity of 5 parts.
  3. Define service type XX-ST01 and XX-ST02 as the work scope in the Service Type tab.
  4. Reserve or receive the quantity defined on the component repair order line.
  5. Select repair order type.
  6. Release to repair.
  7. Report and sign off the performed service.
  8. Calculate cost lines.
  9. Create sales lines.
  10. Transfer sales lines to the customer order.
  11. Release the customer order.

General exercise for Entering Component Repair Order
General exercise for Receiving Customer Parts and Accessories
General exercise for Defining CRO Line Work Scope, without Service Contract
General exercise for Releasing to Repair
General exercise for Calculating Cost Lines
General exercise for Creating Sales Lines, without Service Contract
General exercise for Transferring Sales Lines to Customer Order

Main Exercise

Purpose: To generate a picking list and a pick report in full accordance to the picking list.

Create Pick List for Customer Orders
Print Pick List
Archived Reports

Picking and Reporting without Deviations

  1. Create and print a pick list for XX-187-CS by using the Operations menu in the Create Pick List for Customer Orders and the Print Pick List windows.
  2. Search for the report in the Archived Reports window and print it. Review the picking list.
  3. Select the Report Picking of Customer Orders window and report the picked parts without deviation.